All Our Events
Monday Talks
Monday talks are usually given at 10:30 in Room 2.21 of The Old Town Hall. All talks are broadcast live on Zoom, with a link in the weekly timetable. Most talks are also recorded, so if you miss a talk you may be able to access the recording on request.
Date/Time | Event |
17/02/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Capability Brown (Monday Talks) |
24/02/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Training the Teachers in South Africa (Monday Talks) |
03/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Plague Houses and Pandemics in London (Monday Talks) |
10/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Napoleon Bonaparte - hero or villain? (Monday Talks) |
17/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Time, the Calendar and the Cosmos Part 1: The Calendar (Monday Talks) |
24/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Monday Talks - Belsize House and other Local Country Estates (Monday Talks) |
Upcoming Events
There are currently no events listed for Autumn. Please check back again for updates.
There are currently no events listed for Spring. Please check back again for updates.
There are currently no events listed for Summer. Please check back again for updates.
Our U3A in the News
Wally’s back directing film talks
Wally’s back directing film talks, three times a week at the U3A in Belsize Park.
Chipping in!
u3a London donates used computers to the London School of Mosaic.
Cheque out this bequest
Anthony Sober, receives a cheque from John Quick, Stephanie Soloman’s executor.
Charities benefit from donations given by U3A in London.
Three charities have received £6000 from the U3A in London.
40 Year Anniversary
At the Town Hall on Sunday 11th September 2022 we celebrated our 40 years anniversary!