U3A in London Update – 20 June 2022

This information was published on: June 20, 2022

Timetable for the week of 20 June

The revised version of the Town Hall Room Timetable is attached and the new version of the ‘Handbook’ is also attached.

Copies of all timetables and the list of Monday talks are available in the Office, or you can look at our website www.u3alondon.org.uk

The Monday speaker is Luke Akehurst whose subject is Israel: What you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

Tube and Rail Strike

We intend to keep our Office open but it is impossible to predict which members will be able to attend on Tuesday and Thursday.  Coordinators who cannot travel or decide not to come should inform their members should a class be cancelled.

From Wally Howard

The films being shown during the week commencing Monday 20 June are:

Monday 20th June – Zorro’s Bar Mitzvah – Ruth Beckermann’s masterful cinematic documentary follows four 12 year olds as they prepare for their bar or bat mitzvot. “It takes a critical and ironic look at Jewish tradition and its interpretations, questions the significance of initiation rituals, and attempts to explore the diffuse terrain of adolescence” (Ruth Beckermann).  

Wednesday 22nd June – Still Walking – is a quiet stirring film about a family who gather together to mark the 15th anniversary of the death of the eldest son and the tensions that arise when three generations are under the same roof.  As with many family gatherings, food is cooked and consumed amid a great deal of small talk whilst resentments and hurts rise to the surface. The film is a fine example of Hirokazu Koreeda’s understated style which shows lives as they are lived and not dreamed.

Thursday 23rd June – The Tracker – is Rolf de Heer’s 2002 film set in the racist past of the 1920’s Australian frontier.  This Australian anti-western places four individuals in each other’s company as they pursue an indigenous man accused of murder in this truly epic film.

A Dangerous Situation!

The stacks of chairs in Room 2.21 were an accident waiting to happen!  Last Tuesday one pile collapsed for no apparent reason and injured one of our members – fortunately not seriously.  Please make sure that when you place a chair on a pile it is a) the ‘right’ kind of chair for that pile and b) that the stack has not become dangerously high and unstable.

Remembering Barry Rae – a reminder

We would like to have a celebration of Barry’s time with us as part of the Summer Programme.  If you would like to like to make any kind of contribution to the occasion, written or live, please let us know.

Our 40th Anniversary – another reminder

We are very proud to be the only remaining U3A that was present from the very beginning.  The movement now is 40 years old – and so are we.  We are planning a celebration some time towards the end of the Summer Programme (details soon) and also intend to produce a souvenir booklet.  If you have any recollections of how you felt when you first joined us – or any other anecdote, poem or story we’d love to hear from you.

From Michael Goodman

Cercle Français – a correction.  There will be meetings on 21st and 28th June, run by Angela King.  They will be in Room 1.24 as usual but there will be no zoom on those dates. The next hybrid zoom version will be on 5th July. when Michael returns from France.

From Valerie Wilson Trower

If there is no rail strike on Tuesday 21st June, the Design History class will take place as usual.  If there is a strike, however, the class will not happen.

From Amalia

History of Astronomy. There was a ‘live’ session in room 1.33 on 14 June.  The talk will be repeated on Zoom on Tuesday 21st June at 14.00.  Details for joining are in the full timetable.

From Nigel Hathway

LONDON VISITS is returning with a number of events during the summer, and then regularly once a month on Fridays thereafter.  We kick off with a guided tour of Lincoln’s Inn on the afternoon of Monday 18th July (price = £15), and a tour of the Heath Robinson Museum, Pinner on the afternoon of Monday 15th August ( price = £10 ) when the museum will be opened only for us!

From Stanley Volk

Sorry, there will be no class this coming week as I will be on holiday. Next class on 29th June.

From Peter Nash

Re: Thursday Intermediate Bridge in Room 2.21.  Please note that I will not be there on 23rd June.  I have told the class that they may still organise themselves to play bridge but i do not know whether any will do so.  So the position is: “No lesson or supervised play”.  I will be back as usual the following week.

From Judy Dodds

Re: Bridge on Tuesday afternoon.  The classes will be on zoom on the 21st and 28th June at 2pm.  There will be no further classes until September – so no classes on 5th and 12th July. 

From Moragh Ghee

Correction. “Sharing Stories” will resume on 30th June.

From Ken Baldry

European History on Wednesday 22nd June at 11:40 in Room 2.21. This week: The Dreadful reign of Henry VI of England – the Wars of the Roses part one with 77 slides.

From Elisabeth Fantino

Spanish Conversation: this new class started on Friday 17th June.  It will be weekly at 10.00 on Fridays in Room 1.22.

From Elana Gal-Edd

RE: Walks on Thursdays

Our next walk will take place on Thursday, June 23rd, provided Tube, Overground and buses are operating. We’ll be walking from Kew Bridge to Teddington Lock, app. 6 miles, estimated 2-3 hours walking, departing from Kew Bridge Station at 10:30. Bring a light snack and water, we may go for a meal at the end.

If you’d like to be added to our walkers’ WhatsApp group, please include your mobile number in your mail.  Thank you. 

From Rose Andresier

I have started a Classical Guitar Class on Tuesdays at 12.50 in Room 2.26.  All you need is a Classical Guitar (with 3 clear nylon strings and 3 metal-wound ones), one thick book (to rest your left foot on) and lots of enthusiasm.  You might end up like Segovia but certainly not like Queen! I will teach you (if you don’t know already) how to read music, tune the guitar, play the instrument, and have fun. No Strummers please, this is classical!

From Stephen Barry

Starting in September in the Town Hall I will be giving fortnightly illustrated talks as part of my London Miscellany series. Among the topics to be covered will be the Tudor Evil May Day Riots, a look at Crystal Palace and Hanwell and the history of Oxford Street.

From Caroline Chan

I would like to offer an additional Franklin Method session next term that will include a walk on Hampstead Heath, total time roughly 2 hours. to let me know if you are interested.

From Peggy Wylie

A new Spanish Absolute Beginners class will begin next term on Thursdays at 14.00 in Room 1.30.

From Hazelanne Lewis

About 25 years ago, with great trepidation, I went to Kentwell Hall in Long Melford, to try my hand at ‘re-enacting skills’. I was placed in the Stillroom, where we made Tudor remedies, using herbs grown on the manor. My interest, knowledge and skills developed to where I was offered ‘gigs’ at other places such as Eltham Palace, The Royal College of Physicians, Newmarket Racing Museum, and others. To support my hobby I planted relevant herbs in my garden.

The local organiser for the national Garden Scheme asked me to open my garden for the charity as a Tudor herbalist’s garden.. Prior to Covid I did this – stipulating that the money (£5 entrance fee plus sale of tea and cakes) should go the Marie Curie Hospice. I am opening my garden again, from 1.30 – 5 pm on 3 July 2022. Do come and visit. The address is 37 Christchurch Hill NW3 1LA  However be warned here are many steps in my house and garden.

Hope to see you.

Hazelanne Lewis

To make you smile

(From Steve Stephens)


Best Wishes from Gilli and Amalia