Another very long Update. Please DO read all of it.
For the full timetable, click the link below:
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard. A final version of the Summer programme will be sent next week.
The Monday Talk September 23 at 10.30am
Loving Music with a Passion by Pippa Pawlik. Pippa introduces her life as a musician focusing on how important various family members, teachers and colleagues can be in the whole journey of a musical life and the influences that have made her love music with a passion. She gives examples of inspiring music and hopes her talk will inspire others to listen to many more. She will also explain how she intends to continue the musical adventure.
Start of our New Term
It was a mammoth task to get the new timetable right, which was why we always give our coordinators a preview of it to let us know of any errors. However, some were not spotted and we apologise for any ‘glitches’. Let’s hope it’s better this week.
Full Classes
Many classes filled up quickly this week on our ‘first come’ basis. However, members may have tried classes and decided not to continue with them when things settle down. If you were disappointed because your class was full, please make sure the coordinator puts your name on a waiting list, so that you can be informed when a vacancy occurs.
A Tribute
So much goes on behind the scenes and members are not aware of it, which enables our U3A to run as smoothly as it does. We would like to thank especially those who have ‘worked their socks off’ this new term, including particularly Gerta Regensburger and Gail Levy, Mushtak Macci and lots more, too many to name.
Photography as Art with Parnian Ferdossi ts closed for this term. Dalia Kay’s first Exercise class will be on 28 October. Ann Sharifi’s Reading group is now in room 1.30 fortnightly from 14.00 – 16.15 starting next week, and Agustina’s Spanish Beginners Plus has moved to room 1.26.
Exercise Qi Gong with Josephine Lee is cancelled.
Poetry: Form and Function with Constantine Baxter now in room 1.22
Chinese B with XiaoYan now at 10.30 on Zoom.
Poetry: Form and Function with Constantine Baxter 10.30 has moved to Wednesday (see above).
From Martin Andresier: Cryptic Crosswords Class
‘We are looking for a replacement/alternating/occasional person to co-ordinate the Cryptic Crossword group on Wednesday afternoons. No experience necessary. Help and support (and the answers) will be given.
From Wally Howard:
Film Classes week commencing Monday 23rd September 2024. Please note earlier start time on Thursday. All classes take place in Room 1.22.
Monday September 23rd at 2pm THE ROOSEVELTS An Intimate History. Episode 61 939-1944.
Wednesday 25th September at 2pm. MATEWAN Written and directed by John Sayles. Based on real events surrounding the brutal battle between miners, strikebreakers and a corrupt coal mining company in a small town. Starring Chris Cooper and James Earl Jones.
Thursday 26th September at 1.45 pm. Please note earlier start time. THE ANGRY SILENCE A 1960 social realist drama which draws on the industrial relations of the time. Starring Richard Attenborough, Pier Angeli and Michael Craig. Direcd by Guy een. Written by Bryan Forbes, Richard Gregson and Michael Craig.
From Rachel Tyndall
Details for next week’s walk. Wednesday Walk 25th September – Upminster to Rainham. This is a 5 mile walk from Upminster to Rainham via the Ingrebourne Valley. We will meet at Upminster at 2pm. The best train to catch is the 13.11 from Monument (earlier from points west, later from points east) that arrives at Upminster at 13.57. Trains are about every 5 minutes. Please let me know (email or text) by the evening of Tuesday 24th September if you intend to join me. Walks will be cancelled if the weather is bad.
From Ken Baldry European History
on Wed Sept 25th 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). Next week is Talk 149 Other countries to 1789 with 117 slides. This is the run-up to the French Revolution. The following week is Talk 150: Slavery with 110 slides. The full programme is on
From Yvonne Dove
Secular and Mythological Art: Room 1.33 at 11.40 on Thursday 26 September. This week we will be examining the life and career of Marie Antionette’s favourite artist, Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun. We will explore her works including Self-portrait in a Straw Hat, Marie Antionette and her children and Alexandrine-Emilie Brongniart.
From Ruth Sober
You will be delighted to learn that the Scrabble Group has been rejuvenated! Do join us on Mondays at 14.00 – 16.15 in Room 1.24 for this exciting and demanding game.
From Mike Newman
Politics and Current Affairs: Peace and Conflict at 2pm on Tuesday 24th in Room 1.22.
Planetarium Event
Full day of talks and activities 30 November. For further information
Good wishes from Gilli, Richard and Maureen