A photo of the Cryptic Crosswords Club from Martin Andresier
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE from the Executive Committee
If you will need a wheelchair or evacuation chair to exit the building in an emergency, please contact the U3A Office or email us IMMEDIATELY. Thank you
From Gail Levy – Office Co-ordinator
There is no heating in the Town Hall at the moment and WAC Arts have notified us that this is being addressed urgently, but they do not have a date as to when this will be restored. So dress warmly and we will keep you notified.
It could be that some people who joined in the early part of the year 2024 are under the impression that they have paid for 12 months and therefore do not need to renew yet. However, our year is an academic one which runs from September to August and membership fees cover that period or any part thereof. So anyone who paid £45 when they joined is now liable for the 2024/25 fee of £50. We regret any misunderstanding in regard to this.
From the Update team
Coordinators, please remember (and take a note) that important and urgent messages for the Update should be sent to Maureen with the subject line For The Update and not to the Office or to Gilli.
The Monday Talk
Paul Morland talks about ‘Demography: Understanding the past, present and future through the lens of population’.
The timetables
For the full timetable, click the link below:
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard.
From Martin Rayboulds: Wine tasting
On THURSDAY 24TH- WINES OF CORNWALL! (I know….) ! Room 2.21 6.30pm start – £10pp.
From Yvonne Dove: Secular and Mythological Art C
There will be no class on Thursday 24 October as we are going on a visit to the National Gallery.
From Mary Rossiter and Maureen Tilford: Medicine Today
Thursdays 10.30am. The class will now be in Room 1.22. Zoom link remains the same.
To make you smile
My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger. Billy Connolly.
Son: ‘Dad, can you tell me what a solar eclipse is?’ Dad: ‘No sun’.
Good wishes from Richard, Maureen… and Gilli and Amalia