
Computing: Get the most from your iPad (or iPhone)

Class Details


PLEASE NOTE  –  Class numbers are limited so everyone has the attention they need. To enrol please contact the Coordinator and you will be informed when a place is available. 

iPhones & iPads can enhance your life, are not difficult to master and offer big rewards.  But you need to be selective as to how you use them – whether to manage your life more effectively, or to expand your interests and passions. This class is designed to help YOU make technology work for you: 1) By taking you through the basic skills, so you are at ease with these – and 2) Exploring the most useful ‘Apps.’ you can use, as well as other helpful features. Hand-outs will be available to aid learning and retention. Answers will be given to questions raised.  Hopefully, we’ll have a lot of fun achieving all this.

Class Co-ordinators

John O'Sullivan and Ruth Freeman

Frequency & Time

Weekly on Monday, 12:05 - 13:50


Room 1.24
