U3A in London Update – 22 March 2021

This information was published on: March 22, 2021

Weekly Online Timetable

The timetable and description of classes is available for you to view, to see it click here.

The Monday Talks

This Monday Talk at 10.30 is the final one before the Summer term Programme. This week, Morris Peckman will take us ‘Around the World in Memories and Music’. Morris co-ordinates ‘Presenting Poetry’ every fortnight in the U3A calendar on Tuesdays at 2pm. In this talk he promises anecdotes about famous people, poetry and music.

Other events this week:

From Jim Eardley: Exploring Ideas
23 March 11.40. This week: A City without Cars

From Richard Arthur: Aspects of Japan
24 March 3.30pm ‘Hokusai, painter of the Great Wave’

From Stanley Volk: Singing Workshop for all levels
Thursday 25 March 12 noon. This will include 10 minutes’ fun warm-up exercises, singing in harmony etc, to be followed by a Sing-Along with Music from ‘Kiss me Kate’ Come along to sing or just listen. We are now interactive.

From Naomi

Magic moments exist between coordinators and members of their classes.  There is little more satisfying and pleasurable for a coordinator than a member of the class saying or producing answers or making comments that show a greater depth of understanding.  A connection is made on a higher level.  Similarly, sometimes a coordinator can express something in a different way or throw out a new idea which is a revelation to the listeners.  When these moments occur, they transcend the moment and enhance the class.

I know that this happens in face-to-face situations, as well as in virtual classes.  Partly because I have had the opportunity to attend so many more classes from home, but also because I have had so much personal contact with members, I have become more aware of these happenings.  It is heart-warming to see and hear of the increasing camaraderie and the deepening bonds between coordinators and members, as well as between class members.

I feel very strongly that our U3A is not merely an organisation but an extension of our families.  All of you, by your interactions are greatly enforcing this.  The lockdown, which has prevented us from meeting, has had the effect of strengthening our resolve and connections.  When we finally return to the Town Hall, it will be a family reunion. Before then, we have at least another term to keep up our spirits and learn with enthusiasm.

Wishing you a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover this year.  Next year in Belsize Park.

Stay well

From Martin Green

Inspired by Gerta I have selected some Underground stations which members might like to puzzle over and name.  .

Some examples:

  1. 100 sheep
  2. Straw zero
  3. Greetings Lady Isabel
  4. Othello’s entrance
  5. Monarch’s dominance

From Amalia

Above is a glorious sunset from Margaret Hilton and belowafurther choice of uplifting pictures from Mary Dentschuk and Janice (what’s your surname, Janice?).I’ll include some each week –but do please keep ‘em coming!

For the Fans of Wally Howard

Links to Wally’s talks for next week below: Parts 4 & 5 of Stefan Kiszko in the miscarriages of justice series, Reflections on a Bintel Brief, and Part 34 in the Memories at 95 talks:

Stefan Kiszko – Part 4
Stefan Kiszko – Part 5
Reflections on a Bintel Brief
Memories/ reflections Part 34

The end of term – a reminder

We officially end this term on 26 March and the Easter programme arranged by Sue Kwok is below. Next term officially begins on 19 April but some coordinators will continue through the break.

U3A in London Easter Programme 2021

Soft Talk. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings we present a series of live conversations with 6 of our members. There is no doubt that we have a fabulous membership – the diversity and breadth of our classes is testament to the extensive knowledge and skills of coordinators. But in addition, we know that talent, experience and knowledge extends throughout our organisation. This is an opportunity to explore the lives, interests and background of some of our members in conversation.


Tues 30th March
11:00 – 12:00 Ian Herbert In conversation with Gilli Vafidis
14:00 – 15:00 Richard Cohen        A virtual walk: River of Palaces:
the Ongoing Story                                                                                         with Charlie Forman Chris Wilkins Molloy.  

Wed 31st March
11:00 – 12:00 Herbie Goldberg       Recording Sounds
From the Archives back in 1877, Thomas Edison was the first person tomake a machine that could record sound and play it back.  His phonograph was soon in mass production and thus began a huge archive of recordings – not only music but the voices of famous people that you might not have dreamed that you would ever hear.  Among these rarities you will hear Brahms playing the piano and Tchaikovsky speaking!

14:00 –15:30 Stanley & Valerie Clingman          We’ll give our regards to Broadway
Songs, Stories, Memories, Dreams. A Celebration of Broadway’s Golden Age c 1920—1970


Thurs  1st April
11:00 – 12:00 Gerta Regensberger            In conversation with Nimmi McMurray
14:00 – 15:00 Amalia Michaels      Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father ofthe USA,
Inventor, Scientist, Public Benefactor and Polymath.

Tues 6th April
11:00 – 12:00 Catherine Osborn    In conversation with Wally Morgan
14:00 – 15:00 Irene Kyffin               The Stories of the Willow Pattern Plate

Wed 7th April            
11:00 – 12:00 Tom Harris                 British Foreign Policy:Where Next?
14:00 – 15:00 Drama Group               “Present Laughter” by Noel Coward and
“A Separate Peace” by Tom Stoppard

Thurs 8th April
11:00 – 12:00 Mei Ling Harris         In conversation with Maggie Crawford
14:00 – 15:00 Catherine Osborn    Sweet and Sour – talking about Light Verse

Tues 13th April
11:00 – 12:00 Lilly Lewy                  In conversation with Gilli Vafidis
14:00 – 15:00 Judith Kasriel          Prokofiev–the man and his music.

Wed 14th April
11:00 – 12:00 Maureen Guirdham A Traveller’s Tale: Gertrude Bell in Mesopotamia.
14:00 – 15:00 Tony Dayan              P is for Poison in Passion, Power,Politics the Press and People

Poisons have long been used in classicaland current affairs of passion, politics and personal power, and widely in crime fiction and dramas. They have also affected entire populations via foods and the environment. Examples will be provided – but … without enough detail to turn you into a poisoner.

Thurs 15th April
11:00 – 12:00 Agnes Kaposi           In conversation with Nimmi McMurray
14:00 – 15:00 Linda Shannon        A new look at Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Duplicate Bridge – Message from Alan Unerman

I have been so touched by the multitude of messages I have received after Friday’s duplicate and my hospitalisation after it.  I am pleased to tell you that I am now out of hospital and am happy to be with you again.

Whilst I am content to act as the sole director, it has been suggested that I recruit an assistant to help and cover unforeseen events A knowledge of the laws of bridge would help although most decisions are self-evident. You do not have to play though it may be necessary to make up numbers.

Once more thank you all so much – it meant a lot to me.  I will not be switching on my camera this time so that you won’t have a view of my black and blue face.

Looking forward to our meeting.  Keep well.

From Shirley Lake – a reminder

I am still interested in receiving any used postage stamps, to be sold in aid of the Little Voice Charity supporting an orphanage in Ethiopia.

If you have been clearing out your house or have saved your Christmas envelopes, please put them to one side and bring them to U3A when we get back to normal working. If you have a large number, I would be quite prepared to come and collect them.

From Gaby Foti – re Sheila Rockett

For those of you who have been wondering and worrying about Sheila, Gaby and I have been doing some detective work and Gaby has achieved some good results!  She writes:

“It was really nice to have a chat with you this afternoon.  Sheila now is in Ipswich to be near her sister:

So at last we know that Sheila is near her sister. 

All the best.  Keep safe and well.

From Howard Shelter

Here’s a new fortnightly group – Music: The History of European Opera in 12 countries over 4 centuries – recorded talk and opera excerpts with links to Vimeo.  See the timetable for details.

Thank you, Herbie Goldberg

Many of you will not be aware that Herbie beavers away behind the scenes each week to bring you these Updates from his own website. We only become aware of these things when something goes wrong – and something did go wrong last Wednesday afternoon. There was a major glitch and I had a number of frantic phone calls from Herbie – I don’t think he got any sleep on Wednesday night! However, in the true spirit of our U3A, he was able to rescue our timetable and he is sure that the problem has now been resolved. Thank you, Herbie – and also thank you for arranging that many members of the committee are able to access the database from home.It is due to your expertise that our U3A has been able to function as well as it has during the lockdown.

More Masterpieces fom Maureen Betts’ talented Art Group

To make you smile

Back in the days of tanners and bobs
When most Mothers had patience and most Fathers had jobs
Back in the days of threepenny bits
When schools employed nurses to search for your nits

Back in the days of real ginger beers
When children remained so for more than six years
When cars were so rare you could play in the street
When Doctors made house calls and Police walked the beat

Back in the days of Milligan’s Goons
When butter was butter and songs all had tunes
It was dumplings for dinner and trifle with tea
And your annual break was a day by the sea

Back in the days of Dixon of Dock Green
Crackerjack pens and Lyons’ ice cream
Children could freely wear National Health glasses
And teachers all stood at the FRONT of their classes

Back in the days when I was a lad
I can’t help but smile for the fun that I had
When some Mothers had patience and most Fathers had jobs
Back in the days of tanners and bobs

From the London Region of U3As

We are continuing with our programme of fortnightly Zoom talks on Monday afternoons in April, but in view of the longer days, please note slightly later timing 17.30 -18.30 (log on from 17.00)

Kind regards,
Catherine Ware
Talks and Summer School Coordinator

From UK Tours Online

We’d like to invite your members along to a free talk on Easter Sunday, 4 April.

Our last free event booked out completely within 48 hours, so we’re making this one exclusive to U3A members until 24 March – if you think your members would be interested, please send them this link before then. (If you want to cut and paste the link it is https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/145072009285)

This is a 30 minute talk given by London Blue Badge Guide Don Brown looking at some of the inspiring, dramatic and poignant memorials to the dead of the First World War.  We will ‘visit’ the Cenotaph, the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, memorials to the Royal Artillery and the Machine Gun Corps, and more, hearing about the history of the monuments and the horrors of the Great War. You can find more information here.

UK Tours Online also do private talks via zoom for U3As across the country, and if you’d like to find out more about those, just drop us a line on uktoursonline@gmail.com.

Best Wishes from the Team