The Easter Programme
The second week of the Easter programme, together with regular classes that are continuing during the break. The details are on our website, click here.
Soft Talk: Please note – there is a possible change to the programme on 13th April. It is unlikely that Lily Lewy will be able to join us for Soft Talk next week. If necessary, Neil Titley has agreed to join me in conversation at 11am on 13th April. More details to follow.
The next Monday Morning Talk will be on 19 April, view all talks here.
Gerta is having a break
After half a century of quizzes, there will be a Passover/Easter break. I intend to resume “service” next term. Best wishes to everyone.
From Amalia – to lift your spirits
At the top we have a special sunset from Steve Stephens taken at Eel Pie Island. Below there’s another picture from Steve of a mother duck with lots of ducklings – also, from Mary Dentschuk, a jay and a green woodpecker. More pictures, please
For the Fans of Wally Howard
I have pleasure in attaching links to Wally’s talks for next week.
Duplicate Bridge
Alan Unerman continues during the Easter break. If you would like to join the group, please contact him.
Next Term
Those of you who came to Michael Schraer’s Monday talk about the Spanish Inquisition will be pleased to hear that he is offering a course of about six History lectures entitled “Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain: Cooperation and Conflict”, on Tuesday afternoons at 4.00, The links will appear in our Summertime table next term.
Muriel Hirsch is “EnVacances”
Je m’offre 2 semaines de semi vacances.
Désoléemaisj’en ai besoin
Joyeuses Pâques
From Steve Stephens’ Wednesday Art Group
London Region of U3As
Summer talks May- August 2021: ‘The Twenties’
Many of you will remember that the 2020 Summer School was postponed because of the pandemic. At this stage it feels too risky to host our traditional 3-day July event in person. If possible, we will try for a one-day event, including walks, in late August (date etc. to be announced in July).
We will therefore deliver most of the popular 2020 programme online, continuing with the fortnightly talks on Monday afternoons. NB: slightly later time: 17.30-18.30 (login from 17.00). This late afternoon time-slot allows for other activities during the day, and time afterwards to enjoy the summer evenings.
Kind Regards
Catherine Ware, Talks and Summer School Coordinator
See Events page for information about forthcoming events.
Recordings of past talks can be found in the Talks Archive, which is accessible via the Events page.
To make you smile
Just to let you know
(Warning: none of these facts has been officially authenticated):
Eat whatever you like and don’t take exercise too seriously.
- The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54
- The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57
- The world bodybuilding champion died at the age of 41
- The best footballer in the world Maradona, died at the age of 60.
- The KFC inventor died at 94.
- Inventor of Nutelladied at the age of 88
- Cigarette maker Winston died at the age of 102
- The inventor of opium died at the age of 116 in an earthquake
- Hennessey Cognac inventor died at 98.
How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life?
The rabbit is always jumping up and down but it lives for only 2 years and the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all, lives 400 years.
So, take some rest, chill, stay cool, eat, drink and enjoy your life.
Best Wishes from the Team
Naomi Gilli Herbie Amalia