U3A in London – Update 3 October 2022

This information was published on: October 03, 2022

Timetable for week 3 October

The full timetable, the revised version of the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on the website.

For the Monday Morning talk this week we welcome Chris Howe  His title is ‘The Magic Word: Readings and Anecdotes from Blacktooth productions’.

Jewish High Holydays

This year Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is on Wednesday October 5.  As a result, some classes have been cancelled.  If you are not sure whether or not your class is affected, do check with the coordinator.  Apologies for any disappointment.

Executive Committee Meeting

On Friday 7th October, at 11am we are holding our first Executive Committee of the new academic year. Members are welcome to join as observers on zoom.

We will be looking at coordinators’ fees, the membership fee deadline, the Open Day and the date of the next AGM. We will also have feedback from the AGM of the Third Age Trust, we will be deciding on the Easter Conference and planning other social events. Please come if you are interested in seeing how it works behind the scenes!

Our Handbook has returned!

You can pick up a copy from the Office.

From Wally Howard

Next week’s film classes as usual take place in Room 1.22. There will be no film on Wednesday. Monday October 3rd at 2 pm
From Australia Starring David Gulpilil
The Australian Outback 1922 4 men track an Aboriginal man.
A film that’s important not to miss

Thursday October 6th at 11 30 am
This is the past speaking to the present
“You need to watch this”

Thursday October 6th at 2pm
“Best Film Of 2018
Multi Award Winner

TAM (Third Age Matters)

As an experiment we decided some time ago to offer this magazine (published by U3A National) to all our members unless they opted out of receiving it.

The new arrangement will be that members only receive TAM if we know that you want it to be posted to you.  We need to know your decision by 7th October.  If we don’t hear from you by then, we will assume that you no longer wish to receive it.

(Incidentally, the magazine can be read on-line from the U3A National website and there will be a few copies available to read in the Common room).

October Open Day – Another reminder

The Open Day is on Tuesday, 18 October and is an opportunity to promote classes and encourage more people to come to the Town Hall in person. Our regular classes on that day will not take place.

Publicity leaflets for the event are available in the Office. Please pick up handfuls of them to distribute to friends and around your neighbourhoods. There will also be coverage in local media and on our website. Please think about helping us to make the day a success by publicizing it and encouraging prospective new members to come along. We will also need people to guide visitors around and inform them about our classes.

The Open day sub-committee is holding a meeting of coordinators who would like their class to be included.

From Des Marshall

Readings from your Favourite Book  A new fortnightly class will be starting on Monday 3rd October from 11.40-12.40 in Room 1.30.   (N.B. this class is too late to be included in the new Handbook).

This is your chance to read an excerpt from your favourite book, explaining why it means a lot to you and why it moves you so much that you want to share it with others.

Drama Class

Drama Class on Mondays. This will not be taking place for 2-3 weeks. For more information, please contact Anthony Guter by email or phone.

Law and the Elderly

The next two classes have changed the dates from those in the Handbook.  They will take place on Thursday 6 and 20 October.  The time (11.40) is unchanged, but the room has moved to 1.24 from 1.30.  The class returns its usual dates and Room 1.30 from 27 October.

From Tiki Martell

My class on Wednesday at 15.10 has changed its name to ‘The Age of Enlightenment and Emancipation’ from the Jews of Spain and Portugal and the approach will be much broader.

From Stephen Barry

In my class on Thursday at 11.40 in Room 1.30, we will be looking at Crystal Palace, past and present.

U3A Diaries for 2023

We have decided not to order these in bulk from Head Office this year.   Knowing how many to order was always a matter of guesswork and it was an extra burden for our Office volunteers who are particularly busy this year.

You can, of course, buy your diary yourself.  They cost £3.50 each and can be obtained from the National U3A website (www.u3abrand.org.uk)

London Visits

Nigel Hathway has let us know that all his visits in the current list are now fully booked.  Information about new visits will follow shortly.


Best wishes from