U3A in London Update – 6 March 2023

This information was published on: March 06, 2023

The timetables for the week

The full timetable,  the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.

Monday Morning Talks

These are available in Room 2.21, on the website and on Zoom.

This week we are very pleased to welcome Matilda Velevitch who will be talking about Caring for Refugees – a challenging complex picture.

The AGM on 20th March 2023 – a reminder

The 40th Annual General Meeting of U3A in London will be held at 10.00am on Monday, 20th March 2023, in room 2.21 at Hampstead Town Hall and on Zoom.


There was a mistake in the date advertised as the closing date for receiving your completed ballot paper for the new Executive Committee.  Please let us have your vote by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 14th March 2023. 

Proxy votes need to be in by then as well. 

All the papers to do with the meeting areavailable in the Office.

Sad News

We are sad to report that Ivan Rappaport has died.  Ivan was a member of the Executive Committee and a coordinator of more than one class for many years.  He continued to be a member of our U3A until his health finally prevented him from coming to Belsize Park. He and his wife Jeannine actually made romantic history!  Jeannine was also a member of our U3A and in fact that is how they met. They were married in the Town Hall – in the council Chamber. 

Ivan’s  cremation will take place at the Golders Green Crematorium at 4pm on Monday 6th March at the West Wing. After the cremation, Jeannine would welcome members who wish to come to her house. 

Used Stamps

You may be familiar with the name of Shirley Lake who, for some time, has been devotedly collecting used stamps to support the Orphanage in Ethiopia.  She has now written to say, “Unfortunately  I am no longer able to make the journey to U3A nor navigate my way round the building.  After 35 years of happy membership, it is time to resign – there comes a time for these things. I have enjoyed many classes and made a circle of new friends and I am very sorry to leave U3A. My husband has helped me to clear the office of stamps and someone else could take over for their own charity.  (Sue Kwok has said she is willing to do so).

I thank you  for all the hard work and successful management you have put in to make the whole organisation so enjoyable. Best Wishes to all, Shirley.

The Second Walking Group

Rachel Tyndall is very pleased to report  that the group is now full. The first walk will be on 8th March from Woolwich to Falconwood.


From Wally Howard

Week commencing Monday March 6th.  Please note that there is no class on Monday 6 March.  Continuing our journey through French Cinema

Wednesday March 8th at 2pm
A cornerstone of the French New Wave and one of the greatest movies about childhood from anywhere ever.
Directed by Francois Truffaut

Thursday March 9th at 2pm
Winner of Seven French Academy awards including best picture 
The true story of one of the 20th century’s greatest  artists.  The magnificent and profoundly touching 
Starring Yolanda Moreau and UlrichTukur

From Ken Baldry: European History

European History, Wednesdays 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). On Wednesday, Talk 95 is about Elizabeth I of England & Philip II of Spain, up to the Armada (1588), 102 slides with music by Tallis. The following week is Talk 96, still in the mid-16thC: Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand & France. The Catholic Church & French Wars of Religion, 111 slides with music.  The full revised programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Stephen Barry

The subject of my illustrated London Miscellany talk on Thursday March 9 in Room 2.26 at 11.40 will be the history of Bermondsey.

From Barbara Alden

Unfortunately I’m not able to take my Tuesday Zoom classes, Voice Matters at 4.30pm and Qi Gong at 5.20pm for 3 weeks, i.e. on March 7th, 14th, 21st inclusive.  Classes will resume on March 28th.

Jim Taylor

who hosts an informal chat group is away in Australia and there will be no class on zoom until after 17th March.

From Irene Kyffin

Theatre History classes on Tuesdays are ‘Zoom only’.  I have informed members. The Thursday group will continue as a hybrid class.

From Muriel Hirsch

(who was unable the take her class last week)

Je suis désolée de devoir annuler le cours à la dernière minute mais hier j’ai eu mon vaccin contre la grippe et aujourd’hui je suis comme sur un bateau sur une mer déchainée (vertiges, nausées et perte d’équilibre), je ne pense pas être en état d’animer la classe. Je crois que je ferais mieux de m’allonger sur mon lit dans ma cabine de paquebot en attendant que la tempête se calme Bonne semaine à vous et avec toutes mes excuses.

Graziella Freedman

Good news!  Graziella is much better and will be back to take her 10.00 and 11.40 Italian classes on Wednesday. 

An important reminder

Please remember that if you would like to contribute in any way to the weekly Update, you should be contacting Alan Milward  who has volunteered to take over from Amalia in compiling it.  Thank you.

To make you smile!

From Monique Owen

Best wishes from the team

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen
And Richard.