Monday Morning Talk and the Timetable
The list of Monday morning talks can be seen on our website. The speaker this week will be Ann Beatty who will talk about changing lives through education (on Zoom, relayed to Room 2.21).
The full timetable, the newest versions of the short summary timetable (showing the classes taking place in the Town Hall), the latest version of the Handbook and a checklist of the Zoom classes are also on the website.
From Amalia
Changes this week:
- Natural History: from Aristotle to Attenborough. Robin Weiss has moved his talks to this Autumn term (instead of next Summer). The next one will be at 11.40 on Tuesday, 9 November. The talks will be available on Zoom only.
- Design History. Valerie’s class is moving to Room 1.33 on Tuesdays at 14.00 – 16.10.
- Greek: Modern Conversation. Rita’s return to the UK is delayed until 11th November.
From Wally Howard
I hope you enjoyed last week’s classes. Next week there will only be two films which are taking place on Wednesday 10th November and Thursday 11th November, both at 14.00.
The first film comes from Lebanon and is directed by Ziad Doueiri. “The Insult plunges into the thick of sectarian divisions with a riveting courtroom drama that shows how even minor interpersonal tensions can boil into national traumas … … The film is accomplished on every front from writing and directing to acting and cinematography” (Roger Ebert).
The second film is the cult action and road trip movie Midnight Run starring Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin as Bounty Hunter and Bounty. Robert De Niro is described as being “nervily hilarious” and Charles Grodin as “nervelessly exceptional” in this highly acclaimed film.
All films will be shown in Room 1.22 and I look forward to you joining me there to see these two outstanding films. In the meantime, have a great weekend and keep safe, well and warm!
Regards, Wally.
From Nigel Hathway
London Visits. There is a possible trip to celebrate the end of term with a tour of the Camden Brewery – home of several award winning craft beers. It will take place around lunchtime on Friday 10th December – conditional on sufficient demand. The tour will include a guided tour of the production process and a tasting menu where you will be able to sample 5 different beers. Numbers are limited so places will be allocated to those that apply and pay first. Cost is £20 per person. If you are interested, please let me know.
Ruth Scott
Ruth’s funeral/cremation will be on Monday 15 November at 3.30pm at Golders Green Crematorium, East Chapel. There will be a reminder next week.
Coordinators needed for German classes
We have only one German class and it is popular but overcrowded. Also, the ability of the members is so varied that it can present a problem for James, the coordinator. Are you willing to start a class for beginners? There are also members who would enjoy an advanced or a conversation class too. The office would be willing to pay for any suitable textbook.
The Cafeteria – anyone for a cuppa?
Jo is staying open as an experiment until 5.00 on Mondays for tea, and of course, cake. Talk to her about the possibility of staying open on other days too. She has asked me to remind everyone that she can provide takeaway meals (useful for anyone living locally) and is happy to do any outside catering.
From Pam Malpas
Our chat group meets every 3 or 4 weeks on a Friday in person. On 5th November we’ll get together at 11am at a cafe in West Hampstead. We had hoped to meet at the U3A cafeteria but it is closed on Fridays. There aren’t many of us and we would welcome other members. If anyone is interested, they could contact me and then I would let them have details of the venue. My hope is that we could change the day we meet and transfer our custom to the U3A cafe.
From Howard Shelter
I have added at the foot of the weekly timetable under “Other” an entry titled “Opera’s Wonderland – Exploring the World of Opera.” The link shown is to my “virtual website” which in turn supplies links to quality uploads on Youtube and other websites.
From Moragh Ghee
I wonder if you would like to come and see The Importance of Being Earnest which The Hampstead Players are putting on in the Parish Church in Church Row, Hampstead NW3? The performances are at 7.30pm on Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and Saturday 27th November. There’s also a matinee performance on the 27th at 2.30pm.
Tickets online at: and enquiries at: 020 7794 5808
Best wishes from Moragh
P.S. By the way, I’ve been cast as Lady Bracknell.
A mystery needs solving – we need Hrecule Poirot
Eric Mentzer writes: I am very concerned about the whereabouts of two plastic bags that were kept on the highest shelf of the Office and were last seen on 29 October. One bag contained a kettle, 2 large biscuit tins, green topped plastic container for tea bags, coffee, hot chocolate & numerous packs of biscuits. They belonged to the social Bridge group that meets on Friday afternoons. Does anyone know anything about their mysterious disappearance?
From Barbara Alden
A friend of mine has been looking after two cats since her friend sadly died of cancer in September. But now the friend’s house has to be cleared for sale and she needs to find a loving new home, or homes for them. They have been beautifully cared for, thoroughly house-trained and never been apart. My friend would take them herself, but her own cat won’t accept newcomers on his territory. I wonder if a cat-loving U3A member might like to adopt one – or even both – of them.
Their owner was a professional musician & jazz pianist, so they have very eclectic musical tastes!
To make you smile
From Dennis Evans (re COP 26)
Approximately 50 years ago my colleague Brian was designing machines for renewable energy. Below is a poem I wrote in his honour.
An Engineer,
he designed machines.
He knew about wind-power,
its properties, potential…
He would sketch at his drawing board
schemes of great elegance.
Colleagues thought him a crank.
Brian ignored the mocking,
remained his good-humoured self.
Vindicated – I think of you now.
Brian, take your bow!
(Published in ‘Occasional poems’, Celebration Press, London)
Best Wishes from the Team