Maxine Jason’s Collage and Mixed Media Class
The Monday Talk
You’re in for a treat! In the world of British Rock music Jim McCarty, drummer of the Yardbirds, is something of a legend. His talk ‘The Yardbirds: At the heart of the British music scene of the ‘60s’ looks at the golden era of 60s popular music, taking in the Beatles, The Stones and many more.
The timetables for the week
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard.
From WacArts:
We are really sorry for the lack of heating in the Town Hall and completely understand how frustrating this situation is. We have purchased more industrial heaters, and they should be arriving today (Wednesday). Please check to make sure the heaters are switched on early to warm the room and please switch them off at the end of the day. If there are still problems please tell the office or Richard Sattin.
An Italian Conversation coordinator Tuesdays 11.40. Our small, intermediate Tuesday morning Italian conversation group is looking for a new coordinator as Marvin is retiring. We are a very friendly group who enjoy chatting about our daily activities. We would love to hear from you (via the U3A office please).
GC SE Mathematics on Tuesdays
This class needs extra time and as room 1.30 is available on Tuesdays 10.30-12.40, the class is extended starting from next week, 14 January.
A CD player for Country Dancing on Tuesdays at 10.30. Does anyone have a CD player that they would be willing to donate to keep the Tuesday group dancing? Please contact Brenda Greenberg.
Mah Jong: Learn and Play – on Mondays
This will run in rooms 1.33 and also room 1.30 from 10.30 – 12.40 from next week
Tiki Martel’s Jewish History
Both her Tuesday classes, on Zoom and in the Town Hall are cancelled until further notice.
N.B. Error in Green handbook
Italian Reading and Conversation on Wednesdays at 10.30-11.30 is listed in the booklet in Room 26, which does not exist. It’s correctly listed on the website and weekly timetable.
to Evelyn Blumenthal who has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM)

A Royal Free Charity volunteer and a member of our U3A, Evelyn has been recognised in the King’s New Year Honours list after retiring from her role in a hospice. She has performed outstanding services to hospital volunteering, and also to caring for people with dementia since 2018, Evelyn has trained countless volunteers, equipping them with the skills to provide care and stimulation.
To make you smile
‘Take me or leave me; or, as is the usual way of things, both.’ Dorothy Parker
‘You must come again when you have less time.’ Walter Sickert to a departing guest
With our good wishes from
Richard, Gilli, Amalia and Maureen in India!