Timetable for week 21 November
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
For the Monday Morning talk this week, we welcome John Allan, Architect and author, who will talk to us about Berthold Lubetkin and Highpoint, Highgate.
From Wally Howard
All films take place in Room 22 as usual. Please note: there are no morning classes on Wednesday and Thursday this week. On November 21st a double-bill of short films starts early, at 1.45pm.
Monday November 21st Frederick Wiseman’s LA DERNIÈRE LETTRE at 1 45pm.
This film is based on a chapter of Vasily Grossman’s novel Life and Fate. It is 1941; a Ukrainian ghetto has fallen to the Nazis and all its residents are to be murdered. In the midst of this impending horror, the town’s doctor dictates one final letter to her son, who is safely outside enemy lines. The letter, with its detailed observation of life in the ghetto, reveals the fear, courage and frailty of this woman’s compassion and dignity as she faces her death. 60 mins.
This short film is followed at 2 50pm by REGRET TO INFORM. Winner of Sundance Festival, Academy award nominee and winner of 7 major awards. Hailed by critics for its extraordinary power and beauty, a redemption-filled journey that will for ever change the way you think about war. Directed by Barbara Sonneborn. 75 mins
Wednesday November 23rd at 2pm THE BLUE KITE. From China; a film by Tian Zhuangzhuang. Banned in China where the Director was under close government scrutiny for making the film without permission, The Blue Kite is the most acclaimed and controversial film to come out of China. Told from the perspective of a young boy, it traces the fate of a Beijing family and their neighbours as they experience the political and social upheavals in 1950’s and 1960’s China. 138 mins.
Thursday November 24th at 2pm. SPRINGTIME IN A SMALL TIME. A film by Tian Zhuangzhuang. The first film made by the Director 10 years after the controversial ‘Blue Kite’. A romantic drama, the film with an outstanding cast is a haunting, sensual and long overdue return to filmmaking for one of China’s finest directors. 114 mins.
Executive Committee Meeting
The next meeting will be on Friday 25th November at 10.45. It will be available on Zoom. Agenda items include updating our policies, charity donations, Committee membership and looking forward to the Christmas Party and Annual General Meeting in the Spring.
End of Year Tea Party
The date is on Sunday 11 December at 3.00pm. For entertainment, we still need contributions from individuals or groups of actors, dancers, musicians etc. What could you contribute? Let the Office know.
The Annual General Meeting – correction.
For your diaries: the next AGM will be held on Monday 20 March at 10am in Room 2.21 in the Town Hall and on Zoom.
The Easter Conference – date still to be confirmed
U3A London visits. Spring Term 2023
There is a limited number of vacancies available for each of the trips. If you are interested in going on any of them, please contact Nigel Hathway. PLEASE ONLY APPLY FOR A MAXIMUM OF 2 VISITS
From Ken Baldry
Apologies for last week’s History class and my incoherence. Anyway, next week (if still alive), I will repeat the talk, hopefully in clear English and adjust the timetable on the internet.
From Malcolm Stern re: Monday Playreading – again
Stephen, who was going to take over the class, will not be able to do so after all. Is there any other member willing to fill the breach? Please let the Office know.
From Margaret Mitchell
I am sorry to say that I am having to suspend the Wednesday walks for now. There is usually a winter pause anyway, unfortunately it has come earlier than usual this year. I shall send an email to all the members on the list to inform them what will happen in the spring.
From Judy Dodds
I will return to room 1.24 in the Town Hall on 22nd November with Bridge Improvers, 11.40-13.10 and Bridge Players 14.00-16.10.
From Tony Mavropoullos
I am away for three weeks and members of my Bridge class on Wednesdays at 12.50 can meet just to play as there will be no supervision.
The Common Room – again
Please remember that it is your room and each of you (which includes everyone) is responsible for its smooth running. It goes without saying that if you spill something, please clean it up yourself; when the rubbish bins are filling up, please empty them; when the urn is low in water, please refill it; when there is a shortage of milk, tea, coffee or biscuits, it would be good if someone agreed to pop out to buy some replenishments (of course you will be re-imbursed – keep the receipt).
The much-loved Brandenburg Traditional Christmas Concerts are returning this year, and there is even better news! A very kind lady (who wishes to remain anonymous) who LOVES the u3a, and also LOVES Brandenburg, has very special memories of the Christmas Concerts pre-Lockdown. She has offered to cover the costs of a concert entirely, thereby creating tickets for u3a members that are entirely free – this includes, programmes, mince pie and mulled wine!
The concert will take place on Monday 19th December at 2.30. It will be at Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort Road, LONDON SW7 2BA.
Craft Workshop
We had a visit from a Mr Carl Hughes (phone 07941 060787) who runs a crafts workshop in a community centre near King’s Cross. They used to be full but have lost a lot of people since Covid and would like to get more participants. It is mainly woodwork and metalwork, also pottery. They are well equipped for those and other crafts. They don’t run courses but have experts on hand to demonstrate the techniques and give guidance. No previous experience necessary. It is free to attend (donations voluntary) and is open all week. Tuesdays are a drop-in day for new members between 10.00 and 4.00. or details, see the website camdentownshed.org
Good news – repeated!
The much-loved Brandenburg Traditional Christmas Concerts are returning this year, and there is even better news! A very kind lady (who wishes to remain anonymous) who LOVES the u3a, and also LOVES Brandenburg, has very special memories of the Christmas Concerts pre-Lockdown. She has offered to cover the costs of a concert entirely, thereby creating tickets for u3a members that are entirely free – this includes, programmes, mince pie and mulled wine! The concert will take place on Monday 19th December at 2.30. It will be at Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort Road, LONDON SW7 2BA.
Highgate International Chamber Music Festival – repeat
The 10th anniversary will be celebrated with 10 candle-lit concerts in 5 days at St Anne’s Highgate between 7th – 11th December 2022.
This unique festival brings together world-class artists for a week of chamber music collaborations that cannot be heard elsewhere. This year the 29 renowned performers will be travelling from as far afield as the USA, Austria, Germany, and Croatia. For full details and to book tickets, visit www.chambermusicfestival.co.uk
To make you smile
Subject: A B C D E F G H I J K
After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her.
He looked at her for a while…then said, “You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.”
She asks….. “What does that mean?”
He said, “Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot”.
She smiled happily and said. “Oh, that’s so lovely. What about I, J, K?”
He said, “I’m Just Kidding!”
The swelling in his eye is going down and the doctor is fairly optimistic about saving other parts (?) of his anatomy.
Best wishes from