Weekly Online Timetable
As usual, we have sent you the timetable as a separate document so that you may access it more easily. You may also see it if you click here.
The Monday Talks
This week in ‘A zero Carbon Future What we need to do now’ Chris Goodall offers us an outline plan for the UK to get to ‘net zero’. Chris Goodall says that to stop using fossil fuels will be surprisingly cheap, beneficial and fair. But inevitably we will have to change some aspects of the way we currently live.
Next week, Bernard Lockett, a life-long Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast and author of two books about G&S, is a Trustee of the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, now in its 27th year. Bernard has made several G&S programmes on BBC and comes to tell us about ‘The Heritage of Gilbert and Sullivan’.
Recordings of the Monday Morning Talks are available for a week or two afterwards. If you would like to have the link to a recording of any outside contributor – please email the Office Recordings of other talks may also be available. Please check with the coordinator to request a link.
From Naomi – URGENT
We are hoping that, finally, in early December those who have not yet paid their membership fee will be able to do so on-line. If so, all who have not yet paid will receive personalised information by email on how to do so.
However, if there is another last-minute blip, everyone who has not yet paid their membership fee will be receiving their registration form and renewal instructions by email. It would be a help if you did not wait for us to take this action but renewed your membership yourself for 2020 – 2021 by emailing the Office and asking for your pre-printed registration form to be emailed to you. (If you have printer problems, ask for it to be posted to you.)
The reason for this is that at the end of the year the Zoom links will be altered and as a result:
All those who have not paid their subscription will no longer be on the membership database and, consequently, will not receive the weekly Updates and the timetable with the new links.
If you enjoy the Zoom programme, you should renew your membership before the end of the year.
On a lighter note, the lowering of some restrictions around the Christmas period may provide the opportunity for some of us to spend a little time in the company of family and friends. But – don’t worry if the festive season seems far from festive. We will be providing our “Winter Programme” during this period – see below.
Stay well and take care.
A reminder about our Digital U3A
Please remember that our digital timetable is for our own members, so please do NOT share it with friends and relations although it may be tempting to do so. Instead, encourage them to become members of our U3A.
More Lectures from Ralph Blumenau
Ralph will begin regular sessions on Wednesdays at 5pm.
December 2: Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
December 9: The Amazons
December 16: Rembrandt
Next term, he will give a nine week course on the subject: “Look Here Upon This Picture And On This” (comparing how the same subject has been treated by different painters – a series he gave about ten years ago).
Winter Programme (21st Dec – 1st Jan)
During the 2-week Christmas break we plan to run a Winter Programme, along similar lines to the Summer Programme with 2 talks each day, some serious and some light hearted, at 10:30 am and 2 pm. We still have a few slots unfilled so, if you do have an idea for a talk you could offer, please contact Sue Kwok the Office.
From Wally Howard
Please find below the links to Wally’s talks for this week below. As you will see there is Part 2 of The Trial of John Scopes in the miscarriages of justice series and parts 16 and 17 of his reflections at 95.
Watch “The trial of John Scopes – Part 2” on Vimeo:
Watch “Reflections at 95 – Part 16” on Vimeo:
Watch “Reflections at 95 – Part 17” on Vimeo:
U3A Zoom Theatre
On Thursday 3 December at 17.00,U3A London presents an end of term Zoom Theatre event. This is a M&S production.
The Programme includes:
• The Handbag scene from “The Importance of Being Earnest”
• Salieri’s speech to God from “Amadaus”
• Monologues by Victoria Wood, Alan Bennett, Joyce Grenfell, Pam Ayres. and a phone monologue.
• “Be My Valentine” by Antony Guter
• Speech from the “Merchant of Venice” and Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator”
From Pieta Ruck Keene
Here is a copy of this week’s breath class
See you next week, Pieta
A Reminder: Please tell those with no computer iPad or Smartphone
They can listen to any of our Zoom classes on an ordinary phone as follows:
Dial the number: 0203 901 7895 (or 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240 or 0131 460 1196 or 0203 051 2874).
Enter the meeting ID – the 11 digit ID which is provided to you by the host – followed by #.
If the meeting has not already started, press # to wait. (The next stage only applies if you have joined by computer or Smartphone and you have a unique participant ID. You can skip it by pressing # again).
Enter the meeting passcode, followed by #. This passcode is also provided by the host.
Other things participants can do:
*6 – Toggle mute/unmute and *9 – Raise hand
From Jane and Ian Christie
Our children banished us from London in mid-March. So we’ve been hunkered down in our cottage by the sea in Hill Head, Hampshire since then – not a bad place to spend lockdown.
It has been astonishing and wonderful that our pre-Covid-19 routines have remained so little changed, thanks to the extraordinarily fast and successful transfer of the U3A London timetable to Zoom. We are able to continue to feel fully involved and part of U3A, and to remain socially connected with our many U3A friends. Please add our thanks and admiration to all the U3A committee and coordinators to all the other similar messages we know you have been receiving.
With best wishes, Jane
From Diana Bloch
When all the lockdown dramas were in their early days, I found myself childishly annoyed by over enthusiastic thanks being gushed to all helpers. Now I think about all of you and wish there were a way I could display such enthusiasm. I cannot believe you are doing an extra two weeks. We are all already so grateful and appreciative, fully aware of what hard work it is for you all and how much difference it makes to our lives. Please will you gush for me to all your team? I hope you are enjoying some of it. To Naomi and all of you – thank you.
From Alan Unerman
Dear All,
Thank you for your messages of condolence on the sad loss of my son Jeffrey. They have been much appreciated by the whole family. I was surprised to learn from the words of the deputy chairman of the Chartered Accountants and, later at a Zoom Service we held in his honour, how well respected he was and how influential he became in developing the concept of Environmental Accounting. He had excellent O level results but became disillusioned at sixth form and his A level results were not good enough to go to University. Instead, he built on his Saturday job at Brent Cross and worked full time at TopMan where within 5 years he had become manager of their Oxford Circus store. He realised then that he could progress little further, so enrolled at North Staffs Polytechnic. After graduating, he became articled as a Chartered Accountant while writing a thesis on the Accounts of Shell for a PhD.
He progressed through several Universities until at Royal Holloway he became a professor and then Head of the Business School. During his academic career he became interested in Environmental Accounting and, with a group of like-minded academics, was instrumental in forcing this into published company accounts. He was reticent to boast of his achievements which is why I was so surprised at the weekend.
If you wish to know more about him there is an obituary at Professor Jeffrey Unerman (1960-2020) – Royal Holloway Staff Intranet
I hope to restart my Zoom sessions in a couple of weeks.
Hope you are all well.
Best wishes, Alan
From Maureen Betts’ Thursday Art Group
From Manny From Rosa From Jelena
To Make you smile
At age 4 success is . . . Not wetting your underwear.
At age 12 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 17 success is . . . Having a driver’s license.
At age 35 success is . . . Having money.
At age 50 success is . . . Having money.
At age 70 success is . .. .Having a driver’s license.
At age 75 success is . … Having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . Not wetting your underwear.
Families are like fudge…mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
Laughing is good exercise. It’s like jogging on the inside.
Middle/old age is when you choose your cereal for the fibre, not the toy.
1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don’t believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
Medical experts were asked if it is time to ease the lockdown.
Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.
Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it
Neurologists thought the government had a lot of nerve
Obstetricians felt certain everyone was labouring under a misconception
Ophthalmologists considered the idea short-sighted
Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness
Radiologists could see right through it.
Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing
Pharmacists claimed it would be a bitter pill to swallow
Podiatrists thought it was a step forward – and
Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no.
From London Region of U3As
On Monday 7 December 2020 beginning at 11 am, via zoom, we will have the opportunity to hear Patricia Gentry speaking on: The Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew Part II
In this second part on Kew Gardens you will discover more on the gardens’ treasures with a closer look at fascinating plants in the Palm House, learn a few things about roses and a cottage garden created by a queen.
Find out how Kew Gardens’ science department helped detectives resolve crime and what the differences are between rhododendrons and azaleas. Come and enjoy this second talk full of fascinating stories.
Patricia Gentry’s Profile:
She has a MA in Japanese and Japanese history and has been working as Blue Badge Guide in the UK for more than 20 years now. She is living in Kew and works as a guide and lecturer ( in 5 languages including Japanese ). She also runs a company organising educational tours to Britain. Her interests are broad and she offers a range of in depth tours on historic subjects in London and around Britain. Her personal favourite is the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew and she guides there regularly.
The Royal Botanic Gardens is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2003, but an internationally renowned garden which contains the largest living plant collection in the world.
You will be able to ask all your questions at the end. This virtual tour will be given via zoom with high quality photos and films and will give you lots of tips for your next real life visit to Kew Gardens. The lecture will be approx. 50 min-1 hour + 15 min time for Questions and Answers. With thanks to Peter Lewinson of Palmers Green & Southgate U3A
Catherine Ware
on behalf of the LRU3A Executive Committee
c/o communications.lru3a@gmail.com