No Monday talk – May Bank Holiday
From the Update editorial team
Although the Update looks like an ordinary email, we can’t do mailings to our large number of members by ordinary email (the servers ‘think’ we are advertising) and the system we can use can sometimes produces distortions or omissions for which we apologise.
The timetables for the week
Copies of The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are on our website.
From Nigel Hathway : London Visits.
We have some vacancies for a special visit to The British Airways Heritage Collection on Tuesday 21st May. Price for the visit is £2. As usual places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. We will start our visit with a talk from Jim Davies, the BA Archivist, on the history of ‘BA/predecessors from 1919’, and then we will be free to wander round the collection before getting the shuttle bus back to Terminal 5 (it could easily be 5.30pm before we get back to central London ).You will need to be at Terminal 5, to catch the shuttle bus to BA HQ, by 12.50.
From Linda Trew: Introduction to Chinese:
I will be away visiting grandchildren in Australia from 8th May. Classes will resume on Wednesday, 5th June at 12.50 in Room 1.30.
Agustina Toscano: Spanish Beginners
This new class continues on Tuesdays at 14.00 in Room 1.30. It uses the book Passos 1.
From Gillian Kogan:
From next week, the Nonnie club will change its name to ‘Ninety year-olds’ Chat Group’. We welcome new members on Tuesdays at 2o’clock on Zoom and aim to create a space for those over 90 to share experiences with others living in a fast-changing world. Subjects we have talked about include theatre, gardening, exhibitions, poems – and any other topics that interest us.
From The Friday ‘Real Bridge’ group.
We really enjoy playing duplicate on line with fellow members of U3A and we thank Alan Unerman most sincerely for having made this possible ever since lockdown started. He is retiring from running the group, but we hope to continue to see him at our meetings each week. Gill Jarvis and Julian Meteyard have volunteered to take over from him. There is a nominal registration fee of £6 to join the group, renewable two or three times a year.
From Wally Howard: Film Classes
in week commencing Monday May 6th, all held in Room 1.22 at 2pm
Monday 6th May – No class due to Bank Holiday.
Wednesday 8th May A Luchino Visconti Masterpiece from one of the greatest novels of Italian literature: The Leopard Starring Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale and Alain Delon
Thursday 9th May A film from Bosnia: Quo Vadis Aida
Inspired by true events, this gripping thriller tells the story of a UN translator attempting to save the lives of her family whilst pandemonium and conflict rage around them.
From Ken Baldry European History
Wednesday May 8th 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). Next week’s talk is Talk 136. The Seven Years War part 2 with 113 slides.
The following week it is Talk 137. Witches with 94 slides
The full programme is on
From Rachel Tyndall: Walks on Wednesdays:
On Wednesday 8th May we will walk the Osterley Circular, about 7 miles in total. Meeting at Osterley tube at 2pm. Please let me know (email or text) by the evening of Tuesday 7th May if you intend to join me. Walks will be cancelled if the weather is bad: persistent rain or too much heat
From Barbara Stevens
- The THIRD AGE TRUST is offering Free Digital Training on Monday, 13th May at BT offices, 1 Braham Street, E1 8EE (near Aldgate)
10am-12pm Staying Safe online (beginners, intermediate)
1pm-3pm AI; past, present, future (beginners, intermediate, advanced)
The sessions will be focused on smartphones and tablets only.
Applicants must register first.
The THIRD AGE TRUST needs volunteers for London Open Gardens weekend June 8th-9th. The event provides access to over 100 London parks and gardens, many not normally accessible to the public. Volunteers are offered free tickets. - The NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Tues,23rd July. 1-3pm.Tickets £10. Two one-hour lectures by scientists working at the museum
- The THIRD AGE TRUST is showing some interesting talks on Zoom during this coming week: To register for these events, go to, then press the Blue Sticker GO TO ONLINE EVENTS. This takes you to another page and as you scroll down all the boxes there for each zoom. Press on the one you want and up comes the Eventbrite app where you fill in your name. They are:
110 Years of Aviation History in Hertfordshire, 1913 – 2023 Tuesday 7 May at 10am. In this meeting of Flight Inspirations, Guy Thomas will speak on 110 years of Aviation Heritage History in Hertfordshire
Laughter Yoga with Judith (Jan-Jun) Next Session: Wednesday 8 May at 10am. Join Judith of Edinburgh u3a for monthly Laughter Yoga sessions.
The Harlem Renaissance Thursday 9 May at 2pm
Join Irene Kiffin, London u3a, for a talk on the Harlem Renaissance movement.
AI Chatbots, a beginner’s guide. Friday 10th May at 10am
Join Barry Claydon, u3a Subject Adviser for this introduction to Chatbots, at a gentle pace.
Cryptic Crosswords for Beginners: 6 Session Course. Thursdays 23rd, 30th of May and 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th June at 10am. Join Henry Howarth, u3a Subject Adviser for Cryptic Crosswords, for a 6-session course on cryptic crosswords. Please note booking closes on 7th May.
Instead of its usual summer school the London Region of U3As has this year organised a programme of 31 guided walks, visits and talks at museums/galleries in central London. Each event is about 2hrs long and led by qualified guides and lecturers. Each event is bookable separately.
Walk: £10.00 (max 20 participants)
Visit: £10.00 (max 15 participants)
From WACarts: Food Bank Collection Initiative WAC Arts has launched a new initiative in collaboration with Food Bank Aid, a food bank collection point located at our main Reception. There os a list of what can be donated, mainly tinned and dried goods. We will ensure that the box is collected once it’s full. Further details about the mission can be found on their website; they are registered Charity Number 1194314
To make you smile
Time estimation rule: Work out how long you think it will take, multiply by 2, add 3 and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit.
Thief ‘broke in to make pot noodle’. Aberdeen Press and Journal
Starbucks is planning to sell wine and beer. Apparently it’s getting difficult to sell sober people a £9 cup of coffee.
Good wishes from