The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
We look forward to enjoying the talk by the former Professor of Oncology at UCL, Robin Weiss. He will be presenting, ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants: My scientific pedigree’.
Dear Members,
We’d like to make sure that you will be safe if we need to leave the building in an emergency. To do this we require your help to identify the needs of anyone who has a mobility, hearing, visual or other impairment and will need assistance to leave the building.
A short questionnaire will be given to you by one of your coordinators. Please fill it in THEN and hand it back to the coordinator. You only need to fill in one questionnaire.
Please circle or tick your answers. We will contact those who need help. All information given is held in strict confidence. If. for whatever reason, you are not given a questionnaire, please get one from the office and fill it out there. Thank you for cooperation.
From Gilli Vafidis
A Manchester-based firm of solicitors has offered to give a light-hearted talk on Estate Planning matters, such as Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney, Inheritance Tax and Trust Wills. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending, and I will try to arrange something.
Membership Renewals
The deadline is approaching! If we have not heard about your renewal before the end of this month, we will have to assume that you do not wish to continue to be a member of our U3A. We will be sorry to lose you.
A reminder: the fee for membership in 2023-4 is £45 (or £10 if you are on benefit). As mentioned before, if you can pay direct to our bank that is easy and helpful. Otherwise, you may pay in person by card in the Office or by cheque. Thank you.
From Gilli Vafidis
Simple etiquette should ensure that class members do not enter classrooms before the end of the previous class, thereby interrupting it. We have built 10 minutes into the timetable for this changeover to take place, which gives you plenty of time before your class is due to start.
We are sorry that application of the Fire Safety Regulations in The Town Hall has meant that we no longer have chairs or benches outside our classrooms, but please wait quietly outside until the previous class members begin packing up their things, before entering as discreetly as possible. Thank you.
Your contributions to the weekly update
Thank you for sending whatever you would like to appear in the Update to Alan each week However, some contributors are forgetting to do so, which could mean that their item will not be included. To compile the Update and meet our deadline for mailing, it is very helpful to receive copy no later than midday on Thursday please.
And a reminder that any timetable changes should also go to Gilli. She sends out a provisional version to coordinators on Wednesday and needs to have any amendments by return. Thank you.
From Wally Howard
Film classes for week commencing Monday 23rd October in Room 1.22. Continuing the Woody Allen celebration.
Monday 23rd October @2pm.
Mia Farrow, Jeff Daniels, Danny Ariella. Written and directed by W ody Allen: THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO . One of the best movies about movies ever made. The Purple Rose of Cairo slips through the looking glass of movie convention to create a magical intoxicating fable about love, life, illusion and hope.
Wednesday 25th October @2pm
Brimming with laughter, tears and subtle beauty. Winner of three Oscars and featuring a brilliant all-star cast including Woody Allen, Michael Cabeaut, Mia Farrow, Barbara Hershey, Dianne West and Max Von Sydow. HANNAH AND HER SISTERS. Written and Directed by Woody Allen
Thursday 26th October @2pm
Nominated for two Academy Awards and considered one of Woody Allen’s most accomplished films: MANHATTAN
A wry, touching and finely rendered portrait of modern relationships against the background of urban alienation. Starring Woody Allen, Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep. Written and Directed by Woody Allen.
From Martin Rayboulds
Wine group meeting Thursday November 2nd at 6.30pm in room 2.21 to taste 6 different liqueurs from orange/gin/whisky through to coffee and chocolate! Cost £10 pp.
From Ken Baldry
European History on Wednesday (11.40 -12.40 in room 2.21). Next week’s is Talk 116. Western Europe 1650-1668 – Mostly France, Spain, the Dutch, Portugal & a bit about England, with 95 slides. The following week is Talk 117. Russia & Poland from 1645, West from 1667 to 1674 & some more art by Vermeer with 95 slides & music. The full programme is on
From Keiran Proffer
The class on Dante’s Divine Comedy will start again on Friday 27th October at 10.30 in Room 2.26. We will be starting with Hell, using the D.L Sayers’ translation. Copies can be ordered from Daunt’s bookshop on Haverstock Hill.
From Lorna Kerr
There will be no TaiJi class in Room 2.21 at 2pm on Tuesday 24th October.
From Jane Green
The Shakespeare Study Group has moved on Tuesdays from room 1.30 to room 2.26. The time (10.30) has not changed.
Belly Dancing Room and Time Change
This class has changed its time and room. It will now be on Tuesday in Room 2.21 at 12.50 – 1.50.
From Ken Pullen
The recorder class has moved from Room 2.26 into Room 1.29 on Tuesdays at 10.00.
From Yonne Dove: Secular and mythological art
Thursday, Room 2.26 at 11.50. This week we are examining the lives and works of 2 female painters of the Italian Renaissance, Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana. This will include Anguissola’s Self-Portraits and The Chess Game and Fontana’s Portrait of Antionetta Gonzalez and Minerva dressing.
To make you smile
Phone answering machine message – ‘…If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key…’
I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day – but I couldn’t find any.
A man walked into the doctor’s, he said, ‘I’ve hurt my arm in several places’. The doctor said, ‘Well, don’t go there any more’.
What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.
You know, somebody actually complimented on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said, ‘Parking Fine.’ So that was nice.
Best wishes from the team.