The timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
We are delighted to welcome our own Mickey Yudkin, a teacher of Psychoanalytic Theory. Mickey will be introducing us to A Psychological and Literary Exploration of Love.
From Reception
I think a member of U3A dropped their keys in the side car park. If they are yours please contact Reception at the Town Hall. Kind regards, Marian
An Essential Reminder
If you want to place any contribution at all in the Update, you really must send it to Alan Milward. Alan cannot take over from Amalia if he does not receive the contributions. Until now, we have been forwarding items to each other but inevitably there have been some errors as a result. Please note the deadline for receipt of contributions is midday on Thursdays.
The Common Room
From Valerie Wilson Trower
Please do not attach anything to the newly painted Common Room walls. We are in the process of developing a picture wall which will be installed in a few weeks’ time.
The whiteboard and the pinboard are now installed, please use these. Blu-tak should not be used as it marks surfaces. Any messages can be written on the whiteboard using a whiteboard pen available from the Office.
Thank you, Valerie
Third Age Matters Magazine
Sue Kwok has now taken over the ordering of the magazine. If your household is receiving more copies than they have ordered, or not receiving the copies they have requested, please get in touch with Sue.
From Wally Howard
Next week’s film classes continue the short season of Russian films. All take place in Room 1.22.
Monday May 22nd at 2 pm
A Lukas Moodysson film
“Compelling,beautifully acted and superbly directed. A masterpiece”
Official selection London, Venice and Toronto festivals
Wednesday May 24th at 2pm
A film by Andrey Zvyagintsev (The Return. The Banishment)
“Elena is sensational…has the taut structure of a Dostoyevsky parable…images that will remain with you for days”
Thursday May 25th at 2pm
A Nikita Michalkov film
Joint Russian Italian Production
Winner Golden Palm Cannes
Marcello Mastroianni Silvana Mangano
(Dark Eyes)
From Ken Baldry
EUROPEAN HISTORY Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). Next week is Talk 103: The Thirty Years War 1618 – 1648. The run-up in France, Netherlands & Sweden, then, the worst war to affect Europe before the Second World War with 141 slides.
The following week is Talk 104: The last years of Elizabeth 1st of England, a look at Poor Law & the Lamentable Early Stuarts in England with 89 slides. The full programme is on
From Stephen McGhee
The rhythm of the fortnightly Classical Music Appreciation on Wednesdays has changed. I will be running sessions on 24 May, 7 and 21 June and finally 5 July.
From Barbara Alden
My two classes, Voice Matters and Qi Gong, won’t resume until Tuesday June 6th.
From Belsize Community Library
We need more Volunteers! Come and help us build a better library.
Curious to see what’s coming soon? Look on this website address:
To make you smile

Best wishes from the team