Timetable for week 31 October
Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
For the Monday Morning talk this week we welcome Mildred Levison, a Trustee of the NNLS Destitute Asylum Seekers Drop-in. The subject of her talk will be “Who would seek asylum in the UK?”
WiFi Problems
If you have been finding that our own Internet signal in the Town Hall is too weak, use the Wac Arts WiFi link. Their network is much stronger – it’s called Wac Arts Partners and the password is Wacarts213
Fire Drill
Instructions about what to do in case of fire are in every room and it is vitally important that all members are familiar with them. Occasionally the fire alarm will sound and it is essential that we all comply and evacuate the building as quickly as possible – after all, we will not know whether it is a genuine fire or not! Clearly it is common sense – and ultimately for our safety.
It is extremely disturbing to learn that some members refused to leave the building during the recent fire drill and challenged the WACArts fire officials. This must not happen again.
Membership Fees
The last date for receipt of the fees for 2022/3 is November 25 – Black Friday! If you have not renewed by then, we will have to assume you do not wish to continue your membership. As a gesture to mark our 40-year Anniversary as a founder member of the U3A movement, our standard annual membership fee for next year will be reduced to £40. For those on benefit it is £5 instead of £15 and coordinators fees are unchanged at £25.
You can pay:
- By cash, cheque or credit card in the U3A Office at the Town Hall, during weekdays 10 – 4pm.
- By post by sending a cheque payable to U3A in London to U3A Office, Old Town Hall, 213 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4QP. Please print your name and membership number on the back.
- By direct payment into our bank account, giving as reference your membership number and name.
From Wally Howard
All film classes take place in Room 1.22 as usual. Please note that there is no film on Wednesday morning this week.
Monday October 31st at 2pm
I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO. Academy nominee: best documentary written by James Baldwin. This film is a journey back into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present Black Lives Matter. It connects the lives and assassinations of Medgar Evers , Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and challenges the very definition of what America stands for. “Unmissable and unforgettable“
Wednesday November 2nd at 2 pm
NOWHERE IN AFRICA. Oscar winner: best Foreign Language Film – by Caroline Link. One family’s story of a homeland lost and a homeland found. The extraordinary true story of a Jewish family who fled the Nazi regime at the last moment for life on a remote farm in Kenya. “A triumph of harmony… lavish, sweeping and beautifully realised.”
Thursday November 3rd at 1130 am
WAR PHOTOGRAPHER. A film by Christian Frei; Academy nominee – best documentary feature. It follows James Nachtwey for 2 years in hot spots including Kosovo and Indonesia as he searches for pictures he can publish. A film about a committed shy man who is considered one of the bravest and most important war photographers of our time.
Thursday October 3rd at 2 pm
DIARY FOR MY CHILDREN. A film from Hungary by Marta Meszaros. From one of the world’s foremost women directors, this deeply personal work portrays the impact of individuals upon history and historical forces upon individual lives. The film resonates with the spirit and struggles of the director’s past.
A New Class
Reading and discussing English Literature. The role of reading and literature in our lives. Eva Hoffman, Tuesday 15.10 – 16.10 in Room 1.33. Starting on 1st November.
Why do we enjoy reading and feel enlarged by it? What does it contribute to our lives – which the constant stream of news and politics does not? We will be reading and talking about a choice of books suggested by members themselves as the course goes on, but I suggest we start with a book on psychoanalysis, such as Sigmund Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams,” Jonathan Lear’s “Love and Its Place in Nature,” or “Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Migration and Exile” by Leon Grinberg and Rebecca Grinberg” – and others. I hope the class will be stimulating and enjoyable.
Full Classes (See timetable)
You can see that quite a few classes are now beginning to fill up. If you would like to join one of these classes, please contact the coordinator who will put your name on a waiting list. (A thought – how about starting a new class?)
Do you find hearing difficult?
We are often asked whether we have anyone who can teach lip-reading or sign-language. So far, our enquiries have been unsuccessful. If anyone can help, please contact the Office.
To Zoom or not to Zoom?
We are so lucky to have coordinators who have adapted to Zoom and it has enriched the experience of many of our members. But not everyone likes Zoom or has the equipment to cope with it, and the Town Hall is often rather quiet with the old ‘buzz’ missing. If you are thinking of bringing your Zoom class back to Belsize Park or by holding a hybrid class, please let us know how we can help.
Cercle français
Charles Fraser is covering the ‘Cercle Français’ class for 3 weeks i.e. on 1st 8th and 15th November in Room 1.29 on Tuesdays. There will be NO ZOOM while Michael is away.
From Ken Baldry
EUROPEAN HISTORY Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). This week is more at the end of the fascinating 15th Century, covering: Another visit to Scandinavia, now from 1470 – 1533, including the breaking of the Kalmar Union & then, Kings Henry VII & VIII of England: 1500 – 1521, 88 slides.
The following week will cover Dürer and Raphael. The German print-maker & the ‘Marmite’ painter. 177 slides & with contemporary music
From Maxine Jason
Please bring any art and photography magazines and/or photos to the Office. They are needed to use in my collage class on Mondays. Thank you.
From Caroline Chan
Please note that Franklin Method 2 includes a walk on Hampstead Heath. Some people have been confused with the difference between my two classes.
To make you smile
A social worker is assessing a confused-looking old person in a nursing home: “Don’t worry, it’s quite normal not to know who is the Prime Minister”.
A woman goes up to a man in the street and says, “Excuse me sir, I’m doing a survey; can I ask you some questions?” The man says. “Yes of course.”
Woman: “Assume that you’re in a bus. A lady gets on and there’s no available seat – would you give up your seat for her?” Man – “No.” Woman: “What if the lady that got on the bus was pregnant would you give up your seat then? Man: “No.” Woman: “What if the lady got on the bus was disabled, would you give her your seat then?” Man: “No.” Woman: “You seem to be rather a selfish man. Explain your attitude! Man: “Madam, I am a Bus Driver”
Best wishes from