The classes shown are updated regularly.
- Art Appreciation A: Art & Western Mythology
- Art Appreciation B: Female Artists Classical to Georgian
- Art Appreciation C: Secular and Mythological Art
- Art Appreciation D: Reading about the Artists
- Art Practical A: Collage / Mixed Media
- Art Practical B: Classical Drawing
- Art Practical C: Drawing
- Art Practical D: Painting & Drawing Workshop
- Art Practical E: Creative Art Studio
- Chat Group A
- Chat Group B
- Chess Club
- Chinese: Beginners
- Chinese: Mandarin Level 1
- Chinese: Mandarin Level 2
- Cinema 1
- Cinema 2
- Cinema 3
- Computing: Get the most from your iPad (or iPhone)
- Computing: iPad & iPhone Basics
- Computing: Smartphone & Computer ‘Drop-in’ Q & A
- Computing: Using Excel
- Country Dancing
- Cryptic Crosswords Club
- Exercise Class
- Exercise class: Alexander Technique
- Exercise class: Basic Mat Pilates
- Exercise class: Pilates Chair and Balance
- Exercise class: Salsalates
- Exercise class: Tai Chi
- Exercise class: Wake-Up Chair Pilates
- Exercise Class: Yoga A
- Exercise Class: Yoga B
- Exploring Experiences of The Third Age
- Latin: Beginners 1
- Latin: Beginners 2
- Latin: Improvers
- Law: The Elderly and the Law
- Literature: Ancient History Readings
- Literature: Exploring Poetry
- Literature: Greek Literature in English
- Literature: Modern & Contemporary
- Literature: Poetry Please
- Literature: Proust
- Literature: Reading Group
- Literature: Shakespeare Study Group
- Literature: The Canterbury Tales
- London Visits
- Mah Jong
- Mah Jong: learn and play British rules
- Mathematics: Calculus – an introduction
- Mathematics: GCSE Maths (née O Level Maths)
- Mathematics: History
- Medicine in History
- Medicine Today
- Mindful Meditation
- Music: Classical Guitar
- Music: Das Land Ohne Musik
- Music: on Vimeo
- Music: Recorder Group
- Music: Singing for Pleasure
- Music: String Chamber Music
- Music: Ukulele for You
- Philosophy: Spinoza’s Ethics Study Group
- Photography
- Photography In Practice
- Photography Workshop
- Photo Editing in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop
- Play Reading: World Play Reading
- Politics and Current Affairs A
- Politics and Current Affairs B
- Politics and Current Affairs C
- Politics, Current Affairs & The Economy
- Psychoanalysis: the Family, the Group and Relationships