The timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
There will be no talk this week as it is a Bank Holiday.
An Essential Reminder
If you want to place any contribution at all in the Update, you really must send it to Alan Milward. Alan cannot take over from Amalia if he does not receive the contributions. Until now, we have been forwarding items to each other but inevitably there have been some errors as a result. Please note the deadline for receipt of contributions is midday on Thursdays.
From Dr Valerie Wilson Trower
The Design History Group visited the Baroque, Rococo, and Chinoiserie rooms on Floor 1 at the V&A. (Picture below)

U3A in London at the Hampstead Summer Festival – helpers needed
To promote U3A in London, we will be having a stall at this year’s Hampstead Summer Festival on Sunday 2nd July. The Festival will be held in Heath Street, Hampstead from 12 noon to 5.00 pm and helpers are needed on the day.
We need members to volunteer for an hour or so on the stall and to help set up and take down our display. We particularly need someone with a car to deliver and then return the display material. Your help would be greatly appreciated. If you have not already volunteered to help but would like to do so, please contact Stephen Barry. Thank you for your support.
From Wally Howard
Next week’s films take place in Room 1.22. Please note that there is no class on Monday 29th May due to the Bank Holiday.
Wednesday May 31st at 2pm
Directed by Aleksandr Zarkhi
The Leo Tolstoy Epic ANNA KARENINA
Thursday June 1st at 2pm
Acclaimed Kazakh Director Sergey Dvortsevoy’s first narrative feature film is full of transcendently beautiful moments. This is a ‘one of a kind’ movie. TULPAN
From Ken Baldry
European History on Wednesday (11.40 12.40 in room 2.21).
Next week is Talk 104: The last years of Elizabeth 1st of England, a look at Poor Law & the Lamentable Early Stuarts in England with 89 slides.
The following week is Talk 105: Peter Paul Rubens, artist & diplomat with 195 slides & contemporary music
From Stephen Barry
The next illustrated talk in my London Miscellany series on Thursday June 1 will be ‘Around the Elephant & Castle’. Room 2.26 at 11.40 am.
From Stanley Volk: Singing for Pleasure
Come along and sing your heart out. All genres including music from Musicals, Opera and Jazz. Wednesdays at 3.00pm in room 221.
From Barbara Alden
My two classes, Voice Matters and Qi Gong, won’t resume until Tuesday June 6th.
From Caroline Hough
Please note: the Mah Jong for beginners’ class is now full.
From Yvonne Dove
A new class. Art Appreciation: Secular and Mythological Art, Thursday 1st June at 15.10 in Room 1.29.
For our first class we will begin to look at wicked women in mythology with Helen of Troy. We will study how the story of Helen is portrayed by Homer, Euripides and Ovid and illustrated in Greek pottery, Roman frescoes and paintings by Rubens and Rossetti.
From Elisabeth Fantino
Temporary help for Spanish Conversation classes, Friday mornings 10-11. Our class has benefited from the participation of Agustina, a native Spanish speaker, but she has gone to Spain for the summer. Would any Spanish speaker be willing to join us for the last few weeks of this term? It could be for every week, or once in a fortnight. If interested, please email me and I can explain more.
From Ruth Freeman
We are happy to let you know that we are working on getting discounts in local restaurants and cafés so that we can help to rebuild our community after Covid and the closing of our café in the town hall. So far, Greenberry Hill, Chez Nous and Pizza Express will give U3A London members a discount if they show their access card.
Join Deborah Moggach
talking about the stage version of her novel Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Keats Library, NW3. Thursday 8 June 7.30pm. Tickets £10. T.020-7431 1266
Third Age Trust
Network Link Summer Meeting. Free. Tuesday, 13th June 10am-12pm via zoom contact Avis Furness at Email.
To make you smile
Committee Joke: A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.
Old Soviet Joke: In a prison, two inmates are comparing notes. “What did they arrest you for?” asks the first. “Was it a political or a common crime?” “Of course it was political. I’m a plumber. They summoned me to the district Party committee to fix the sewage pipes. I looked and said, ‘The entire system needs replacing.’ They gave me seven years.”

Best wishes from the team