U3A in London Update – 13 November 2023

This information was published on: November 13, 2023

The timetables for the week

The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website. 

From Alan Milward re: Members’ contributions to the Update

It is one year since I volunteered to gradually take over the compilation of the Update from Amalia. As with any change, it has taken time to iron out a few wrinkles. I am grateful to those members who have helped to ease this process. Sometimes, I make mistakes, which I always acknowledge and for which I apologise. Sometimes, I receive information from a third party e.g., the Office or an outside agency. However, there is no need for members to send items for the Update via a third party as this can cause difficulties. Therefore, please send whatever you would like to appear in the Update directly to me each week. To compile the Update and meet our deadline for mailing, it is very helpful to receive your copy no later than midday on Thursday please.

Please note that any timetable changes should go to Gilli. I have no role with regards to timetabling. Gilli sends out a provisional version to coordinators on Wednesday and needs to have any amendments by return.  Thank you. Alan

Monday Talks

In Room 2.21 and Zoom.

We look forward to enjoying the talk by Matthew Pearson, who will be presenting: Unlocking the world of sound, exploring hearing loss & solutions.

Follow up to last week’s talk

The Art of Bloomsbury. The Monday morning talk was an excellent virtual tour of art, architecture, and landmarks by Richard Cohen. Many of you asked about the websites he mentioned in his talk. These are: http://thenandnowlondonwalks.com/ and https://www.openingdoors.lgbt/

IMPORTANT CORRECTION- Notice of the 2023-2024 AGM

The 2023-2024 AGM will be held on 11th March 2024 and not as previously, incorrectly advised.


It is regrettable that after our reminder two weeks ago, there are still some members who forget to bring their card and lanyard. There is no justification for members to cause WAC Arts extra, unnecessary work when providing temporary passes. The receptionist on duty does this to be helpful but there is no obligation to do so. Certainly, our Office staff would not be pleased to receive a telephone call asking them to collect a “culprit”. So please keep your lanyard with its attached card somewhere where you will see it as you leave home to come to U3A.



Please note that the car park at the side of the Town Hall will not be available for any parking next Monday, 13th November.

From Rob Heaton

U3A in London is looking for someone who might be able to advise on our VBA database. If you have experience in this area could you please contact Rob.

From the Office

The store cupboards in rooms 2.21 and 1.30 are being cleared of items not in use. There are over 50 exercise mats, so please indicate how many should be retained. There are also costumes, paperwork etc. Please mark these items as needed and for which class.
The posters in 1.30 need to be gone through and will be moved to room 2.21. The wool in 1.30 can stay there. Thank you for your assistance. Please contact Sue Kwok and she will meet people by appointment if necessary to clear the items.

From Barbara Stevens: KEATS LIBRARY

*BOOK SALE. Sat 18 Nov. 10-5pm. *Talk by Prof. Mark White on JFK. £10
Wed 22 Nov, 7.30pm. T. 020-7431 1266


New Coordinator needed for Spanish Absolute Beginners

If you would like to join our band of happy coordinators and are able to take a class for beginners in Spanish, please contact Peggy Wylie (peggy.wylie80@gmail.com) or Amalia Michaels (amaliamichaels@gmail.com)

From Wally Howard

Film classes for week commencing Monday 13th November in Room 1.22.

Monday November 13th at 2pm
A film From Hava Kohav Beller.  This documentary centres on a group of young people, Israelis and Palestinians. Will they embrace a rebirth and each other’s humanity?  A tough and sobering look of how things are rather than how we would like them to be.
IN THE LAND OF POMEGRANATES.  The pomegranate is the fruit of the land, a symbol of rejuvenation and rebirth. It is also the euphemism for a hand grenade.

Wednesday November 15th at 2 pm
A film from Morocco by Maryam Touzani.  THE BLUE CAFTAN.  “Overwhelmingly tender… a powerful vision of love and bravery”
Winner of Un Certain Regard award Cannes 2022

Thursday November 16th at 2 pm A film by Mia Hansen Love (One Fine Morning). FATHER OF MY CHILDREN.  This award winning drama is an absorbing and wonderfully acted portrait of a family in crisis “Deeply thoughtful and intelligent….a marvel” (The Guardian)

From Ken Baldry

European History on Wednesday (11.40 -12.40 in room 2.21) Next week’s is Talk 119. Scandinavia and England – 1660 -1699 in Scandinavia, King Charles II in England & more Science with 81 slides. 

The following week is Talk 120. Henry Purcell 1659 – 1695.  The greatest English composer and at that time, the greatest living composer.  With his music and 156 slides. The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Barbara Alden: Voice Matters

Tuesdays 5pm on Zoom – 14th November class cancelled. Will resume on 21st November.

From Stephen Barry

For the next illustrated talk in my London Miscellany series, at 11.40am on Thursday November 16 in Room 1.22, we travel south to the suburb of Balham. Learn about two notorious murders, a wartime disaster, and a unique museum.

From Stanley Volk

“Singing for Pleasure,” Wednesday in room 2.21 at 3pm, We welcome new members to our friendly singing group. We sing music from Musical Theatre, Classical, plus American and British songbooks. No previous experience necessary, come and enjoy the fun.

From John O’Sullivan and Ruth Freeman

Getting the Most from Your iPad/iPhone class.  Eight weeks into the term and we are running with a class of ten, with fifteen people on our waiting list. Anyone not already on our waiting list is very unlikely to get into the class either this term, or for the coming Spring term. For this reason we’ve decided to close the waiting list until next April, when you’ll be able to join the waiting list for the September 2024 Class. 

Note that if you wish to join next year’s waiting list you’ll need to possess either an Apple iPhone or iPad which you bring to our class to practice on. Unfortunately, we are NOT able to take people with android smart phones or tablets.

From Yvonne Dove

Secular and mythological art: Thursday, Room 2.26 at 11.50. This week we are moving to England, to examine how portraits of Queen Elizabeth I were used to celebrate her life and project different images  These will include Elizabeth as a PrincessElizabeth in Coronation robesElizabeth and the three Goddesses and The Armada Portrait.

From Dr. Valerie Wilson Trower

Design History: Class Full. As usual for Design History, we close the class numbers a few weeks after the start of term with the agreement of those taking the class and myself, given the size of the room in which the class is held. This means that if your name is already on the register you are welcome, but if not, there will probably be a couple of spaces after Christmas, in which case, please do contact me then. I do not keep a list of U3A members who would like to join the class. For existing class members, should you have any reason to drop out of the class, please do let me know, so that we can add somebody else in in the New Year. Thank you, Valerie

To make you smile

Some useful reminders, forwarded by Susan Van Noorden

Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.

“In Style” are the clothes that still fit.

You don’t need anger management. You need people to stop p…..g you off.

Your people skills are just fine. It’s your tolerance for idiots that needs work.

 Even duct tape can’t fix stupidity but it does muffle the sound.

Best wishes from the team. 

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen