A photo of a Scrabble class from last term. Ruth Sober wrote: ‘We already celebrated 3 sevens this term’. We wish them well for equal success this term.
The Monday Talk
The Infected Blood Inquiry: How Lawyers and Scientists viewed the scandal by Robin Weiss. As one of the expert witnesses at the trial, Robin gives us a unique overview of the attitudes and opinions expressed at the time.
The timetables for the week
Copies of The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard.
Heating The Central Heating Is now working (Hurray!)
In addition, the side car park area of the Old Town Hall will reopen, along with the two emergency auxiliary lateral exits, which will enable WacArts to return to the normal operational and evacuation plan.
From the Drama Group, wanted:
A willing person to present upcoming performances of the Drama Group. There are no lines to learn. It involves reading from a script. Please contact Sylvi Edwards in the Drama Group.
From The Executive Committee
We will meet on Friday 7 February at 10am in Room 1.22.
To make you smile
‘Ask a toad, “What is beauty?” and the answer will be that it’s a female with two great round eyes coming out of her little head, a large, flat mouth, a yellow belly and a brown back.’ Voltaire
‘I should have no objection to going over the same life again; requesting only the advantage authors have of correcting in the second edition the faults of the first.’ Benjamin Franklin
With all good wishes,
Richard, Gilli, Maureen and Amalia