Monday Morning Talk and the Full Timetable
The list of Monday morning talks can be seen on our website. At present, they are taking place with the speaker at home on Zoom. Members can tune in from their own homes as they have been doing for the last 18 months or come to Room 2.21 to participate in our new video conferencing facilities. If this room should become full it will be possible to use Rooms 1.29 and 1.22. (N.B. A few Zoom classes can be accessed by members in the Town Hall in the same way, where indicated in the timetable).
From Naomi
Tom Harris died peacefully on Tuesday, having earlier in the day given a talk to U3A on “The role of British Intelligence”.
Sir Thomas Harris joined our U3A just six years ago, but from the onset his impact was enormous. At our U3A, we are all on first name terms, most of us don’t even know surnames, and titles are of no consequence. The fact that Tom had been the British Ambassador to South Korea and had held other distinguished diplomatic posts was not well known amongst our membership. When a new member enters U3A, we judge as we find. Tom didn’t need to use his past record to impress us, his presence alone did that.
Tom was a charismatic figure, who gathered followers with accomplished ease. He had the wonderful gift of being able to mesmerise his audience. Like so many of us, he had to grapple with the technology occasionally but his breadth and depth of knowledge, as well as his passion, always won through.
We have been blessed by having Tom as a coordinator. Once heard, not to be missed. His class was always one of the highlights of the week to many of us. Before the lockdown and the decline in his health, Tom and his wife, Mei-ling. were very enthusiastic members of the Thursday walking group. Tom often helped lead the walks and enjoyed the camaraderie of this very successful group.
He was a man of many talents, great enthusiasm, but overarching all was his love of life. He got great pleasure from being a member of our U3A, but we got even greater pleasure from having him as part of our family. He will be sadly missed but not forgotten. We send our sincere condolences to Mei-ling and their three sons.
Best wishes,
From Amalia
The short summary timetable shows the classes which are taking place in the Town Hall. There is also a checklist of the Zoom classes. You can pick up copies in the Office and they are on the website.
The newest version of the Handbook incorporates the latest changes.
- Art Appreciation A with Shirley Levy is cancelled this week on Monday 18 October. (14.00 in Room 1.29)
- New class Tai Chi with Ian Orkin, started on Thursday 14 October at11.40 in Room 2.21
- Another New Exercise class will start on Friday 29 October at 10.30 in Room 2.21 (see below).
- Medical Humanities with Michael Baum starts again at 12.50 on this Tuesday,19 October, in Room 2.21 and will continue fortnightly.
- Greek: Modern Conversation on Wednesday at 12.50 will be conducted only on Zoom while Rita Wolfisz is away. She returns to Room 1.28 in the Town Hall on 3 November.
- Advanced Spanish (Zoom) with Lucia Bird on Wednesdays has moved from 10.00 to 14.30.
- Arabic Post Beginners with Sharon Theodore has moved from Room 1.28 to 1.26 on Tuesdays at 11.40.
- Salsalates (Zoom) with Judith Michaels on Wednesdays has moved from 16.45 to !7.00.
- Hypnotherapy has reverted to its old time of 12.50 on Thursdays (Room 1.33).
Wally Howard’s films
More Good News! After a welcome and successful return last Wednesday afternoon, Wally offers two films this week on Monday and on Wednesday at 14.00.
From a new member, David Glassman
David is offering a new class, Alexander Technique, on Friday at 10.30 in Room 2.21, starting on 29 October. David says, “The Alexander Technique is a gentle, progressive way of linking the mind and body to improve co-ordination and ease of movement in everyday activities. . For over 100 years, musicians, actors, sportsmen and others have benefitted from the technique – including George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, John Cleese and many others. We will cover the history, theory and practice of the technique; this course will explain and demonstrate how it can improve physical and mental health”.
From Muriel Hirsch
Un immense merci à Bruno, Gillian et Soraya qui se sont investies dans ce Premier Petit Point de Culture Partage et grâce à qui vous allez découvrir deux nouvelles recettes et une œuvre musicale qui risque de vous étonner, alors encore merci à lui et à elles de nous offrir ce petit cadeau. Ne soyez pas timide, venez nous rejoindre, cela vous donnera l’occasion de pratiquer votre expression orale et écrite en français et d’apporter un peu de bonheur (je l’espère) à d’autres.
From Judith Michaels
After further discussion, members of the class have decided to move the time of the Salsalates Zoom class to 17.00 on Wednesdays. This is fine with me and will give more time for those who have to get home from the Town Hall.
From Maxine Jason
As you probably know, I run a practical Art class on Monday mornings called “Collage and Mixed Media”. We would love members to donate old art magazines or any other magazine pictures to stimulate our artistic imaginations. Please label your contributions and leave them in the Office
From Shirley Lake
Perhaps I should make it clear that I am collecting franked envelopes as well as those with used stamps for the charity in Ethiopia. Please leave any offerings in the Office. Thank you.
From Susan Van Noorden
Have you got a Canon printer? I have two Canon 540 XL black ink cartridges which I cannot use and I would be delighted to give them to anyone whose printer will take them in return for a donation to U3A. Please email me
Thanks. Susan
From Ivan Rappaport
Written English – the next meeting will be in Room 2.26 on Tuesday 26 October at 11.40. I found this quotation: “Remember, it is your job to make your meaning clear to the reader. The reader should not have to struggle to make sense of what you have written.”
To make you smile
~ George Roberts… The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone.
~ Jean Kerr… The only reason they say ‘Women and children first’ is to test the strength of the lifeboats.
~ Prince Philip… When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.
~ Harrison Ford… Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.
~ Spike Milligan… The best cure for Sea Sickness is to sit under a tree.
~ Jean Rostand… Kill one man and you’re a murderer, kill a million and you’re a conqueror.
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger… Having more money doesn’t make you happier. I have 50 million dollars but I was just as happy when I had 48 million.
~ WH Auden.. We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea.
~ Johnny Carson… If life were fair, Elvis would still be alive today and all the impersonators would be dead.
~ Jonathan Winters… If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport.
~ Robert Benchley… I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it.
~ John Glenn… As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind – every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.
~ Howard Hughes… I’m not a paranoid, deranged millionaire. Actually, I’m a billionaire.
~ Old Italian proverb… After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.
Best Wishes from the Team