U3A in London – Update 14 November 2022

This information was published on: November 14, 2022

Timetable for week 14 November

The full timetable, the room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.

For the Monday Morning talk this week, we welcome Louise Cooling, Curator of Collections & Interiors at Kenwood – our local English Heritage house. She will be talking about ‘Kenwood and the Iveagh Bequest’.

The Common Room

It is important to remember that it is your room and each of you (which includes everyone) is responsible for its smooth running. It goes without saying that if you spill something, please clean it up yourself; when the rubbish bins are filling up, please empty them; when the urn is low in water, please refill it; when there is a shortage of milk, tea, coffee or biscuits, it would be good if someone agreed to pop out to buy some replenishments (of course you will be re-imbursed – keep the receipt).

Some members have suggested that we should have an honesty box in the room so that if people wished to contribute, they could do so. We would prefer to leave it as a free facility for all members but we are willing to try out an experiment if it makes people feel more comfortable. There is NO obligation at all; let’s keep the Common room a pleasant place to enjoy and share – for all of us!

Membership Fees – a repeat

As a gesture to mark our 40-year Anniversary, our standard annual membership fee for the year 2022/3 is reduced to £40. For those on benefit it is £5 instead of £15 and coordinators fees are unchanged at £25. The last date for receipt of the fees is November 25 – Black Friday!

If you have not renewed by then, we will assume you do not wish to continue your membership. You can pay:

By cheque or credit card in the U3A Office at the Town Hall, open 10am – 4pm during weekdays
By sending a cheque by post, payable to U3A in London to: U3A Office, Old Town Hall, 213 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4QP. Please print your name and membership number on the back.
By direct payment into our bank account, giving as reference your membership number and name.

From Wally Howard

This week’s films are a tribute to the wonderful filmmaking of Vittorio De Sica who died on 13th November 1974 and are devoted to his memory.  All classes take place in Room 22. All film classes take place in Room 1.22 as usual.

Monday November 14th at 2 pm 


In his first collaboration with renowned screen writer Cesare Zavattini, De Sica examines the cataclysmic consequences of adult folly on an innocent child.The film is a vivid and humane portrait of a family’s disintegration

Wednesday November 16th at 11 30 am

SHOESHINE Academy Award Winner

Masterfully revealing post war Italy, the Director depicts the lives of two boys entrenched in a world of poverty and violence.

Wednesday November 16 th at 2pm

THE BICYCLE THIEVES  Winner of Numerous Awards.  Ranked as one of the best films ever made.  This landmark film defined the Italian neorealist cinema with its portrayal of post war Italy and working class struggle. Memorable and timeless

Thursday  November 17th at 1130 am

A BRIEF VACATION  De Sica’s final film. A story based on the premise “sickness is the vacation of the poor”. The film shows De Sica at his best .

Thursday November 17th at 2pm

UMBERTO D  One of the most important films ever made. Shot on location with a cast of non professional actors, De Sica’s neorealist masterpiece follows an elderly pensioner as he struggles to make ends meet during Italy’s post war economic boom. One of the great classics of world cinema.

An Honour for a Member

Congratulations to Evelyn Blumenthal, a U3A in London member.  She has been named ‘Volunteer of the Year for England’ in the ‘Help Force Champions Awards’. In a ceremony at the RAF Club last Friday it was announced that Evelyn had won and received the award. Evelyn says, “I am stunned and amazed. I never thought in a million years that I would be a winner”.  She attends classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Her friends are delighted!

Her volunteering has been at the Royal Free Hospital See these two webpages for details: https://helpforce.community/awards and – https://helpforce.community/connecting/news-stories/evelyns-exceptional-ability-to-communicate-with-dementia-patients


End of Year Tea Party

The date has now been fixed – it’s on Sunday 11 December at 3.00pm.  For entertainment, we need contributions from groups of actors, dancers, musicians etc.   What could you contribute?  Let the Office know.

The Annual General Meeting

For your diaries: the next AGM will be held on Monday 12 March 2023 at 10am in Room 2.21 in the Town Hall and on Zoom.

The Easter Conference – date still to be confirmed

Joining our U3A Committee – a repeat

If you are tempted to join our U3A Committee – please do not hesitate. Come forward, ask us what it’s all about and find out how best you can contribute.

How about starting a new class?

You don’t have to be an expert!  U3A encourages mutual learning, and gathering together to share problems and interests is how we learn. If you would like to coordinate a new class, please contact the Office.  If you wish to join an existing full class, contact the coordinator who will put your name on a waiting list. 

From Margaret Mitchell re: Wednesday fortnightly Walks

Please note: I can only deal with members who have an email address as I rely on this to communicate quickly with the members on my database, and I just do not have the time or the money to keep writing individual letters or contacting them by telephone.

From Malcolm Stern re: Monday Playreading

I’m sorry to have to tell you that Stephen, who was going to take over the class, will not be able to do so after all. Is there any other member willing to fill the breach? Please let the Office know.

From Tony Mavropoullos

I am away for three weeks and members of my Bridge class on Wednesdays at 12.50 can meet just to play as there will be no supervision………………….

Elizabethan Camden: An illustrated online talk

On Thursday 17th November 2022 at 6pm, Tudor Allen, Senior Archivist at Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre, explores the people, buildings and events in the Elizabethan Age in the area today known as Camden.  Admission Free. Book your place here:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/elizabethan-camden-tickets-461824478447

Good news!

The much-loved Brandenburg Traditional Christmas Concerts are returning this year, and there is even better news!  A very kind lady (who wishes to remain anonymous) who LOVES the u3a, and also LOVES Brandenburg, has very special memories of the Christmas Concerts pre-Lockdown.  She has offered to cover the costs of a concert entirely, thereby creating tickets for u3a members that are entirely free – this includes, programmes, mince pie and mulled wine!

The concert will take place on Monday 19th December at 2.30.   It will be at Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort Road, LONDON SW7 2BA. 

Highgate International Chamber Music Festival

celebrates its 10th anniversary with 10 candle-lit concerts in 5 days at St Anne’s Highgate between 7th – 11th December 2022.
This unique festival brings together world-class artists for a week of chamber music collaborations that cannot be heard elsewhere. This year the 29 renowned performers will be travelling from as far afield as the USA, Austria, Germany, and Croatia.

From Ken Baldry

European History.  Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21).  This week we have Talk 85: ‘Eastern Europe from 1457 to 1530-ish’ with 82 slides. This covers Poland/Lithuania, Moldavia (Moldova now), relations with the Turks, the Holy Roman Empire, an excursion with Cortez to Mexico, Balkan business, then Russia & the Persians ganging up on the Turks. The following week, Talk 86 is called ‘God Problems & about how the Reformation began’ with a little contemporary Reformed church music.

From Judy Dodds

I plan to return to the Town Hall on 22nd November with Bridge Improvers, 11.40-13.10 and Bridge players 14.00-16.10. The last bridge zoom sessions will be on Tuesday 15th November.

To make you smile

Two friends agreed to meet every ten years to play golf.  At age 32 they meet, play their round of golf, and think they’ll go for lunch. 
“Where do you want to go?”  “Hooters.”  “Why Hooters?”  “They have waitresses  with lovely figures and gorgeous legs.”
At age 42, they meet and play golf again.
“Where do you want to go for lunch?”  “Hooters.”  “Again? Why?”  “They have good beer, and a big screen TV.”  “OK.”
At age 52 they meet and play again. “So where you want to go for lunch?”  “Hooters. 
“Why?”  “The food is pretty good and there’s plenty of parking.”  “OK.”
At age 62 they meet again.  After a round of golf, one says, “Where do you want to go?”  “Hooters.”  “Why?”  “The food is good and isn’t too spicy.”  “Good choice”
At age 72 they meet again.  Once again, after a round of golf, one says, “Where shall we go for lunch?”  “Hooters.”  “Why?”  “They have handicapped parking spaces and they have senior discounts.” “Great choice.”
At age 82 they meet and play again. “Where should we go for lunch?”  “Hooters.”  “Why?”  “Because we’ve never been there before.”  “Okay, let’s give it a try.”

Best wishes from

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen