Weekly Online Timetable
As usual, we have sent you the timetable as a separate document so that you may access it more easily. You may also see it if you click here.
The Monday Talks
This week’s Monday Talk at 10.30. Linda Shannon talks about female roles in Shakespeare’s plays in ‘Squeaking Cleopatras: Boy players in Shakespeare’s plays’. Linda has coordinated the Shakespeare study group for our U3A for several years.
Next week 1st March: Ruth Sober talks about her ‘15 years as a Metropolitan Police Volunteer’
Other events this week:
New Class: Cook Indiahh! Amrita Narain 11am Friday mornings; see below.
Aspects of Japan: On February 24 at 3.00, the guest is Alex Jacoby with Japanese Cinema
Stephen Barry – London Miscellany has changed its time to 4.30 this Tuesday to accommodate the U3A History Walk.
(Please click on the link in the timetable).
From Naomi
We are all living in our own little worlds because of lockdown but technology has helped us overcome this to some extent. For us and many others, Zoom has become a lifeline. I’m proud to announce due to the combined efforts of Amalia and Gilli we have reached the fantastic target of 100 off-line classes per week. The latest being Indian cookery.
Another benefit of Zoom technology is that we’ve been able to have a much wider catchment area for membership. Our international family has grown this week with the arrival of Julia, who lives in Budapest and Luisa, whose home is Athens. They too must contend with the virus and lockdowns and their friends, who are members, have come up with this creative way of helping them enjoy what we have on offer. We’d all prefer that a virus never existed but this is an unexpected and pleasurable spinoff from it.
Stay well, Naomi
For the fans of Wally Howard
Wally’s talks for next week are as follows: A new topic in the miscarriages of justice series – The Execution of Private Slovik:just punishment or legal murder?
Watch “The Execution of Private Slovik Just Punishment or Legal Murder” on Vimeo:
Part 29 of his Memories at 95. Watch “Memories at 95 – Part 29” on Vimeo:
Reflections on J’Accuse: Watch “Reflections on J’Accuse” on Vimeo:
Good News: Indian Cookery is back!
Amrita Narain invites you on Fridays at 11.00 to Cook indiahh! A contemporary approach to Indian cooking, preparing nutritious, tasty and unfussy food to suit beginners as well as intermediate or experienced cooks. Whether you are cooking family meals or dinner parties, you will learn skills to impress, recreate your favourite Indian dishes, lose your fear of ‘foreign’ food and get the confidence to create delicious and authentic Indian food in your own home – guaranteed! Indian food is easy to cook and good for you – and easy on the pocket too! Suitable for vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters.
More about Duplicate Bridge
To clarify; Alan Unerman’s on-line duplicate game of Real Bridge hasn’t begun yet. He hopes he will be able to start the sessions on 5 March. You don’t have to be a member of Alan’s regular Monday duplicate group – anyone from U3A can join but you should know how to play duplicate Bridge..The sessions will take place on Friday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.00. If you would like to join the list of participants, email Alan to let him know that you are interested. There will be a registration fee of £5 for the nominal amount charged by Real Bridge (this amount will cover all the sessions until the Summer term ends in mid-July). If you wish to pay by bank transfer, Alan will send you his bank details.If you would rather pay by cheque, ask him to send you his postal address. Please make the cheque payable to Alan.
He will then send you the link each week. All you need to do is to click on the link.
From Shafeeq Siddiqui
Next Monday at 3pm. The subject for Stories Behind the Headlines’ next week will be. Water Nationalism on: River Water Diversions.
On Monday 15 March at 3pm Stories behind the Headlines will be ‘Elon Musk: Projects update’
From Wally Morgan
One of our friends here in France puts out a weekly newsletter with dry wit and quips “trésamusants”. He was persuaded to publish them in a beautifully illustrated book the proceeds of which go to UNICEF, Yemen after production costs. It would be nice if U3A members might feel moved to order it on Amazon or Google. Do feel free to use this joke.
I was sitting quietly reading, when my wife walked up behind me and whacked me on the head with a magazine. “What was that for?”“The piece of paper in your trouser pocket with the name Laura Lou written on it.” I hastily explained “When the races started again I got a tip and placed a bet on Laura Lou. I bought you flowers with the winnings.” “Oh sorry, darling – I should have asked.”
I was watching the impeachment proceedings when suddenly she clouted me again, this time with the frying pan knocking me out cold for two hours. When I awoke I said “What is it this time?” “Your horse phoned.”
Thanks to Dr. Andrew Evans, author, ‘LecaDiaries’
Best wishes,Wally
From Maureen Betts and the Thursday Art Class
From Stanley Volk
The meeting on 25th February at 12.00 will be a “Singing Workshop for all levels”. This will include 10 minutes fun warm-up exercises, singing in harmony etc, to be followed by a Sing-Along with Perry Como Come along to sing or just listen.
From Howard Shelter
Should you wish to listen to my latest composition of an orchestral suite of music in three movements, I have uploaded it to Youtube. It is fully orchestrated and is available by the following URL link: https://youtu.be/VGPoYJ7zbEs
My previous method of presenting “Visual Opera Experiences” has changed. All the opera film excerpts of each session can now be accessed on Vimeo and Youtube by URL link to replace the former multitude of emails. Now, each week opera film excerpts will be uploaded on Vimeo for watching by U3A members and an email will provide a link to that presentation.
Two poems from Dennis Evans
Parallel universes
My shed contains:
creosote, seeds, garden tools.
A mower for the grass
and gloves of different sizes.
It is an oasis,
a place where ideas are born.
An arch adorned with clematis,
dog roses, philadelphus and
a new place for poppies or the Acer.
My study contains:
sequences, collections,
ideas for work with other artists
and reference books of every kind.
It is a place of outlines and honing,
of drafting and dreaming.
An oasis,
a temple of ideas.
Parallel universes:
each sustaining the other.
Walking to work on a Winter’s morning
The Brent has iced over,
bent in its purpose of not moving.
The birds have stopped singing,
grass and leaves are frost-encrusted.
Pink-faced girls walk by, smiling.
And hunched office workers,
with hands deep in pockets
and steamy breath,
hurry from the bus stop.
To make you smile
I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday but couldn’t find any.
What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybe.
I tried to sue the airline for losing my luggage. I lost my case.
When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
She had a photographic memory but never developed it.
Is it ignorance or apathy that’s destroying the world today? I don’t know and don’t really care.
I used to be indecisive; now I’m not so sure.
Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed.
I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.
And ……
Question: A cheap lawyer, an expensive lawyer and the tooth fairy were walking along the road when they spot a ten-pound note on the ground. They all scramble to grab it. Which one succeeds in picking it up?
Answer: The expensive lawyer. The other two are figments of the imagination
Best Wishes from the Team
Naomi Gilli Herbie Amalia and Gerta