Timetable for week 10 October
Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
For the Monday Morning talk this week we are delighted to welcome back Richard Cohen who will be taking us on a virtual tour through the City of London.
From Wally Howard
All film classes take place in Room 1.22 as usual.
Monday October 10th at 2 pm
BOMBSHELL Based on a real scandal
Bombshell is a revealing look inside the most powerful and controversial media empire of all time and the explosive story of the women who brought down the infamous man who created it. With academy award winners Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron
Wednesday October 12th at 11.30 am
55 years after publishing ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, Lee published ‘Go Set A Watchman’. This film sifts through the facts and speculation surrounding the novels. It neatly balances the duty of biography with some lingering mysteries about Lee and her work
Wednesday October 12th at 2 pm
Winner of 3 Oscars including Best Actor, the Great American Classic.
Gregory Peck won an Oscar for his brilliant performance as the Southern Lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape in this film version of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel
Thursday October 13th at 11.30 am
A beautiful love story between Leonard Cohen and his muse Marianne Ihlen .Their love began on the idyllic Greek Island of Hydra and the film follows their relationship from the early days on Hydra in a time of “free love and open marriage and how their lives evolved,and the highs and lows is Leonard’s career.
Thursday October 13th at 2 pm
Gloomy Sunday, winner of major German film awards and an art house favourite that ran for 70 weeks in Boston “. A stirring and provocative affirmation of the power and resilience of love”
October Open Day
Please read carefully the email sent out to all members about the meeting on 12th October.
The Open Day is on Tuesday, 18th October and our regular classes on that day will not take place. Publicity leaflets for the event are available in the Office. Please pick up handfuls of them to distribute to friends and around your neighbourhoods. There will also be coverage in local media and on our website. Please think about helping us to make the day a success by publicizing it and encouraging prospective new members to come along. We will also need people to guide visitors around and inform them about our classes as detailed in the separate email.
Using the Common Room
We have bought an electric urn (and a large plastic bottle to keep it topped up with water) to make the preparation of hot drinks much easier and avoid the necessity of filling kettles. There is a sink with access to drinking water to the right along the corridor and up a few stairs. PLEASE NOTE that although the urn has a safety device to prevent overheating, it is very important that it is not left short of water and that the plug is switched off at the end of each day.
Sad News
We have just heard that Elaine Allouf has died. She will be remembered as a very active member of our U3A. Details of her funeral will follow.
And those of us who remember Sue Johnson would like to know that her funeral is at 12 noon on Friday at St Marylebone Crematorium, East End Rd London N2 0SE. Family flowers only; donations to Medicins san frontieres.
From 1pm people can meet at The Old White Lion, 121 Great North Rd, London N2 0NW, next to East Finchley Station. There are car parks at both venues. All are welcome.
U3A Diaries for 2023 – a reminder
We have decided not to order these in bulk from Head Office this year. Knowing how many to order was always a matter of guesswork and it was an extra burden for our Office volunteers who are particularly busy this year.
You can, of course, buy a diary yourself. They cost £3.50 each and can be obtained from the National U3A website (www.u3abrand.org.uk)
From Gillian Korgaonkar
The Elderly and the Law. On October 27 and fortnightly thereafter the class will go back to its usual dates (see handbook) and return to Room 1.30.
From Ken Baldry
Next week’s European History talk is “The Renaissance part 2” with art & contemporary music & the one after (Oct 19th) is “Leonardo da Vinci – The Universal Genius”.
The full annual programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html
From Adeline Kam
Apologies – there will be no hypnotherapy class on 13th October.
Drama Class
On Mondays. This will not be taking place for 2-3 weeks. For more information, please contact Anthony Guter.
London Visits
Nigel Hathway has let us know that all his visits in the current list are now fully booked. Information about new visits will follow shortly.
From Muriel Hirs
Livres, opéras, films et visites de musées. Gratuitement (for free), For an example, see below:
L’Unesco a eu la grande idée de donner accès gratuitement à la bibliothèque numérique mondiale sur Internet. Un beau cadeau à toute l’humanité ! Voici le lien : https://www.wdl.org/fr pour la France. Il rassemble des cartes, des textes, des photos, des enregistrements et des films de tous les temps et explique les joyaux et les reliques culturelles de toutes les bibliothèques de la planète, disponible en sept langues.
From Lida Alampounti
I undertake research at University College PhD London’s ‘Ear Institute’, funded by the NIHR UCLH BRC and UCL to investigate how vision helps us to listen better. I invite you to participate in my study of speech perception, which is a paid opportunity (£20 and more). This takes place at the UCL Ear Institute in London (UK) near King’s Cross station.
To participate, you need to meet these criteria: Be a native speaker of English; a moderate hearing loss and no conditions such as epilepsy, ADHD etc., no language-related difficulties and normal/corrected-to-normal vision.
If you are eligible, I would be delighted to hear from you!
Best wishes from