The Timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talks
These are available in room 2.21 and on Zoom. The talk this Monday will be a Zoom talk by Amalia Michaels – instead of the original speaker who was unable to come after all. Therefore, instead of hearing about Edward Lear you will be able to find out about some of the changes that have taken place in the last 100 years or so
More about Howard Fox – from David Bramson
Howard Fox, as we reported last week, sadly died recently. He was an early member of our U3A. and was our treasurer for many years, playing a very significant part in the success of our organisation. It is a great pity that so many of today’s members didn’t have the pleasure of getting to know him.
When I became a member of the Committee, Howard was a tower of strength, he was always available to give support and advice on any issue which arose. It was always a joy to discuss any topic with him because he was so bright, knowledgeable and amusing.
(An extra anecdote from Amalia: When he decided to retire and hand over to Anthony Sober, we couldn’t think of a suitable leaving present until Naomi (our then Chairman) had a brainwave! The only thing Howard ever ate in the cafeteria for his lunch were Mars Bars, washed down with Coca Cola. So Naomi found a “Mars Bar Tree” on line and we presented one to him together with a crate of coke. He was absolutely delighted! His unhealthy diet didn’t seem to do him any harm!
From Wally Howard
As usual, all films this week are in Room 1.22. We are continuing our journey through French Cinema with three films from Julien Duvivier.
On Monday January 16th at 2pm. PANIQUE with Michel Simon and Viviane Romance.
Based on a novel by Georges Simenon, Duvivier’s first film after returning to France from Hollywood, applies his poetic talents to pointing out the dangers of the mob mentality, as well as delivering a pointed allegory for the behaviour of his countrymen during the war .
Wednesday January 18th at 2pm. POIL De CAROTTE
In a tremendously moving performance Robert Lynen plays the neglected young Francois mockingly called POIL de CAROTTE for his mop of red hair. Also starring the great Harry Baur.
Thursday January 19th at 2 pm. LA FIN DU JOUR. Starring Victor Francen, Michel Simon, Louis Jouvet and Madeleine Ozeray The lives of a group of retired actors forced by economic circumstances to spend their remaining years in a retirement home always discussing past glories and rivalries.
Editing and sending out the Update
We welcome Alan Milward who has volunteered to help with editing the weekly Update. Therefore, in future, if you would like to tell other members anything about your class, or to contribute in any way to the Update, please let Alan know and the information will be added to the Update. Please remember to copy in any changes to Gilli and to Amalia. The Update is being sent out to you on Fridays by Richard Sisson working closely with our database advisor, Anthony Guter – so our team is happily growing!
Ukulele for you
Unfortunately, no sooner did John make a welcome comeback than he’s had to take time off again for most of the rest of this term, courtesy of the NHS. However, the good news is that the Ukulele class can carry on in his absence in spite of really missing him. All the best and get well soon, John!
Spanish and Romance Philology
Anthony Gooch is unable to take his class this term on alternate Wednesday at 11.40 after all. It will possibly start again next term so watch this space!
From Ken Baldry
European History Wed 11.40 – 12.40. This week: Talk 89. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to 1540, who lasted a long time. The following week is Talk 90: Loose ends from the early 16th Century: Portugal; The Spanish in South America; Ongoing religious wars (do we never learn?).
Design History
From Valerie Wilson Trower. Our next visit will be to Leighton House on Thursday, 19th January at 2.00.
Some of you had problems with the Zoom link for Wednesday’s classes but managed to ‘get in’ by using the ID and password. Technology sometimes has a mind of its own! We became aware of what was wrong too late to put it right. Sorry
From Maurice Silverman – to make you smile!

Best wishes from