
Mah Jong: learn and play British rules

Class Details

Learn to play one of the oldest games in the world upon which other melding games, eg rummy, are based. There are wonderful traditions such as “building the Great Wall of China” and “ twittering the tiles”.  We will learn and play British Association Mah Jong rules using the book: Mah Jong (Know the game) by Gwyn Healey.  We learn to score which changes the whole game. Although Mah Jong is a gambling game in China we play socially and have lots of fun. Because it is a game of luck as well as skill everybody can do well especially if “SHE” (Lady Luck) is with you!



Class Co-ordinators

Gary Brown

Frequency & Time

Weekly on Mondays, 10:30 - 12:40


Rooms 1.30 and 1.33