Law: The Elderly and the Law

Class Details
Autumn Term ONLY
Fortnightly on: Sept 26; Oct 10, 24; Nov 7, 21; Dec 5
The legal test of capacity and its implications: the rules on when it is in their best interests to deprive someone of their liberty. The advantages of making a Lasting Power of Attorney for finances and health and welfare and/or advance decisions (“living wills”). The role of the Office of the Public Guardian and The Court of Protection. The Care Act 2014: Local Authority’s duties to assess and provide care: how eligibility for social care is determined: what constitutes social care. The Rights of Carers: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. Funding Residential, Community and Health Care and how to challenge the decisions of Local Authorities and the NHS. (N.B. If there is any interest, the course can be repeated)
Class Co-ordinators
Gillian Korgaonkar
Frequency & Time
Fortnightly on Thursdays, 11:40 - 12:40
Room 2.26