The Timetable
The timetable and description of classes is available for you to view, to see it click here.
This Monday is a Bank Holiday
There is no Monday Morning talk this Early May Bank Holiday (enjoy the lie-in!).
Next week: Mark Mullaly and Sally Schofield are coming to give us timely advice on ‘Keeping safe from Fraud and Scams’ Mark and Sally are both Community Bankers and their role is to provide tailored support to customers. This includes supporting young adults and those returning to the job market with interactive workshops to improve financial capability or helping people who struggle with technology-based banking. They also aim to raise awareness of scams and give advice on how to keep ourselves safe from fraudsters.
On this Monday these classes will NOT take place
(Check the timetable for the full picture).
Gilli’s Wake Up Pilates at 9.30; Amalia’s History of Astronomy at 12.00; Shirley’s Art/History ‘Our friends in the North’ at 14.00; David’s Italian Reading Group at 14.00; Shafeeq’s Stories Behind the Headlines at 15.00 and Alan’s Tips on Duplicate Bridge at 16.00.
Other timetable news:
From Jim Eardley:
This is an urgent call out for a Politics and Current Affairs coordinator for Jim Eardley’s popular 10.30 Wednesday morning slot. Help with Zoom is available.Please consider stepping up – or the class may have to discontinue….. Jim is very happy to give further information and advice. Please email him.
From Stanley Volk: There will be a “Singing Workshop for all levels” on 6th May at 12 noon. This will include 10 minutes fun warm-up exercises, singing in harmony etc, to be followed by a Sing-Along with the music of Matt Monroe, Sinatra, Tony Bennet and Bing Crosby. Come along to sing or just listen. We are now interactive.
A New Memoir Writing Group?: The Memoir Group on Fridays is full. Would anyone like to coordinate a new Memoir Writing Group? Please let the Office know.
From Naomi
Our AG.M. will be held this year virtually on Monday 28 June at Noon. We are unable to follow our standard procedures as if we were at the Town Hall and using the office there as our base for organising this event. At the appropriate times, we will ensure that you have all the relevant information needed.
Usually, at this time, we would have placed nomination forms in a box in the office for those of you wishing to stand for election to collect. Instead, we will be inviting you to email for a form, if you wish to nominate someone, including yourself, as of today. Remember, you need the nominee’s permission. Please email Ursula Clements to request a copy of the nomination form.
The closing date for returning the completed forms is Thursday, 20 May. They must be posted to me:Naomi Stuart, 41Preston Road, Wembley, Middx., HA9 8JZ.
We truly are looking for members to join the Executive Committee, where they would become a trustee of our U3A. Contrary to some members’ beliefs, we are not a closed shop. We have a wonderful, hard-working committee but no one can be expected to carry on indefinitely. It is vital to refresh any committee, to allow new ideas to come forward and be acted upon, if the necessary continuity for the well-being of the group is to flourish.
Who are we looking for? Members who are passionate about our U3A and are willing to be both a team player and a specialist in a particular area. Each person is responsible for an individual task, as well as combining with others to serve our members. They would need to attend a committee meeting twice a term.
Please take this request seriously. If you know a member, including yourself, who would be an asset in helping our U3A this way, make sure they are nominated. If you want more information or would like to discuss this with me. email me at the Office. Best wishes, Naomi
For the Fans of Wally Howard
The links to Wally’s talks this week:
To lift your spirits
At the top – it’s tulip time and below – it’s the amaryllis season! The white one is Diana King’s and the pink one is mine. And an Escher waterfall from Joan Edwards to intrigue you.
From Howard Shelter
Available to all opera enthusiast members: More than 400 opera film excerpts from more than 47 of Howard’s previous presentations of Visual Opera Experiences have been uploaded on YouTube and on Vimeo and remain there for members’ viewing by private URL links. An entire list of these links is available on request, from Howard. See the timetable under the section headed “Other”.
Masterpieces from members of Steve Stephen’s Wednesday Art Class
From Iona and Mei Ling
To make you smile
Veni, Vedi, Velcro……I came, I saw, I stuck around.
If You Exercise….
1. The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 42.
2. The world bodybuilding champion died at the age of 41
3. The best footballer in the world, Diego Maradona, died at the age of 60.
4. The man who began the jogging craze died , jogging, at the gae of 51
5. The KFC inventor died at 94.
6. The inventor of the Nutella brand died at the age of 88
7. Cigarette maker Winston died at the age of 102
8. The inventor of opium died at the age of 116 in an earthquake
9. Hennessey inventor died at 98.
10.The rabbit is always jumping up and down, but it lives for only 2 years.The giant tortoise that doesn’t exercise at all lives 400 years!
How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life?
The Doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn’t pay his bill, so the doctor gave him another six months. Doctor: “You’ll live to be 60!” Patient: “I am 60!” Doctor: “See! What did I tell you?”
Patient: “I have a ringing in my ears.” Doctor: “Don’t answer it!”
A drunk man was brought in front of a judge. The judge said, “You’ve been brought here for drinking.” The drunk said, “Okay, let’s get started.”
Best Wishes from the Team
Naomi Gilli Herbie Amalia