The Timetable
Please note that some coordinators have told us that they are not offering a class this term. The information may have been received too late to let you know last week, so please check the timetable carefully.
The timetable and description of classes is available for you to view, to see it click here.
Monday Talks
This week in ‘It’s Not All Blood and Guts: My Amazing Life as an A&E Nurse’ Gary Jones tells us his personal story from hospital cadet to leading the Royal College of Nursing’s Accident & Emergency Nursing Association. He has been one of the key developers of emergency nursing within the UK and he will talk about his experiences on the front line
Next week: Is the Early May Bank Holiday – yes already!
Other timetable news:
From Stanley Volk: On 29th April at 12 noon: A “Singing Workshop for all levels”. This will include 10 minutes’ fun warm-up exercises, singing in harmony etc, to be followed by a Sing-Along with the music of Danny Kaye. Come along to sing or just to listen. We are now interactive.
Memoir Writing Group B?: The Memoir Group on Fridays is full. Would anyone like to coordinate a new Memoir Writing Group? Please let the Office know.
For the Fans of Wally Howard
The links to Wally’s talks this week:
To lift your spirits
At the top is another glorious sunset from Steve Stephens. Below is a picture of flamingoes taken by Joan Edwards at the Kensington Roof Garden (which used to be Derry and Toms and may reopen soon) – also a Spring heron taken in Regent’s Park by Catherine Osborn.
Muriel Hirsch
Welcome back, Muriel!
Pour Petit Point Culture pour la semaine 10, is on our Update.
More Masterpieces from Maureen Betts and the Thursday Art class
Paintings from Jean and Shirley
To make you smile
Give a man a gun and he’ll rob a bank.
Give a man a bank and he’ll rob everyone.
Towards the end of a Sunday service, the minister asked, ‘How many of you have forgiven your enemies?’ All responded, except one small elderly lady so he repeated, ‘Mrs Neely; Are you willing to forgive your enemies?’
‘I don’t have any’ she replied, smiling sweetly.
‘Mrs Neely, that is very unusual. How old are you?’
‘Ninety-eight’ she replied. The congregation stood up and clapped their hands.
‘Oh, Mrs Neely, would you please come and tell us all how a person can live ninety eight years and not have an enemy in the world?’
‘The little lady tottered down the aisle, faced the congregation, and said “I outlived them all.”
For your interest – fom Sue Kwok
The current population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion. For most people, it is a large figure, that is all – however someone has condensed the 7.8 billion in the world into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics.
The resulting analysis is easier to comprehend. Out of 100 :
11 are in Europe
5 are in North America
9 are in South America
15 are in Africa
60 are in Asia
49 live in the countryside
51 live in cities
12 speak Chinese
5 speak Spanish
5 speak English
3 speak Arabic
3 speak Hindi
3 speak Bengali
3 speak Portuguese
2 speak Russian
2 speak Japanese
62 speak their own language.
77 have a house/permanent shelter.
23 have nowhere to live.
21 are over-nourished
63 can eat full meals.
15 are under-nourished
1 ate a bit but did not make it to the next meal.
The daily cost of living for 48 is less than 2 dollars.
87 have clean drinking water
13 either lack a constant source of water or only have access to a water source that is polluted.
75 have mobile phones.
25 do not.
30 have internet access.
70 do not have conditions to go on-line.
7 had a university education.
93 did not attend college.
83 can read.
17 are illiterate.
33 are Christians.
22 are Muslims.
14 are Hindus.
7 are Buddhists
<0.2 are Jews
12 have other religions.
12 have no religious beliefs.
26 live less than 14 years
66 die between 15 – 64 years of age
8 are over 65 years old.
If you have your own home, have gone to college, eat meals daily and drink clean water, have a mobile phone and surf the internet. You are in the privileged <7% category.
Among 100 persons in the world, only 8 live to or exceed the age of 64.
So…. if you are over 65, be grateful and cherish the life you have. Remember, 92 persons died before age 65.
Best Wishes from the Team
Naomi Gilli Herbie Amalia