Timetable for week 7 November
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
For the Monday Morning talk this week we welcome Vicky Fox, the Chief Executive Officer of the Supreme Court. Her talk is called “The Highest Court in the Land”.
N.B. The threatened tube strike on Thursday may prevent some coordinators from coming to the Town Hall. Please check.
Joining our U3A Committee
If you are tempted to join our U3A Committee – please do not hesitate. Come forward, ask us what it’s all about and find out how best you can contribute.
Membership Fees – a repeat
The last date for receipt of the fees for 2022/3 is November 25 – Black Friday! If you have not renewed by then, we will have to assume you do not wish to continue your membership. As a gesture to mark our 40-year Anniversary as a founder member of the U3A movement, our standard annual membership fee for next year will be reduced to £40. For those on benefit it is £5 instead of £15 and coordinators fees are unchanged at £25.
You can pay:
- By cash, cheque or credit card in the U3A Office at the Town Hall, during weekdays 10 – 4pm.
- By post by sending a cheque payable to U3A in London to U3A Office, Old Town Hall, 213 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4QP. Please print your name and membership number on the back.
- By direct payment into our bank account, giving as reference your membership number and name.
From Wally Howard
All film classes take place in Room 1.22 as usual.
Monday November 7th at 2 pm: THE MINE WARS . The Mine Wars brings to life the decades-long struggle that turned the coalfields of South West Virginia into a war zone where basic constitutional rights and freedoms were violently contested. In the spring of 1901, when miners in West Virginia began organising themselves to join a union, their efforts sparked a conflict that would escalate from an unremarkable skirmish between capital and labour to the largest insurrection since the civil war. “The desire for dignity runs deep”
Wednesday November 9th at 1130 am. HOW TO DIE IN OREGON. One of the most significant documentaries of our time. An issue that affects all of us. In this acclaimed documentary the director examines both sides of the complex emotionally charged issue of assisted suicide. What emerges is a life affirming portrait of what it means to die with dignity.
Wednesday November 9th at 2 pm THE RETURN. A film by Andrey Zvyagintsev and winner Golden Lion. Best film Venice film festival. A mesmerising film from Russia – this was the director’s debut film. Followed by the acclaimed The Banishment and Leviathan.
Thursday November 10th at 11 30 am WATERMARKS, an uplifting tale of survival and friendship. The Jewish Swimming champions who defied Hitler
Thursday November 10th at 2pm GEORGE WASHINGTON. This stunning first film by 25 year old director David Gordon Green captures one hot summer in the lives of a group of children in a poor North Carolina town. A hauntingly beautiful and warm compassionate film that lingers long in the mind. “Gorgeously photographed…..a tale of heroism, friendship and hope”
Classes Filling Up (see timetable).
You can see that iPad and iPhone classes have been full for some time – and quite a few others have also become full.
So – how about starting a new class?
You don’t have to be an expert – U3A is a group that encourages mutual learning. Gathering together to share problems and interests is how we learn.
If you would like to coordinate a new class, please contact the Office. If you wish to join an existing class, contact the coordinator who will put your name on a waiting list.
WiFi Problems
If you have been finding that our own Internet signal in the Town Hall is rather weak, use the Wac Arts WiFi link which is available in the Office.
Future Events
End of Year Party
We would like to re-instate this enjoyable event. The date hasn’t yet been fixed but will probably be on a Sunday near the end of term. Remember the “old (pre-Covid) days” when there were contributions from groups of actors, dancers, musicians and others? What kind of fun activity (however small) could you contribute this year?
The Annual General Meeting
For your diaries: the next AGM will be held on Monday 20 March 2023 at 10am in Room 2.21 in the Town Hall and on Zoom.
To Zoom or not to Zoom?
If you are thinking of bringing your Zoom class back to Belsize Park, or by holding a hybrid class, please let us know how we can help.
From Ken Baldry
European History. Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). This week will cover Dürer and Raphael. The German print-maker and the ‘Marmite’ painter. If you are unable to get to it because of the rail strike, I will also schedule it in next Summer’s Programme, 177 slides & with contemporary music
The following week, talk 85, it is back to Eastern Europe from 1457 to 1530-ish with 82 slides.
From Maxine Jason
Please bring any art and photography magazines and/or photos to the Office. They are needed to use in my collage class on Mondays. Thank you.
Reading and discussing English Literature
with Eva Hoffman, This class on Tuesday at 15.10 in Room 1.33 has been postponed.
To make you smile cry?
Best wishes from