U3A in London Update – 27 May 2024

This information was published on: May 27, 2024

Monday Talk

No talk – May Bank Holiday

The timetables for the week

This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard.  

Room Etiquette

May we please remind all members that our rooms should be left exactly as you find them?  If it is necessary to “borrow” tables for your class, they should be returned at the end of the session. Also, some of our rooms often have their IT equipment “rearranged”.

One of our classes, Mah Jong, was disrupted last week because the tables in room 1.30 had disappeared.  We know they have legs, but they cannot walk by themselves!


A New Chinese Class

A new member, Xiaoyan Huang, is offering a Chinese course on Thursdays at 11.40 -12.40 in Room 2.26 starting on 30th May and complementary to the current Chinese course on Wednesdays. 

This course will be specifically for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet with an emphasis on correct pronunciation and speaking practice. Students will learn to sing 1-2 classical Chinese songs during the course. It is suitable for students of any level – just for fun and to experience Chinese culture.

From Mike Newman: Peace and Conflict

There will be no session on Tuesday 28th May.

From Ada Sofaer: Italian Reading and Conversation

at 10.30 on Wednesdays in Room 2.26. This class will not take place on Wednesday 5th June.


From Ken Baldry European History

on Wednesday, May 29th 11.40 – 12.40 in Room 2.21.

The next talk is Talk 139, Pirates, with 94 slides. The following talk is Talk 140, Gainsborough and Reynolds, with 155 slides

The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Stephen Barry

‘In the London Miscellany class on Wednesday May 29th I’ll tell the fascinating story of the London buses that went to war in 1914, serving in France, Belgium and beyond. Room 1.29 at 2.00 pm.’

From Yvonne Dove: Secular and Mythological Art

Room 1.33 at 11.40 on Thursday 30 May. ‘This week we will be examining the life and career of the Venetian Rococo artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, the greatest decorative painter of 18th century Europe. We will explore his works including The Empire of Flora, The Banquet of Cleopatra and the Apotheosis of Spain.’

From Wally Howard

Week commencing May 27th 2024 at 2.00pm in Room 1.22. Celebrating the work of Peter Bogdanovich.

Monday 27th May – No class – Bank Holiday

Wednesday 29th May at 2pm
Jeff Bridges, Ellen Burstyn and Cybill Shepherd star in THE LAST PICTURE SHOW
Released in 1971 to critical acclaim the film garnered eight Academy award nominations. Directed by Peter Bogdanovich.

Thursday 30th May at 2pm
Ryan O’Neil and Tatum O’Neil star in Peter Bogdanovich’s bittersweet comedy

From Rachel Tyndall: Walks on Wednesdays

Wednesday 29th May.

Shenfield to Brentwood.  This is a 7.5 mile walk from the book ‘Exploring the Elizabeth Line’ mainly through parks and woodland.  We will meet at Shenfield Station – the last station on the Elizabeth line – at 2pm.  The journey takes about 50 minutes from central London with trains timetabled to arrive at 13.47, 13.55 and 14.02.  Please let me know (email or text) by the evening of Tuesday 28th May if you intend to join me.  Walks will be cancelled if the weather is bad: persistent rain or too much heat.


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To make you smile

Two Hollywood stars ran into each other at the door of their psychiatrist’s office. “Hello, there,” said one. “Are you coming or going?” “If I knew that,” said the other, “I wouldn’t be here.” —The American Weekly Readers’ Digest Issue: November 1958

Two windmills are standing in a wind farm.  One asks, “What’s your favourite kind of music?”; The other says, “I’m a big metal fan”. “Did you know it takes three sheep to make a sweater?” “I didn’t know sheep could knit.”

Good wishes from 

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen