The timetables for the week
Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talks
We end the term with a talk by our own Theatre History coordinator, Irene Kyffin. Her subject is the Yiddish Theatre and is entitled ‘Out of the Pale’.
From Gilli
Our AGM was held at 10 am on Monday 20 March – when the newly elected Executive Committee Trustees were announced. In alphabetical order they are…Richard Arthur, Stephen Barry, Ruth Freeman, David Iwi, Marie-Ange King, Gill Korgaonkar, Gail Levy, Hazelanne Lewis. Shafeeq Siddiqui, Richard Sisson, Anthony Sober, Peggy Wylie
Anthony Sober announced that next year’s subscription will be kept low at £45. This is possible because we currently have a healthy income from investments, and the Committee wishes to help Members with the cost of living.
Look forward to a treat! Put it in your diaries
The Drama Group intends to put on our first live performance since the pandemic, in room 2.21 on Thursday May 4th at 11:00. We will present a light programme lasting about 50 minutes, featuring Catherine Osborn’s adaption of The Pot of Gold, by Roman playwright Plautus, and a few other pieces.
From Gilli, Sue and Dalia
The 2023 Summer Programme is starting to take shape. We plan to hold 2 morning lectures and one 4pm lecture each weekday from 7 – 31 August, including a 2-day workshop on The Short Story. Lectures will be given on zoom, though some will be delivered from the Town Hall, and it will be possible to listen to lectures from room 2.21. The programme details may change before the Summer. We welcome more contributions.
Important Reminder
Remember that if you would like to contribute in any way to the weekly Update, you should be contacting Alan Milward ( who has volunteered to take over from Amalia in compiling it. Thank you.
Used postage stamps
Sue Kwok has now taken over collecting used postage stamps which can be left in the office at the Town Hall. Simply cut or carefully rip the stamp from the used envelope, being careful that you don’t damage the stamp. In future they will be used to raise money on behalf of Support Dogs. This is a national charity and the money raised is vital for providing and training their life-saving support dog to help both children and adults with various challenging medical conditions such as autism, epilepsy and disability.
For more information on this charity you can visit
Summer Coach Outings
Before the pandemic one of our members used to organise 3 coach outings every year as part of the Summer Programme. These were very popular and it would be great if they could be restarted, maybe with just 1 or 2 this year. If you would be willing to take over the organisation of these events please email the office at
Linda Shannon
We have heard that Linda died from a heart attack and there is no need for an inquest. As soon as we have the details of her funeral, we will let you know.
We wonder whether anyone would be willing to ensure that our members continue to enjoy their Shakespeare? Please think about it and let us know if you could offer to take on her group (which was a Zoom group – however, it need not be).
From Wally Howard
We have arrived at both the end of term and our short journey through French Cinema. The first film is a masterpiece by Jean-Pierre Melville and this is followed by two films by Yves Robert which are two of the most loved and successful French Films. All classes take place in Room 1.22.
Monday March 27th at 2pm
A film by Jean-Pierre Melville
From the novel by Joseph Kessel
A tribute to the heroic activities of the members of the Resistance.the film is a tense, atmospheric tour de force with outstanding performances from Simone Signoret and Lino Ventura.
Wednesday March 29th at 2 pm
Based on the childhood memoirs of Marcel Pagnol author of JEAN de FLORETTE and MANON des SOURCE Directed by Yves Robert.
Thursday March 30th at 2pm
A sequel to La Gloire de Mon Père
Directed by Yves Robert
Together these timeless classics stand as one of French cinema’s greatest celebrations of childhood, filled with warmth, love and nostalgia for bygone days.
Beginners’ Bridge next year (2023-4)
Is anyone willing to coordinate a class next year to teach beginners who want to learn how to play Bridge? Please let the Office know.
Nonnies’ Club
Ruth Posner would like U3A London to have a ‘Nonnie’s Club’ (nineties – and younger people as well!) intended for people who want to face end of life issues. It could start with zooming and possibly develop into a WhatsApp group to support one another. Please contact us if you would be interested in starting or attending such a group.
From Kaoru Godoy
Please note that there are no Japanese classes on Wednesday. The classes will resume in the new term, on Wednesday 26th April (Class-1: 10:30-11:30 & Class 2: 11:40-12:40).
From Murie Hirsch
I will be away next week. ‘Aucun cours pour moi la semaine prochaine’.
From Ken Baldry
European History Wed 11.40 – 12.40. (Room 2.21)The last this term. Talk 98, Elizabeth I of England & Philip II of Spain, part Two with 111 slides & music. The full programme is on
From Barbara Alden
My classes will resume on March 28th.
From Shafeeq Siddiqi
“Stories Behind the Headlines” is cancelled for the Summer term.
The Recorder Group
will continue to meet over the Easter Holidays at the usual time i.e. 10am Tuesdays in room 2:26.
For our Music Makers
The keyboard that was offered to us (instead of the one that ‘disappeared’ during lockdown) was definitely NOT ours. However, the good news is that one of our members who read the Update last week has generously offered us an excellent quality keyboard. We hope you will be able to make good use of it when it arrives. More details later.
Best wishes from the team