U3A in London Update – 27 June 2022

This information was published on: June 27, 2022

Timetable for the week of 27 June

Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall Room Timetable, the new version of the ‘Handbook’, the Zoom timetable and the list of Monday talks are available in the Office.

The Monday speaker is Mickey Yudkin, tutor of Psychoanalytical Psychology. She will be talking about ‘Narcissism and Self Love’.

From Wally Howard

The films being shown during the week commencing Monday 27 June are below.  They all take place in Room 1.22 at 2.00pm

Monday 27 June – A MAN AND A WOMAN – described as French and Frankly Romantic  by Bosley Crowther in his New York Times review, it is shown as a tribute to Jean-Louis Trintignant.  A winner at Cannes in 1966 it follows the erratic courtship of a racing driver widower (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and a script writer (Anouk Aimee) brought together by their offspring who attend the same school.  Visually stunning and with a strong score, A Man and a Woman is definitely a film to excite the emotions.

Wednesday 29 June – EARTH – based on the novel Cracking India by Bapsi Sidhwa, is another film in the elements trilogy directed by Deepa Mehta.  This time she turns to the partition of India and Pakistan following India’s independence.  Much of the action of the film is shown through the eyes of a little Parsee girl named Lenny whose Hindu ayah Shanta, falls in love with Hasan, a Muslim masseur.     In his review of the film, Roger Ebert wrote “Earth has a universal message, which is that when a mob forms in the name of a religion, its first casualty is usually the teaching of the religion “.  A powerful film about what has been described as the largest and most terrible exchange of population in history.  

Thursday 30 June – YOU CAN COUNT ON ME – was described by Peter Bradshaw in his review in the Guardian as being “a handsome, well-acted and often very moving family drama”.  Starring Laura Linney as a single mother and Mark Ruffalo as her unreliable brother who turns up out of the blue, this film has masterclass performances from both of them which results in a dramatic piece with intelligence, clarity and force.

The next Executive Committee meeting

Members are welcome to join the meeting as observers on 1st July at 11.00 in Room 1.22. 

Remembering Barry Rae – yet another reminder

We have had one or two replies to our request for contributions to the celebration we are planning – written or live.   BUT WE DO NEED SOME MORE!

Our 40th Anniversary – and yet another reminder

We are planning a celebration some time towards the end of the Summer Programme (details soon) and also intend to produce a souvenir booklet.  Come on, you members in 3writing groups!  If you have any recollections of how you felt when you first joined us – or any other anecdote, poem or story – LET US KNOW.

From Rita Burr

I will be returning to my class in the Town Hall next Tuesday, 28th June.  My back injury is considerably better and I am looking forward to seeing everybody again.

From Michael Goodman

Cercle Français – a correction.  There will be a meeting on 28th June, run by Angela King in Room 1.24 as usual but there will be no zoom  session.  The next hybrid zoom version will be on 5th July.

From Amalia

History of Astronomy. The session in room 1.33 on 28 June will be a Zoom session at 14.00.  Details for joining are in the full timetable. There will be no talk on Tuesday 5th July.

From Nigel Hathway

LONDON VISITS is returning with a number of events during the summer, and then regularly once a month on Fridays thereafter.  There are still a few vacancies for the Lincoln’s Inn trip on the afternoon of Monday 18th July (price = £15). Details of the other 7 trips organized as part of the Summer are available.

If you are interested in going on any of these trips, please contact Nigel Hathway.

From Judy Dodds

Re: Bridge on Tuesday afternoon.  The class will be on zoom on the 28th June at 2pm.  There will be no further classes until September – so no classes on 5th and 12th July. 

From Moragh Ghee – a reminder

Correction.  “Sharing Stories” will resume on 30th June.

From Ken Baldry

European History on Wednesday on 29 June at 11:40 in Room 2.21. This week, France, Burgundy & Points East. The struggle of Burgundy to re-create Lotharingia. Russia grows up & Poland rises with 93 slides & contemporary music.

From Elisabeth Fantino

Spanish Conversation: this new class started on Friday 17th June.  It will be weekly at 10.00 on Fridays – now in Room 1.30.

From Elana Gal-Edd

RE: Walks on Thursdays

If you’d like to be added to our walkers’ WhatsApp group, please include your mobile number in your mail.  Thank you. 

From Caroline Chan

I would like to offer an additional Franklin Method session next term that will include a walk on Hampstead Heath, total time roughly 2 hours. Please let me know if you are interested.

From Peggy Wylie

A new Spanish Absolute Beginners class will begin next term on Thursdays at 14.00 in Room 1.30.

From Hazelanne Lewis

About 25 years ago, with great trepidation, I went to Kentwell Hall in Long Melford, to try my hand at ‘re-enacting skills’. I was placed in the Stillroom, where we made Tudor remedies, using herbs grown on the manor. My interest, knowledge and skills developed to where I was offered ‘gigs’ at other places such as Eltham Palace, The Royal College of Physicians, Newmarket Racing Museum, and others. To support my hobby I planted relevant herbs in my garden.

The local organiser for the national Garden Scheme asked me to open my garden for the charity as a Tudor herbalist’s garden.. Prior to Covid I did this – stipulating that the money (£5 entrance fee plus sale of tea and cakes) should go the Marie Curie Hospice. I am opening my garden again, from 1.30 – 5 pm on 3 July 2022. Do come and visit. However be warned here are many steps in my house and garden.

Hope to see you.
Hazelanne Lewis

From Andrea Alexander re: the Childs Hill Library

The library is entirely staffed by volunteers. I am looking for more volunteers to help in our beautiful garden and/or in the library itself and wondered if any U3A members who live locally might be interested. Contact our office for more details.

Preventing Isolation & Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness can be devastating for older people, affecting their confidence, and mental and physical health. A twenty-two-minute video has interviews with older people talking about their experiences of isolation and loneliness. Experts give their advice and top tips for older people to overcome isolation and loneliness. This film is a free resource for use in the community by older people and health and social care professionals.  Film launch: 2 pm, Tuesday 05 July 2022. Salvation Army, 70 Mare Street, London E8 4RT  Booking is not necessary. Just come along.

Community Advance Project  is a registered charity working across London to develop and engage communities, particularly vulnerable or marginalised people, and working to positively impact social issues.

Over the past few years, we have specialised in video productions on a range of mental wellbeing issues. Our other areas of work are Older People, Health, Refugee and Migrant Integration, Young People, Intergenerational Work, Organisational Support and Capacity Building, Training, and Research.

For further information and interviews please contact: Suj Ahmed, Director, Community Advance Project.  Charity No: 1121788

Email: community_advance@yahoo.co.uk  Web: www.caplondon.org.uk

To make you smile

From Maurice Silverman:
Text message:- ‘Hi, Elmer, this is Leo, next door. I’ve got a confession to make. I’ve been riddled with guilt for a few months and have been trying to get up the courage to tell you face-to-face. At least I’m telling you in this text, and I can’t live with myself a minute longer without your knowing about this. The truth is that, when you’re not around, I’ve been sharing your wife. In fact, probably much more than you – there’s no excuse. I hope you’ll accept my sincere apology and forgive me. Please suggest a fee for usage and I’ll pay you.
Regards, Leo.’

Elmer, feeling enraged & betrayed, grabbed his gun, went next door, and shot Leo dead. He returned home, shot his wife, then poured himself a stiff drink and sat down on the sofa. Elmer then looked at his phone and discovered a 2nd text message from Leo.

‘Hi, Elmer, Leo here again. Sorry about the typo on my last text. I assume you figured it out and noticed that the darned spell-check had changed “wi-fi” to “wife.” Technology, huh? It’ll be the death of me!’



Best Wishes from Gilli and Amalia