Blackberries – mind the thorns!
The Summer Programme
This will be updated every week. The Summer programme, is on our website www.u3alondon.org.uk.
The Timetable
Note: There is an important addition this week to the continuing timetable. Indian cookery is starting again on Friday, 20 August.
Please make a careful note of any other changes by updating your diary.
You can also see the latest version of this (but without links) – and also this week’s Update – on our website, click here to see this.
(On the subject of our website, the classes you see there refer to those online that we have been holding during the last 18 months. It is now out of date and will soon be replaced by a description of the classes we intend to hold from 20 September, together with a new hybrid timetable. Let us hope it will really happen).
From Naomi
I was in the Town Hall last Wednesday and was amazed by the number of members who had already sent in cheques to renew their membership. Anthony, too, was astonished at the number of payments made directly to our bank by Tuesday. Knowing that you only received the necessary instructions on the previous Sunday, the speed of your response shows how deeply you feel about belonging to our U3A. Thank you for caring so much. I hope others will soon follow this example. In anticipation, we have a team going into the office every day, starting today, to handle all the post as quickly as possible.
At our A.G.M. I spoke about ways of cutting back on unnecessary expenditure. The Third Age Matters, U3A’s magazine, has been paid for out of our funds and has been sent to all members over the past two or three years. It was always regarded as a trial period, and possible for members to opt out if they did not wish to receive it. We are now going to change this to opting in. The onus will be placed on all those who wish to continue receiving it to let us know this by email. Soon, all members will receive an email notifying them of this. This means the next delivery of TAM will be the last you receive unless we get a positive response from you. We are happy to pay for your copy of TAM, but only if you find it of value.
It was lovely being back in the Town Hall and meeting familiar faces again. Marian at reception and Joanna are so looking forward to our return and want you to know they are longing to welcome you, even if they can’t give you a hug. The 20th of September is coming and so are we.
Take care, Naomi
From Linda Shannon
Regarding my talk on 24 August about The Life of Edward Alleyn. If you have made a note in your diaries, I would just like to confirm that the time was changed some weeks ago and it will take place at 2.00pm.
Steve Stephens sent these masterpieces from the Wednesday Art group
(They too have been hard at work and here are some of the results)
From Ann, Hilary, Iona and Jelena
To make you smile
From Maurice Silverman
We went for breakfast to a restaurant where the “seniors’ special” was two eggs, bacon, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and toast for £2.99.
“Sounds good, “my wife said. “But I don’t want the eggs.”
“Then I’ll have to charge you £4.49 because you’re ordering a la carte,” the waitress warned her.
“You mean I’d have to pay for not having the eggs?” My wife asked incredulously. “In that case I’ll have the special,” she said.
“Do you want your eggs fried, poached or scrambled?”
“No. Uncooked and in the shell.” my wife replied. She took the two eggs home.
A clergyman asked three of his parishioners if they would want an open coffin at their funeral. They all said yes. He then asked them what they would like people to say about them when they viewed his body. Harry said: “I’d like them to say – he was a good man, and a good friend”. Simon said: “I’d like them to say – he was a great father, and a pillar of the community”. David said: “I’d like them to say – Hang on, he’s moving!”
Best Wishes from the Team