U3A in London Update – 22 January 2024

This information was published on: January 22, 2024

The timetables for the week

The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website. 

Monday Morning Talk

This week on Monday 22 January at 10.30 am in Room 2.21 and on zoom, Charles Robertson talks about ‘Quakerism then and now, or why it still exists’

AGM 11 March 2024

Nomination forms will soon be available for the election of the Executive Committee at the annual general meeting on the 11 March 2024.  Make sure you have your say.

Class Etiquette

Would members (and co-ordinators too!) not attempt to go into their class early if there is another class taking place.  It is quite rude to do so.  It should not be necessary and should not happen as we allow a generous 10-minute interval between classes.

Equally, would co-ordinators please ensure that classes finish on time. Thank you for your co-operation.

Executive Committee Meeting

There is an Executive Committee Meeting next Thursday 18 January from 10.00. Members are invited to come and observe.


Please note that most of the ‘click here’ zoom links in the timetable are being/have been updated so if you have difficulty getting into your favourite class, please check that you are using the latest version of the timetable.

Film Classes

Good News!  Wally Howard, true to his word, is celebrating his welcome return.  On Wednesday in room 1.22 at 14.00, he is presenting MARTY.  Wally, you are an example to all of us who are the young ones!

From Ken Baldry

European history – Wed Jan 17th 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). Next week’s is Talk 125. Queen Anne of Britain with 78 slides The following week is Talk 126. Peter the Great of Russia with 85 slides. The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Martin Raybould

will be discovering the Wines of Uruguay on Thursday 25 January from 18.30 in Room 2.21. Cost is £10 pp.

From Janet Baker

Poetry Please’ is a well-established friendly group that meets every Thursday morning at 10.15 on Zoom. Our knowledge of poetry varies from the widely read to those just discovering this branch of literature but what we have in common is a wish to find out what poetry can offer us.   Each week every member chooses a poem to share with the group, based on a theme or named poet, and an informal discussion follows. All opinions are respected and much can be learnt but most of all enjoyed.

If you think you might like to join us then contact me, Janet.

From Yvonne Dove

Thursday, Room 2.26 at 1.40:  Secular and Mythological Art: This week we are moving to Florence to look at the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci, the original Renaissance Man. We will examine secular paintings including Lady with an Ermine and the Mona Lisa plus anatomical drawings and scientific inventions.

More to brighten up these Wintry days:

From Annette Morant and Mary Rossiter.

The Workout.  The doctor told me that physical exercise is good for you. So I’ve worked out this easy daily programme that I can do anywhere:

Monday:  Beat around the bush; Jump to conclusions; Climb the walls; Wade through paperwork

Tuesday: Drag my heels; Push my luck; Make mountains out of mole hills; Hit the nail on the head

Wednesday: Bend over backwards; Jump on the bandwagon; Balance the books; Run round in circles

Thursday: Toot my own horn; Climb hte ladder of success; Pull out all the stops; Add fuel to the fire.

Friday: Open a can of worms; put my foot in my mouth; Start the ball rolling; Go over the edge.

Saturday: Pick up the pieces.

Whew! What a workout!

Best wishes from the team. 

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen