U3A in London Update – 6 November 2023

This information was published on: November 06, 2023

The timetables for the week

The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website. 

Monday Morning Talk

We look forward to enjoying the talk by Richard Cohen, The Art of Bloomsbury: A Virtual Tour. Details attached.

Please note: There is some sexually explicit material in the presentation in the form of some of the artworks by Duncan Grant. 


For those of you who have not renewed your membership for the current year 2023/34, this will be the last Update that you receive as we must sadly conclude that for whatever reason,  you no longer wish to be a member. Your membership/security card will henceforth not gain you entrance to the Town Hall.

We would, of course, welcome you back at any time and it could not be simpler to re-join.  Pay the membership fee (£45, £10 reduced), letting us know that you were previously a member and quoting your membership number if possible. You do not even have to fill out a registration form as we will be able to “resurrect” your details. Thank you.

Notice of the 2023-2024 AGM

The 2023-2024 AGM will be held on 19th March 2024.

Members’ contributions to the Update

Thank you for sending whatever you would like to appear in it to Alan each week. To compile the Update and meet our deadline for mailing, it is very helpful to receive your copy no later than midday on Thursday please.

And a reminder that any timetable changes should also go to Gilli. She sends out a provisional version to coordinators on Wednesday and needs to have any amendments by return. Thank you.

Classroom Etiquette (Continued)

Thanks for all your feedback about changeover of classes in the Town Hall. It goes without saying that courtesy to others works both ways. It is frustrating to have the start of a class delayed because people are chatting and slow to gather their things. Please be aware that class changeover is a potential source of unhappiness for both leavers and for those arriving. Let’s make it work as smoothly and efficiently as possible so we’re all smiling!

From Naomi Stuart, Fire Warden – Safety Questionnaire

Thanks to all of you who filled in the questionnaire last week. We will be getting in touch with those of you who have asked for assistance. If you did not fill in a questionnaire last week, please go to the office next time you are in U3A and complete one. It takes about 2 minutes to do this. It is really important to provide assistance for those of you who need help in leaving the building in an emergency, but we can’t do this unless you let us know in advance and we can plan for it. So let us know.

2024 Diaries

These can now only be obtained online from the Home Page of the National U3A Office website. Look under “Support for u3as” in their website. Ordering requires registration. The cost is £4 each + pp. Incidentally, the new diaries are now quite different from the old ones.

From the Office: Lost Property

A key was found on the floor in room 1.30 on 18th October. In addition, some glasses have been found over the last few weeks, 2 anoraks, 2 water bottles and 2 umbrellas. Please collect these items from Lost Property in the Office. If they are yours. If they are not claimed in the next 14 days, they will be given to charity, where appropriate.

The store cupboards in rooms 2.21 and 1.30

are being cleared of items not in use. There are over 50 pilates mats, please indicate how many should be retained, costumes, paperwork etc. Please mark these items as needed and for which class. The posters in 1.30 need to be gone through and will be moved to 2.21. The wool in 1.30 can stay. Thank you for your assistance. Please contact Sue Kwok and she will meet people by appointment to clear the cupboard.


New Class – German: Advanced Reading and Discussion

This had its first successful meeting with John Gaertig last week. The group meets in Room 1.30 at 10.30 each Thursday. John welcomes anyone who would like to join the group but reminds you that the class is suitable for fluent German speakers.

From Wally Howard

Film classes for week commencing Monday 6th November in Room 1.22.

Monday November 6th at 2pm
A film from Italy. Marcello Mastroianni, Annie Giradot, Francois Perrier in
THE ORGANIZER A film by Mario Monticello. 
This historical drama by Mario Monicelli, brimming with humour and honesty is a powerful tribute to the power of the people, when an accident in a Turin factory incites workers to stage a walkout.

Wednesday November 8th at 2pm
Today we have the privilege of the producer of the film, Ray Burdiss, coming to introduce his film. Ray is a celebrated actor, writer for film and television and film director and producer.
THE KRAYS Ronald and Reginald Kray were Britain’s most notorious gang leaders. Their reign over London’s East End was a sinister story as was their relationship with leading political figures.
Starring Billie Whitelaw, Tom Bell, Martin Kemp, Gary Kemp 
Discussion with Ray Burdiss is invited after the film.

Thursday November 9th at 2pm
Directed by Martin Ritt, written by Walter Bernstein
THE FRONT  Starring Zero Mostel, Herschel Bernardi, Woody Allen
This acclaimed comedy with its compelling serious theme vividly brings to life one of America’s most disturbing memories of the communist “witch hunts” of the 1950s.

From Ken Baldry

European History on Wednesday (11.40 -12.40 in room 2.21) Next week’s is Talk 118. The Dutch Golden Age – Dutch artists: Hals & Ruysdael with contemporary music & 221 slides.
The following week is Talk 119. Scandinavia and England – 1660 -1699 in 
Scandinavia, King Charles II in England & more Science with 81 slides.
The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Yvonne Dove

Secular and mythological art: Thursday, Room 2.26 at 11.50. This week we are examining the life and works of the 16th Century Flemish Painter, Pieter Brueghel the elder.  This will include Landscape with the fall of Icarus, Winter Landscape with Skaters and a Bird and The Hunters in the Snow.

From Stanley Volk

“Singing for Pleasure” Wednesday’s room 2.21 at 3pm, welcomes new members to our friendly singing group. We sing music from Musical Theatre, Classical, plus American and British songbooks. No previous experience necessary, come and enjoy the fun.

To make you smile: U3A Limericks

from Stephen Gold (as presented in the talk on 16 October 2023)

If you’re finally drawing a pension,
Please permit us to draw your attention
To a group of your kind, 
You’ll assuredly find
Will give life an intriguing dimension. 

U3A’s about knowledge and skill,
An assembly of boundless goodwill,
Where we transport the brain,
To a loftier plane,
And disdain the inane, or the shrill

As a forum for well-informed talk,
Down the paths of inquiry we walk,
And when we debate,
It’s in friendship, not hate,
Which are different as cheese is from chalk. 

So join us, be part of our band,
As we warmly extend you our hand.
Whether in the same room, or   
Convening on Zoom, We have never been more in demand.

Best wishes from the team. 

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen