Dr Valerie Wilson Trower’s Design group at Marble Hill House last term.
A note from the Update team
We feel the Update has become too unwieldy and a burden for the editors. We want to try to reduce its size. We will explain further in the 7th October issue of the Update.
The Monday Talk September 30 at 10.30am
‘Du Cane Court: History, Architecture, People and Politics’ by Greg Vincent
Du Cane Court, in Balham, is a popular art deco block of flats, which in its early days had a stylish restaurant and ballroom. At the time of its completion, it was probably the largest block of privately-owned flats under one roof in Europe. Greg Vincent will take us through its history and the politics of this iconic structure.
More U3A Notices
Our U3A Office should not be contacted about events offered by The London Region of U3As. They are not run by our U3A; the correct contact details are given with the notice.
To New Coordinators
Who have kindly volunteered to take a class: it can be disappointing at first with low attendees. This is not unusual. However we recommend that you make the title of your class very interesting and clear. If you need help, come into the office and we will make suggestions. Last term one of the coordinators changed the name of the class and the class doubled immediately!
To members who have requested advance notice about walks: details of walks and contacts will be in the Update when arranged.
The timetables
For the full timetable, click the link below:
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard. A final version of the Summer programme will be sent next week.
From Nigel Hathway – London Visits
There is a finite number of cheap (60p) tickets for a visit to Kew Gardens on Monday 28th October. You would need to be at Kew Gardens at 10.40am to take advantage of this offer. Once inside the grounds, you would be free to explore at your leisure.
From Chiara Benfante – Sociology Class
This class starts at the later time of 12.15, still on Fridays in Room 1.22.
From Barbara Alden – Voice Class
Apologies if you did not see the notice that the class on 14th was cancelled. From 3rd October it is transferring to Thursday afternoons at 5.20pm on Zoom.
From Elana Gal-Edd – Hebrew: Roots and Patterns
This class will not take place on 24th September. Elana’s walks will also not resume until October; she will notify when they do.
From Martin Andresier – Cryptic Crosswords Group
‘We are looking for a replacement/alternating/occasional person to co-ordinate the Cryptic Crossword group on Wednesday afternoons. No experience necessary. Help and support (and the answers) will be given.’
From Eugene Moshan – Using Excel
This class will take place on 30th September at 10.30 in Room 1.26.
From Yvonne Dove Art Appreciation C Secular and Mythological Class
There will not be a class on Thursday 3 October
The following classes are full
Monday 13.30 Bridge advanced
Tuesday 10.30 Shakespeare 1.40 Photography 12.50 German
Wednesday 13.05 Bridge lower intermediate
NOTE Members who wish to join a class which is full should contact the co-ordinator with a request to be added to a waiting list. Cordinators – please keep the list up to date and let people know when and if there is a vacancy.
On Tuesday
Bridge improvers with Suri Rodericks is in Room 1.24 14.00 – 16.15. Agustina’s Spanish Beginners Plus is in Room 1.26. Literature: Reading Books from around the world with Ann Sharifi is in room 1.30 at 14.00 fortnightly.
On Wednesday
Poetry: Form and Function with Constantine Baxter is in Room 1.22.
Exercise Qi Gong with Josephine Lee is cancelled.
On Thursday
Chinese B with XiaoYan is at 10.30 on Zoom
Class Notices From Stanley Volk- Music: Jazz Goddesses on Film
Wednesdays at 2.30 pm in Room 2.21 ‘A big thank you to those attending our session on Wednesday. Technical problems with the sound system are now resolved, so come and choose your favourite Jazz artist. The first hour is a musical profile of Dean Martin, Mel Torme and Al Bolly (Britain’s answer to Bing Crosby), followed by a chance to sing. So come along and join the fun. Any suggestions for future jazz profiles are welcome.
From Ken Baldry: European History
Wed Oct 2nd 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21)
Next week is Talk 150. Slavery with 110 slides The following week is Talk 151: Angelika Kauffman & Elisabeth Vigée le Brun with 165 slides & contemporary music.
From: Stephen Barry: London Miscellany
Room 1.29 at 2.00 pm on Wednesday.
This week the class will look at the 16th century Liberty of Whitefriars, more commonly known as Alsatia, a lawless area that existed between Fleet Street and the River Thames.
From: Wally Howard: Film Classes
for wb Monday 30th September 2024. All take place in Room1.22 at 2.00pm.
Monday 30th September at 2pm
The final episode of THE. ROOSEVELTS: An intimate History.
Wednesday 2nd October at 2pm
ANATOMY OF A FALL. A masterful and suspenseful film from France. 5 Academy Award nominations, 7 BAFTA Award nominations and Winner of Best Film and Best Director
Thursday 3rd October at 2 pm From Guatemala, a film by Gregory Nava, EL NORTE, A magical film that reveals the world between the dream and the reality
From: Rachel Tyndall: Wednesday Walks
2nd October Chesham to Chalfont.
This is a 7 mile walk from Chesham to Little Chalfont via Ley Hill and the Chess Valley, returning from Chalfont and Latimer Station. We will meet at Chesham at 2pm. The best train to catch is the 12.49 from Baker Street which arrives at 13.46.
Please let me know (email or text) by the evening of Tuesday 1st October if you intend to join me. Walks will be cancelled if the weather is bad.
Sinfonia Smith Square and The Pimlico Musical Foundation present Sing Out! A Silver Sunday Singing Workshop. Francis Beckett’s play Vodka with Stalin returns to Upstairs at the Gatehouse in Highgate Village for a limited run, 15-27 October, and tickets are now on sale.
To make you smile
In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol. It was the worst twenty minutes of my life. George Best
If there was a pill for procrastination, I would probably take it tomorrow.
Good wishes from Gilli, Richard and Maureen