The Timetable
We have now reached the end of this academic year and most coordinators are taking a well-earned rest. However, some feel they would suffer from withdrawal symptoms and have decided to carry on through the Summer break. A reduced version of the continuing timetable is on our website It will be largely unaltered as the weeks go by, but can be updated if necessary, so keep your eyes open!
You can see the latest update on our website, to see it click here.
Summer Programme
This is also on the website in place of the description of the classes which are no longer taking place, to see it click here.
From Sue Kwok
We need a few more people to “host” some of our Summer programme talks. It’s very simple to do and you will be provided with the code needed to be entered into the computer. Contact Sue if you are willing to “have a go”.
Monday Morning Talk
Monday Morning Talks will return in the Autumn term with Tudor Allen talking about ‘Charles Dickens in Holborn, Hampstead and St Pancras’. The full programmewill soon be available on our website.
Helping in the Office – a repeat
We are continuing to be optimistic and are making plans to return to the Town Hall on 20 September– although we can only do so if all restrictions are removed by then. Gerta has contacted the stalwarts who always kept the Office running when things were “normal” and she was delighted to find that most of them will be pleased to return. However, there are some gaps for new recruits. If you are willing to spend one half day each week to join her happy band, please email Gerta and indicate which session might suit you best. There is no better way of getting to know how our U3A “ticks”.
From London History Walks
Crossing the Thames on Tuesday 20th July at 2.00 p.m.Come on this virtual tour to find out more about the many ways – from fords to ferries, bridges to tunnels – that we have got across this mighty watercourse.
More Masterpieces from Mureen Betts and the Thursday Art Class
From Shirley, Sheila and June
To make you smile
Don’t let them take your temperature on your forehead as you enter the supermarket because it erases your memory.I went there for macaroni and cheese and came home with two cases of lager.
It’s a five minute walk from my house to the pub and a 35 minute walk from the pub to my house. The difference is staggering!
They say every piece of chocolate eaten shortens your life by two minutes. I’ve done the maths. Seems I died in 1837.
I got myself a seniors’ satnav. Not only does it tell me how to get to my destination,it tells me why I wanted to go there.
From London Region of U3As
The flyer sent out previously about the new national Chess network had a link in it that didn’t work. In case you were struggling with that, there is a new link on their website.
Does anyone remember Rita Pitt?
She taught Italian for many years at our U3A and I have just heard that, sadly, she died yesterday. I found a picture of her with some of her students which may awaken some memories.
Best Wishes from the Team