A photo taken on a Wednesday Walk. Rachel Tyndall, says, ‘In Ashted Common this cast iron post was erected by the City of London. The levy paid to them on coal helped to pay for reuilding St Paul’s Cathedral and other churches destroyed in 1666 by the Great Fire of London. Over 200 coal tax posts were erected. They have been restored by the Lower Mole Project.’
Monday talk Historical Medals: Tokens of Love, Loss and Disrespect
Tim Millett talks about the stories behind his collections of historical medals and works of art.
The timetables
For the full timetable, click the link below:
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard. A final version of the Summer programme will be sent next week.
From Robert Solomon: History of Maths
Mondays at 15 10 in Room 129. There are no classes on October 14th and 21st. They will restart on October 28th.
From Caroline Hough: Learn and Play Mah Jong
Mondays 11.15 in Rooms 1.33 and 1.30. On 14th October there will be no coordinator present but the class will continue for members wishing to play.
From Mary Rossite
Medicine Today has moved from room 1.33 to 1.22.
To make you smile
‘I’m at my best in a messy, middle-of-the road muddle.’ Harold Wilson.
Riches should come as the reward for hard work, preferably by one’s forebears. Steven Runciman
Good wishes from Richard, Maureen – and Amalia