U3A in London Update – 20 February 2023

This information was published on: February 20, 2023

The timetables for the week

Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.

Monday Morning Talks

These are available in Room 2.21 and on Zoom.
This week we are very pleased to tell you that Ingrid Sellman, a Deaf Awareness Trainer, will be talking about an issue that is of great importance to many of us: “Hearing Loss in the Modern World”.

From Gilli – a repeat

About Zoom: Zoom seems to have reduced its free cloud space for recordings so I have to delete the old ones to make room for the new. From now on, recordings will only be available for 7 days from the date it is recorded.

The Easter Conference 2020  A notice to those Members who paid for it three years ago . Please claim your refund by leaving a message for the treasurer in the U3A Office. We are not able to hold an Easter Conference this year – though we have not given up hope of running a 1 day workshop next year 2024.

Walking Groups

A second group.  We are pleased to tell you that a new member, Rachel Tyndall has offered to lead a walk on Wednesdays.  Rachel says: This is an opportunity to walk the 78 mile Capital Ring this summer, starting on 8th March. It is divided into 15 sections and I plan to do one section each Wednesday.  The proposal is to meet at the start of each walk, always at a tube/DLR/rail station, at 1pm on a Wednesday and have time at the end for a cup of tea.  The first section is from Woolwich to Falconwood and walking 7.2 miles. If you are interested in joining please contact Rachel Tyndall.

You may have noticed that the two walks in the programme cover similar ground – but don’t let that put you off!


From Wally Howard

Week commencing Monday February 20th – 3 films from Henri-Georges Clouzot

Monday February 20th at 2 pm

A mysterious writer of poison pen letters plagues a French provincial town exposing the collective suspicion and rancour seething beneath the community’s calm surface Pierre Fresnay in LE CORBEAU

Wednesday February 22nd at 2 pm

A classic suspense film that sets the standard rarely reached by contemporary films. 

Simone Signoret Vera Clouzot Paul Meurisse in LES DIABOLIQUES

Thursday February 23rd at 2 pm

Yves Montand in a gripping thriller set in South America “You can touch the tension. You can feel the fire”


From Barbara Alden

Unfortunately I won’t be able to do the Qi Gong class on Tuesday 21 February. (I will still be able to do the Voice Matters class, but have to get to a meeting immediately afterwards).

From Ken Baldry: European History

Wednesdays 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21). Next week’s Talk 94 will be about the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (largely). The following week will be Talk 95, Elizabeth I of England & Philip II of Spain, up to the Armada (1588) with music by Tallis.  The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

Politics and Current Affairs B

New members are welcome to join our class on Wednesday mornings in Room 2.21 at 1030 for lively discussions on all sorts of topics.  Feel free to contact Jim Eardley for further formation.

From Irene Kyffin

Theatre History classes on Tuesdays are ‘Zoom only’ for the next few weeks.  I have informed members but they may check by emailing Irene.

Jim Taylor

who hosts an informal chat group is going away to Australia and there will be no class on zoom until after 17th March.

From Franca Cerudi

I am leaving for Milan from the 18th till the 25th of February . I have in consequence to cancel my classes next week , as at home I have no WiFi. I will start again on Monday, the 27th of February.

From Elana Gal-Edd

The iPhone/iPad Class on Tuesdays is finished for this term and a new course starts in the Summer.  This class is full and there is already a waiting list.

Another reminder from Alan Milward

Thank you for sending copies of entries to the Update to me each week. Please let both me and Amalia know if you would like to tell other members anything about your class, or to contribute in any way.  Email your contribution to both of us by mid-day on Thursday.

To make you smile!

Valentine’s Day – From David Becker

Commandments for Seniors:
Ten years ago, I met Vikki in Alan Unerman’s Monday afternoon duplicate bridge class and our first date was on Valentine’s Day 2013, so this year is our 10th anniversary. I bid one heart – and Vikki accepted. Some said it won’t last – “a bridge too far” –  but they are proved wrong. We still play bridge every Monday with David and on November 14 we came top. Of course, if you look at other dates, we may have come bottom. But that exactly reflects Life – Life has its ups and downs for everyone. The important thing is to enjoy the Ups and make the best of the Downs… and keep playing.

And from Susan van Noorden

We all know the value of exercise so here are some very helpful tips:
I didn’t make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.
I decided to stop calling the bathroom “John” and renamed it the
“Jim”. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would’ve put them on my knees.

Best wishes from the team

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen
And Richard.