The timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
We are delighted to welcome Nathan Hartley from Bluebird Care. Nathan’s talk will be, ‘Creating Dementia-friendly Care at Home and in the Community’.
An Essential Reminder
Thank you for your contributions which you are now sendlng to Alan Milward at Please continue to do so. But also note that the deadline is earlier next week as Gilli is on holiday. Please let him have what you would like to be included by midday on Tuesday if possible.
A New Zoom Class for 90-year olds (and older)
The ‘Nonnie Club’ welcomes new Members. The aim is to create a space for those over 90 to communicate with each other and to share our experiences. For example, we can talk about what it is like to live in a fast changing technological world and any other aspects of older age. There is a link in the timetable – we meet at 14.00 on Tuesdays.

From Wally Howard
Next week’s films take place as usual in Room 1.22.
Film classes for week starting Monday June 5th.
Monday June 5th at 2pm
Academy Award Best Foreign Language Film
Golden Globe Award
A film from Estonian director Zaza Urushazde. TANGERINES
Deeply moving – A great anti war film
Wednesday June 7th at 2pm
This film will be screened on 2 consecutive days due to its long running time
A cinematic landmark that has earned critical praise worldwide.
Winner of numerous awards from Italy. THE BEST OF YOUTH PART ONE
Thursday June 8th at 2 pm
A stunning cinematic achievement which continues the journey of the two brothers as they navigate the turbulent era from 1960 to 2000.
From Ken Baldry
European History on Wednesday (11.40 12.40 in room 2.21). Next week is Talk 105: Peter Paul Rubens, artist & diplomat
with 195 slides & contemporary music.
The following week is Talk 106: France & Spain in the early 17th Century with 94 slides & a film clip with music.
From Deirdre Krymer
the course `Making America’ (alternate Tuesdays at 12.55) has finished for this term.
From Pauline Malpas
There is now a keyboard in room 2:26 (a Yamaha PSR.48). The Recorder Group would welcome a recorder player who can also play the keyboard so that they can accompany the group for part of the class.
From Gilli Vafidis
‘Chair Pilates’ is cancelled next week Tuesday 6 at 3.10 and Friday 9 at 9.30..
From Caroline Hough
Please note: the Mah Jong for beginners’ class is now full.
From Stanley Volk: Singing for Pleasure
Come along and sing your heart out. All genres including music from Musicals, Opera and Jazz. Wednesdays at 3.00pm in room 221.
From Barbara Alden
My two classes, Voice Matters and Qi Gong, will resume on Tuesday June 6th.
From Ruth Freeman
We are happy to let you know that we are working on getting discounts in local restaurants and cafés so that we can help to rebuild our community after Covid and the closing of our café in the town hall. So far, Greenberry Hill, Chez Nous and Pizza Express will give U3A London members a discount if they show their access card.
Keats Library
Join Deborah Moggach talking about the stage version of her novel Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Keats Library, NW3. Thursday 8 June 7.30pm. Tickets £10. T.020-7431 1266
Third Age Trust
Network Link Summer Meeting. Free. Tuesday, 13th June 10am-12pm via zoom contact Avis Furness at Email.
From Dennis Evans: Haiku for Basho*
Syllabic handful
illuminating travels
capturing snap-shots.
* Matsuo Kinsaku: poet,
priest, & traveler (1644-94)
To make you smile
(We’re running out of ‘funnies’. Please send us any you have).
When one door closes and another door opens, you’re probably in prison.
To me, “drink responsibly” means don’t spill it.
Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9:00 pm is the new midnight.
The older I get, the earlier it gets late.
When I say, “The other day,” I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago.
I remember being able to get up without making sound effects.
Best wishes from the team