U3A in London Update – 3 May 2022

This information was published on: May 02, 2022

Timetables for the week of 3 May

Copies of the Full timetable, the Town Hall timetable, the Zoom timetable and the Monday talks list are available in the Office or you can view them on our website.

Voting for the new committee – A reminder

As we have more than twelve candidates standing for the Committee this year, we need to hold an election. Please note that completed ballot papers must be returned to our Office in the Town Hall before 12:00 noon on Wednesday 11th May.  You may pick up a copy of the ballot paper in the Office.  Do not forget to sign it – and add your membership number if known.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

U3A in London’s Annual General Meeting will take place at 10.30 on Monday 16 May 2022 at Hampstead Old Town Hall. This year, you may attend either in person in Room 2.21 or on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link shortly before the meeting.

Class Changes for next term – and some exciting new ones!

(The revised handbook is on the website.  Changes are shown in red)

New: Exercise class: Franklin Method with Caroline Chan on Tuesdays 12.50 – 13.50 (Room 2.21)    

New: Chair Yoga with Geraldine Ross on Thursdays 15.10 – 16.10 (Room 2.21) N.B. The start of this class has been delayed while  Geraldine is recovering from Covid.

New: The elderly and the law with Gillian Korgaonkar on Thursdays 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 1.30) fortnightly on May 12, 26; June 9, 23; July 7.


Stories behind the headlines with Shafeeq Siddiqui on Mondays at 15.10.  This class is now cancelled.

Art Practical C with Steve Stephens on Wednesdays at 10.30 is now in Room 1.22 in the Town Hall.

Bridge: Advanced Bridge for Intermediate players with Robert Clifton on Mondays at 10.30. Back in Room 1.24 in the Town Hall.

Dutch Conversation with Elisabeth Fantino. This is now in in the Town Hall in Room1.30 on Wednesdays at 14.00 – 16.10. 

Gnosticism with George Wood now in the Town hall, on Mon 12.50 – 13.50 in room 1.26  

History: Making America with Deirdre Krymer (room change to 1.26) on Tuesdays5 15.10 – 16.10

Politics and Current Affairs A  with David Iwi & Susan Cohen is back in the Town Hall on Thursdays at 11.40 – 12.40 in Room 1.33.

From Wally Howard

The films this week are at 14.00 in Room 1.22 as usual:

On Wednesday May 4th
A Martin Ritt film – THE FRONT starring Woody Allen, Zero Mostel.
Brings disturbing memories of the black list

On Thursday May 5th
Robert Donat Rosalind Russell Ralph Richardson in THE CITADEL From the novel by AJ Cronin
A King Vidor Film Winner – ‘Best picture’ New York Critics

The Common Room

This has, on the whole, been popular and people have enjoyed using the facilities. Some members have asked whether we would be willing to provide a microwave oven and we are considering the idea.  The main problem is possible misuse – liquids may boil over and I’m afraid that some of us are not very reliable about clearing up any mess we make.  The Office staff do their best to check that the room is left clean, tidy and properly stocked, but we do need your cooperation.  Let us have your views.

There is a problem each Monday afternoon when members of Shirley Levy’s popular Art Appreciation class cram into Room 1.33 from 14.00-15.00 while the Common Room is almost empty.  I suggest that just for that hour we have a trial period with people who want to chat to each other use Room 1.33 as a Common Room so that Shirley’s class can move back into Room 1.29.  We hope to start the trial on 9 May.

From Amalia

I’m afraid there hasn’t been an opportunity to sort out the problems with my hybrid sessions in Room 1.33. Covid has intervened! As a result, my first Astronomy talk on 3 May will be in Room 1.33 only. I will be happy to repeat the session on Zoom from home on the following Tuesday (10 May) at 14.00 for those unable to get to the Town Hall. The link will be included in next week’s timetable.

From Judy Dodds

I am waiting for a knee operation and cannot walk. So I will be running my class (Tuesdays at 14.00) on Zoom when we return on May 3rd and it is likely to be on Zoom for some time. I will let my class know. Thanks, Judy

From Mickey Yudkin

There is no Psychoanalysis class this week and so the first session will be on Thursday 12th May at 16.30.

From Robert Clifton

Duplicate bridge play and discussion for intermediate players.  

My class is returning to the Town hall this term on Mondays in Room 1.24 from 10.30 – 12.30).

For Bridge players who would like to enjoy and improve their play and understanding of both Basic and up-to-date ACOL (5 card majors and strong No Trumps etc.) systems and equally for those who would like to play in the not too dissimilar SAYC (Standard American) system.  A short 10 minute introduction each week is followed by face to face (masks are optional) play and open hand follow up to establish if the hands were well played and/or defended and what we might have done to improve the results. Initially the room will be numbers controlled up to a maximum of 16 people (4 tables) and, if requested, a window left open in order to satisfy those of us who may still be concerned about the remains of covid.  I look forward to seeing you there from Monday the 9 May 2022 onwards.

From Ken Baldry

European History Wednesday May 4th. This week, the dreadful Timur (or Tamerlane) affects Europe in the form of Russia and the growing Lithuania. Then, how the Hussites (early Protestants) achieved freedom from the Catholic Church for 184 years in Bohemia.

From Howard Shelter

I do not give talks on zoom but instead upload talks in video format (so far 668 videos) to Vimeo and I provide all members with links to Vimeo. At the end of the weekly timetable are my six course entries.

Zooming In

You can, if you wish, “Zoom in” on your smartphone, iPad or laptop to a coordinator who is giving a Zoom class from home, wherever you may be. However, if you want to join in from a screen in one of our rooms in the Town Hall this can easily be set up. It’s not difficult – you only need to switch on, click on the Zoom icon and know the meeting ID and the passcode which you can find in the full Timetable. All we need is to have a “Zoom Buddy” in each class to set it up.

Zooming Out

(enabling in-person classes in the Town Hall to be available to Zoom viewers at home}. So far, rooms 1.33 and 2.21 have been set up to enable this, but there have been problems with some classes. Please bear with us while we try to sort things out.

U3A SW London Network Study Day: The Challenges of Architecture Today

24th May 2022 10.00 am at the Richard Mayo Centre, Eden St. Kingston upon Thames KT1 1HZ  (5-10min walk from Kingston railway station)
Tickets £15.00 per person
 The Programme includes 3 talks and a guided walk plus tea/coffee/cake
Sean Woulfe, Director of Estates & Sustainability, Kingston U3A
Ian McInnes, Chair of Twentieth Century Society

Simon Tupper, Director IID Architects

Walk leaders

John King or Julian McArthy – Kingston architecture, heritage & development
Contact: Rosemary Mattock – Merton u3a u3a.rose@gmail.com

To make you smile

A terrorist was fleeing through the desert desperate for water when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the mirage, only to find a frail little old man selling masks and standing by a small makeshift display rack. The terrorist asked, “Do you have any water?”
The old man replied, “I have no water. Would you like to buy a mask? They’re only $5.”
The terrorist shouted hysterically, “Idiot! I do not need an over-priced mask. I need water!”
“Sorry, I have none, just masks – and only $5.”
“A curse on your masks! I could choke the life out of you but…I must conserve my energy and find water!”
“Okay,” said the little old man. “Never mind that you don’t want to buy a mask and threaten my life. So…if you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a restaurant. It has the finest food and all the ice-cold water you need. Go In Peace.”
Cursing him again, the desperate terrorist staggered away over the hill.

Several hours later, he crawled back, almost dead, and gasped, “They won’t let me in without a mask!”.


Best Wishes from Gilli and Amalia