The timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
We are delighted to welcome our very own Ruth Sober who will be giving a presentation entitled, ‘Ageism: It isn’t just old codgers who are affected.’
News of a Generous Bequest
Anthony Sober, our treasurer, was very pleased to inform the Executive Committee at their last meeting, that last year we had received notification of a welcome bequest from the estate of Stefanie Solomon, a well-known and respected member who, sadly, died in May 2022. Her executor came to the committee meeting last week and presented us with a cheque for over £180,000.

Stefanie was born in Mainz but had to leave Germany at the age of 16 as she had a Jewish mother. She came to England in 1938 and despite language problems and many other difficulties, passed all her examinations with flying colours as a qualified optician.
Stefanie retired in 1994 and joined our U3A many years ago. She enjoyed participating in the activities she loved with other like-minded members and was a keen walker and an excellent Bridge player. But when mobility issues and deafness made it more difficult to participate, she reluctantly gave up her membership.
Donations and bequests such as this help our U3A tremendously. Our treasurer was able to keep our membership fees low this year in anticipation of receiving this promised bequest. Thank you, Stefanie!
Membership Renewals
Membership payments are due. The fee is £45 (or £10 if you are on benefit). As mentioned before, if you can pay direct to our bank that is easy and helpful. Otherwise, you may pay in person by card in the Office or by cheque. Thank you.
From Richard Arthur
Our Executive Committee still needs a Minutes Secretary. The committee usually meets twice a term.
Your contributions to the weekly update
Thank you for sending whatever you would like to appear in the Update to Alan each week However, some contributors are forgetting to do so, which could mean that their item will not be included. To compile the Update and meet our deadline for mailing, it is very helpful to receive copy no later than midday on Thursday please.
And a reminder that any timetable changes should also go to Gilli. She sends out a provisional version to coordinators on Wednesday and needs to have any amendments by return. Thank you.
Help wanted with social media
Stephen Barry, who handles our publicity, would like to hear from anyone who is familiar with the workings of social media, particularly the sites read by potential members. If you would like to help our u3a gain coverage on social media, please contact Stephen.
From Naomi Stuart, Fire Warden
The meeting on Fire Safety will take place on Wednesday, 11th October. We will meet in the Atrium at about 10.50 and we will be taken to Studio 3. It will be followed by a tour of the building to show escape routes. The talk is very important – your lives may depend on it!
From Wally Howard
Film classes for week commencing Monday 9th October 2023 in Room 1.22.
Monday 9th October at 2pm
A Prize Winning Documentary film from India ”the most inspiring journalism movie maybe ever”
WRITING WITH FIRE Timely and inspiring, the film chronicles the women of Khabar Lahariya as they hold those responsible for injustice to account.
Wednesday 11th October 11th at 2pm
From the great novel by Mordecai Richler: Richard Dreyfus, Denholm Elliott, Randy Quaid in Academy Award Nominee from Canada
DUDDY KRAVITZ is an irresistible young Jewish man in 1948 Montreal, driven by an insatiable desire to be “somebody”. In his race for success DUDDY learns many hard lessons. (There’s a little bit of DUDDY in all of us!)
Thursday 12th October at 2pm
From Director Joseph Losey, Alain Delon Jean Moreau in
Alain Delon gives one of his stellar performances. Unmissable.
From Ken Baldry
European History on Wednesday (11.40 12.40 in room 2.21). Next week’s is Talk 114. The Spanish Artists El Greco & Velasquez – El Greco was Greek but worked mainly in Spain, 176 slides with contemporary music. The following week is Talk 115. Western Europe 1650-1668 – Mostly France, Spain, the Dutch, Portugal & a bit about England, with 95 slides.The full programme is on
Additional item from Ken Baldry
Tuesday 10th October 11:45 in Room 2.21 “How to make effective slide shows.” I am giving a special demonstration on how to assemble and present a good quality PowerPoint presntation. All are welcome. This will be repeated on Tuesday 17th at 12:15 for members who cannot make the first talk.
From Caroline Hough
The Monday Learn and play Mah Jong class will have no teacher on 9th as I am away that week. The members are encouraged to attend the session and play together.
Please note: The class is now full. Please contact Caroline if you would like to go on the waiting list.
From Valerie Wilson Trower
My Critical Studies class and Design History class will not run on Tuesday 10th October.
Please note: You cannot attend Valerie Wilson Trower’s Critical Theory unless you have previously attended and completed Design History. You would not understand Critical Theory without having completed Design History.
Belly Dancing Room and Time Change
This class has changed its time and room. It will now be on Tuesday in Room 2.21 at 12.50 – 1.50.
From Ken Pullen
The recorder class is moving from Room 2.26 into Room 1.29 on Tuesdays at 10.00.
From Yvonne Dove
Secular and mythological art: Thursday, Room 2.26 at 11.50. This week we are returning to Venice to examine the life and work of its greatest painter, Titian. This will include portraits such as as Woman with a Mirror and Venus of Urbino and mythological works such as Bacchus and Ariadne and Venus and Adonis..
From David McGowan
The “Art: Practical B: Classical Drawing” class on Wednesday 10th October, atb14.00 will not take place. David will be back as usual after that.
From Peggy Wylie
My class, Spanish Beginners Plus, will not be taking place until further notice.
From Betty Hicks
Those studying Italian may like to know that for the price of a very good coffee, one can join 20 or so members of the younger generations who gather on Saturday mornings to try out their Italian, cafe-style at: Federica Federico’s Mileto Caffe,in the Pears Building (next to the The George pub) Rosslyn Hill, NW3 2PP
The Pears Building is the new Royal Free glass building looking across trees and greenery to St Stephen’s former church building.
The Following Classes Are Among those which are Full
(Please let the coordinator know if you would like to be put on a waiting list to be informed when there is a vacancy).
Mah Jong on Mondays and Bridge: Advanced and Duplicate on Monday afternoons: Music, Recorder Group on Tuesday mornings and Taiji on Tuesdays at 14:00.
Time for a smile from Maurice Silverman
I was sitting at a bar in the pub staring at my drink, when a large bearded, long haired, trouble-making biker fellow stepped up next to me, and gulped my drink down in one swig.
“Well, whatcha’ gonna do about it?” he says, menacingly… at which I immediately burst into tears.
“Come on, man,” the biker says, “I didn’t think you’d cry… I can’t stand to see a man crying.”
“This is the worst day of my life,” I say to the biker. “I’m a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to collect my car I found it had been stolen and I don’t have any theft insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I had to take home. At home, I found my wife with another man… And then, on top of that, my dog bit me.”
“So I came round to this pub to work up the courage to put an end to it all. I buy a drink… I drop a capsule in… and I was sitting here just watching the poison dissolve and then you show up and drink the whole damn thing!
“But, hell, enough about me,
How are you feeling?”
Best wishes from the team.