The Easter Programme
The Easter programme begins this week. There are also some regular classes that are continuing during the break. The details are on our website, click here.
The next Monday Morning Talk will be on 19 April, view all talks here.
From Naomi
Our A.G.M. will be held this year virtually on 12 July at Noon. Once again, we are unable to follow our standard procedures as if we were at the Town Hall and using the Office there as our base for organising this event. At the appropriate times, we will ensure that you have all the relevant information needed.
Usually at this time, we would have placed nomination forms in a box in the Office for those of you wishing to stand for election to collect. Instead, we will be inviting you to email for a form, if you wish to nominate someone, including yourself, at the beginning of next term. Remember, you need the nominee’s permission.
We truly are looking for members to join the Executive Committee, where they would become a trustee of our U3A. Contrary to some members’ beliefs, we are not a closed shop. We have a wonderful, hard-working committee but no one can be expected to carry on indefinitely. It is vital to refresh any committee, to allow new ideas to come forward and be acted upon, if the necessary continuity for the well-being of the group is to flourish.
Who are we looking for? You or someone who is passionate about our U3A and is willing to be both a team player and a specialist in a particular area. Each person is responsible for an individual task, as well as combining with others to serve our members. They would need to attend a committee meeting twice a term.
Please take this request seriously, if you know a member, including yourself, who would be an asset in helping our U3A this way. If you want more information or would like to discuss this with me. please email me at
Wishing you a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover.
From Gerta
After half a century of quizzes, there will be a Passover/Easter break. I intend to resume “service” next term. Best wishes to everyone.
From Amalia
At the top is another beautiful sunset from Helen Graham. Below are ducks and daffs from Janice Regnier-Leigh, a lovely picture from Catherine Osborn with her tame-ish fox, and a ceanothus shrub in bloom, appropriately from Hilary Bloom! More pictures, please.
For the Fans of Wally Howard
I have pleasure in attaching links to Wally’s talks for next week. He is continuing during the Easter break.
They are the concluding episode of Stefan Kiszko in the miscarriages of justice series, Memories at 95 – Part 35, Blood Libel and Blood Libel at Tiszaeslar – Part 1.
Duplicate Bridge
Alan Unerman continues during the Easter break. If you would like to join the group, please contact him.
Class News
Shafeeq Siddiqihas changed the subject matter of his “Stories Behind the Headlines” on Mondays at 15.00 to “Islam’s Forgotten Contributions”. He hopes to cover items relating to Social, Technological and Philosophical issues amongst others. For those who are unable to attend, they will appear on his Archive in the Timetable.
Next Term
Those of you who came to Michael Schraer’s Monday talk about the Spanish Inquisition will be pleased to hear that he is offering a course of about six History lectures entitled “Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain: Cooperation and Conflict”,on Tuesday afternoons at 4.00, The links will appear in our Summer timetable next term.
British Summer Time
started at 2am today, 28th March 2021. Have you all moved your clocks and watches forward 1 hour?
For anyone who schedules a Zoom meeting of their own from today onwards, please remember to change the Time Zone to become GMT + 1. When you do so you may see that many places around the world use GMT + 1 as their time zone already, and they will all work.
Further Masterpieces fom Maureen Betts’ Art Group
From Howard Shelter
I have a new fortnightly group – Music: The History of European Opera in 12 countries over 4 centuries – recorded talk and opera excerpts with links to Vimeo. See the timetable for details.
From Maxine Jason
Can you take a moment to sign up to the petition below? If you want to share it with others,it’s really easy – all you need to do is forward the email.
And here are two of the latest collages from the Monday Art group:
Dear Friends,
I’ve just signed the petition “SAVE THE 60+OYSTER CARD and FREEDOM PASS” and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
To make you smile
I talk to myself, because there are times when I need expert advice.
I consider that to be smartly dressed means wearing clothes that still fit.
The biggest lie I tell myself is, “I don’t need to write that down. I’ll remember it.”
These days, “on time” is when I get there.
Lately, I’ve noticed people of my age are so much older than me.
“Being lucky” means walking into a room and remembering why I’m there.
Aging has slowed me down, but it hasn’t shut me up.
I still haven’t learned to be my age.
Best Wishes from the Team
Naomi Gilli Herbie Amalia