U3A in London Update – 16 October 2023

This information was published on: October 16, 2023

The timetables for the week

The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on the website. 

Monday Morning Talk

We look forward to enjoying the talk by the lawyer and poet, Stephen Gold.  He will be presenting, ‘How Pleasant to know Mr Lear: The Curious Story of the Limerick’.

From Gilli Vafidis: Monday Talks for this term

I have had to make some alterations to this term’s programme. An amended copy is available on the website.

Membership Renewals

The deadline is approaching! If we have not heard about your renewal before the end of this month, we will have to assume that you do not wish to continue to be a member of our U3A. We will be sorry to say goodbye to you.

The fee for membership in 2023-4 is £45 (or £10 if you are on benefit). As mentioned before, if you can pay direct to our bank that is easy and helpful. Otherwise, you may pay in person by card in the Office or by cheque. Thank you.

Security Passes

Too many members are forgetting their security passes and “borrowing” one from reception upstairs. This makes extra, unnecessary, work for them. On some occasions, people also forget to return them.
Please make sure you have your own pass with you.

Minutes Secretary

We seem to have found a minutes secretary – thank you – although this has yet to be confirmed. However, we still do need a Company Secretary, so come along, all you loyal members. If you think you can help, please contact our Chairman, Richard Arthur.

Sad News

We were so sorry to hear that Ron Tucker has died recently after a fall. He was for some time a member of the Executive committee and a loyal member for many years. Ron made a valuable contribution to the upkeep and maintenance of our non-technical equipment – he was a practical and experienced man and was always available to mend such things as broken whiteboards, lecterns, and anything else that needed attention.

Your contributions to the weekly update

Thank you for sending whatever you would like to appear in the Update to Alan each week However, some contributors are forgetting to do so, which could mean that their item will not be included. To compile the Update and meet our deadline for mailing, it is very helpful to receive copy no later than midday on Thursday please.

And a reminder that any timetable changes should also go to Gilli. She sends out a provisional version to coordinators on Wednesday and needs to have any amendments by return. Thank you.

Help wanted with social media. A Final Plea:

Stephen Barry, who handles our publicity, would like to hear from anyone who is familiar with the workings of social media, particularly the sites read by potential members. If you would like to help our U3A gain coverage on social media, please contact Stephen at stephenbarry@clara.co.uk


From Wally Howard

Film classes for week commencing Monday 16th October in Room 1.22.

Monday October 16th at 2pm
Woody Allen, Mia Farrow  ZELIG
Thematically intricate, technically complex and filled with astonishing special effects, Zelig is brilliant and pure magic.

Wednesday October 18th at 2pm
Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Claire Bloom, Alan Alda, Martin Landau, Angelica Huston CRIMES AND MISDEMEANOURS
Poignant and hilarious, this film is a deftly rendered tale about the complexities of human choices and the moral microcosms they represent

Thursday October 19th at 2 pm
Winner of 4 Oscars, this film is considered to be Woody Allen’s breakthrough movie which established him as a premier auteur filmmaker.  Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Carol Kane  ANNIE HALL

From Ken Baldry

European History on Wednesday (11.40 -12.40 in room 2.21). Next week’s is Talk 118. The Dutch Golden Age – Dutch artists: Hals & Ruysdael with 221 slides & contemporary music. The following week is Talk 119. Scandinavia and England – 1660 -1699 in Scandinavia, King Charles II in England & more Science with 81 slides. The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

Additional item from Ken Baldry

Tuesday 17th October 11:45 in room 2.21 “How to make effective slide shows.”  I am giving the second special demonstration on how to assemble and present a good quality PowerPoint presentation.  All are welcome.

From Stephen Barry

The next illustrated talk in my London Miscellany series, at 11.40am on Thursday October 19 in Room 1.22, will be on the Dutch-Jewish enclave in the Tenterground, Spitalfields.

Room and Time Changes

From Jane Green   The Shakespeare Study Group has moved on Tuesdays from room 1.30 to room 2.26.  The time (10.30) has not changed.

Belly Dancing Room and Time Change: This classhas changed its time and room. It will now be on Tuesday in Room 2.21 at 12.50 – 1.50.

From Ken Pullen: The recorder class has moved from Room 2.26 into Room 1.29 on Tuesdays at 10.00.

From James Gilmour and Marga Burgui-Artajo  Our classes will be swapping rooms from next week on 25th October.


From the U3A Office

We have a request from the Art Practical A course for any art and photography magazines to be handed into the office for use in the class.

From Keiran Proffer

The class on Dante’s Divine Comedy will start again on Friday 27th October at 10.30 in Room 2.26. We will be starting with Hell, using the D.L Sayers’ translation. Copies can be ordered from Daunt’s bookshop on Haverstock Hill.

From Janet Baker, Coordinator of Poetry Please

A couple of places have become available in the ‘Poetry Please’ group that meets via Zoom on Thursday mornings 10.15am-12noon. Whether you wish to take a look at poetry/poets for the first time or share your experience of the genre, you will receive a warm welcome.

From Yvonne Dove: Secular and mythological art

Thursday, Room 2.26 at 11.50. This week we are staying in Venice and the Veneto to examine the life and work of Titian’s successor, Paulo Veronese. This will include mythological paintings in the Doges Palace, the Allegory of Love, portraits such as La Bella Nani and history paintings such as Lucretia.

From Betty Hicks

Those studying Italian may like to know that for the price of a very good coffee, one can join 20 or so members of the younger generations who gather on Saturday mornings to try out their Italian, cafe-style at: Federica Federico’s Mileto Caffe,in the Pears Building (next to the The George pub)  Rosslyn Hill, NW3 2PP
The Pears Building is the new Royal Free glass building looking across trees and greenery to St Stephen’s former church building.

From Peggy Wylie

My class, Spanish Beginners Plus, will not be taking place until further notice.

Dutch Conversation

Apologies, the date of the next class is on 18th October.

Discounted Tickets

Last year in December, we established a system of free and discounted concert tickets for u3a members, funded by a very special lady who loves Brandenburg and u3a equally. She has generously agreed to continue the scheme.

As we have only been able to confirm this generous scheme at the last moment, the short notice won’t suit some u3a groups, We have concerts coming up that qualify: 17th October at Corpus Christi; 18th November at St Gabriels Pimlico and 24th November at St Margaret Patten.

There are passwords for the free and discounted tickets reserved especially for our u3a friends.

Best wishes from the team. 

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen