The Timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall Room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talks
These are available in room 2.21 and on Zoom. This Monday, welcome to our own Micky Yudkin who will be exploring “A Psychological and Literary Exploration of the Refugee Experience”. She will be on Zoom and, as usual, available in Room 2.21.
Editing and sending out the Update
We welcome Alan Milward who has volunteered to help with editing the weekly Update. Therefore, in future, you should let Alan know of any notices about your class, or if you wish to contribute in any way to the Update. Please also remember to copy in any changes to Gilli and to Amalia.
From Wally Howard
We are continuing our journey through French Cinema with the work of the great Director Claude Berri. As usual, all films are in Room 1.22
Monday January 23rd at 2pm THE TWO OF US
A poignant and light-hearted debut film of the acclaimed director Claude Berri. Based on his own childhood as a Jewish boy living in Nazi-occupied Paris who is sent to live an elderly Catholic couple until the liberation. With Michel Simon and Alain Cohen
Wednesday January 25 th at 2 pm JEAN DE FLORETTE
From the acclaimed novel by Marcel Pagnol and winner of numerous awards.
A wholly captivating and emotionally powerful beautifully photographed epic of evil, greed and revenge. With Gerard Depardieu, Yves Montand and Daniel Auteuil
Thursday January 26th at 2pm MANON DES SOURCES
The equally extraordinary, highly successful and award winning sequel to Jean De Florette based on the classic novel by Marcel Pagnol. A visual feast containing masterful performances leading to a totally unexpected conclusion. With Yves Montand, Daniel Auteuil and Emmanuelle Beart.
From Gilli: The next Executive Committee Meeting
This will take place on Thursday 26th January – meeting in Room 2.21 from 10.30 – 12midday. Observers are welcome. The zoom link is: Meeting ID: 884 6191 7309 and the Passcode is: 755408
Agenda items include: Preparation for the AGM, U3A supported Charities, Roles of Committee Members, Fire Policy, U3A insurance, Lecture Programmes during the holidays, Adoption of Beacon. Store Cupboards.
Mats in Room 2.22
(the storeroom at he back of room 2.21).
We have been asked to sort out the mats in the storeroom. If you have an exercise mat in there, please may you label it with your name and place it on the (now cleared) front shelf to the left of the door. Unclaimed mats will then be marked For Members’ Use and be available for all to use. All mats have been moved to the right-hand side of the door until they are claimed.
Sad News
Members of his Gnosticism class and others who knew him will be sad to hear that George Wood has recently died.
Graziella Freedman’s Italian classes
We are very sorry to say that Graziella has had a nasty fall and will be in hospital for some time. We wish her all the very best.
Her Wednesday classes may be able to meet informally while she recovers. Members will be informed about what is happening by email.
Ukulele for You
The good news is that the Ukulele class can carry on while John Satchwell is unable to take his class. All the best and get well soon, John!
Dalia Kay’s Pilates Class on Mondays
Dalia won’t be able to give the class for the next couple of weeks. Her Pilates is therefore cancelled and will resume on 6th February.
Stephen Barry’s London Miscellany
From Thursday, 26th January, the class will be moving from Room 2.26 to Room 1.22.
Drama Group
From Thursday, 2nd February the group will be meeting each week in room 2.21 from 10.30 – 12.40.
Spanish Conversation – now weekly
This class which meets on Fridays in Room 1.22 at 10.00 was fortnightly but will now take place each week.
Art Appreciation B
This class will be moving to Room 1.22 (from 1.33) on Wednesdays at 11.40.
Cinema 2 and 4
On Wednesday and Thursday mornings Cinema 2 and Cinema 4 will not be taking place. We hope that they will return in the Summer term when the weather improves – which may encourage better attendance!
From Ken Baldry
European History Wed 11.40 – 12.40. This week: Talk 90: Loose ends from the early 16th Century: Portugal; The Spanish in South America; Ongoing religious wars (do we never learn?). Next week is Talk 91: The later Tudors: Edward VI & Mary I
The full programme is on
From Stephen Barry
The title of my illustrated talk for Thursday’s London Miscellany class (Room 1.22 at 11.40) is ‘The 1948 London Olympic Games, known as the Austerity Olympics’.
From Maureen Guirdham
The Write Your Life Story class welcomes members who would like to join our friendly group. By a simple click on a link we meet in the comfort of our own homes on Zoom at 11.00 on Tuesdays. Whether you want to write your memoirs for your children, your friends, the wider world or just yourself, this class will help you achieve your ambition. You will be able to read to the group what you have written during the week and there will be time for friendly discussion after the reading. Members of the group often say that listening to what other people have written encourages them and gives them ideas; you would probably find the same.
From Deborah Freeman
Something to read!
“Tell it Not” is a collection of 17 short stories, the first written in 1979, set in 1974, the most recent completed in 2021. Published by Red Heifer Press, in California. Of the 17 stories, 10 have been published in literary journals over the years including Stand Magazine, Writers` Forum, and The Jewish Quarterly.
Tell it Not is available, print on demand, from Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble etc. The link is:
From Valerie Wilson Trower
The members of the Design History group decided they would all be leopards for my class last Tuesday…they would be pleased if you could add this to the next Update.

Sadler’s Wells £12 tickets
are available for Familie Floz, acclaimed masters of mask- performance, who return to the London International Mime Festival for the first time since 2016 with their trademark, wordless mix of sharp observation, sentiment and humour.
Yet more from Maurice Silverman – to make you smile!

Best wishes from the team