This is the last Update for the time being – but keep an eye on your Inbox. From time to time we may be getting in touch with all of you when we want to remind you of something special going on – or if we feel you should be aware of any other news.
Have a lovely break and enjoy the Summer activities on offer.
The Summer Programme is on our website
In addition to this programme, which starts on 7th August, quite a few of the Town Hall classes will be continuing throughout the break, as you will see if you scroll down. There are also some zoom classes listed (but not all!). Please get in touch with your Zoom coordinator if you are unsure whether the class will continue.
All the talks, like the Monday Talks (whether the speaker is physically present or not), are available on Zoom at home and also in Room 2.21 (for people who prefer to go to the Town Hall). There is also an ‘at a glance’ version of the programme on the website.
From Richard Arthur
I have been charged with handling relations with WacArts. I am having regular scheduled meetings with WacArts, with the next one scheduled for July 25. If you have an issue you would like raised with WacArts, please let me know.
I am making regular reports to the Executive Committee so that all our relations with WacArts are openly available for all to see.
Sad News: Dennis Frank
died on June 29, aged 105. He had been coming to the U3A even before it was in its present home, attending Steve’s art class and the Monday talks until he was 100. He joined Steve’s art class online during the lockdowns and his care home room had his framed small paintings beautifully displayed.
From Frances Holloway re: Frankie King
Frankie is currently in Albert Ward of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, but may of course be moved from that ward. I have been visiting Frankie every week. I am happy for you to circulate my name and phone number in your newsletter, so that anyone who knows her can contact me for updates or further information if they wish.
Membership renewal
The membership fee (including that of coordinators) for 2023-4 is £45 and £10 for those who receive any kind of income support or special allowance. You may pay in person by cheque, debit or credit card in the office (when it is open). You may also renew by payment direct to our bank. We have kept the fee as low as possible in view of the difficult financial situation.
If you wish to renew by post and would like a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed envelope for us to post it to you. Any new member who would like to join our U3A for 2023/4 may also come free for the rest of this term.
From Brenda Greenberg
Art in the Park. Come and sketch with us in a relaxing atmosphere on Monday 7th August Golder’s Hill Park {Gardens near the Cafe}11.30am onwards. No need to book. Just come on the day, weather permitting.
From Susan Kwok
Afternoon Tea at the Summer Programme
This year’s Summer Programme will include two afternoon sessions at the Town Hall, on Wednesday 16th & Wednesday 23rd August, when we shall be offering Afternoon Tea. If you plan to attend either of these sessions. could you please email me in order to give us an idea of numbers for the catering. Also – if anyone would like to help by offering a plate of sandwiches or a home baked cake, please let me know.
From Maxine Jason
Some masks produced by the Monday Art Practical (collage) class:

You are probably aware that Richard Sisson is sending out the Update each week and our sincere thanks are due to him and to also to Alan Milward who has taken over as editor of the Update. Richard would be happy to train someone who could share the task and perhaps be available, for example, when he goes on holiday. You would need to be used to using a computer and to be available to actually come into the Office on a Friday morning.
Thank you also for sending your contributions for the Update to Alan each week.
Best wishes from the team. We’ll be in touch again in September if not before!