Pamela Bernbaum, the coordinator of the ‘Introduction to Calculus’ class, sent us this lovely photo of the group at work. Thank you, Pamela. We hope to feature more from other classes in the weeks ahead.
From Gail Levy, Office Co-ordinator
We are looking for volunteers in our office who would like to join our friendly team. We are most grateful for the very competent volunteers who joined our office recently but with the increase in membership numbers we are in need of more people. Basic requirements are computer skills, able to use and hear on the phone and use the credit card machine and a willing and helpful manner. Also essential – a sense of humour. If you would like to know more please come into the office.
Membership Renewal and Summer Programme
Many conscientious members have been enquiring about renewal for 2024-5. The details will be in next week’s Update. We are also in the process of planning a Summer Programme in August.
Monday Talk
10.30 in Room 2.21 or on Zoom: STOP PRESS!
We are sorry to tell you that the planned talk on ‘The Evolution of Modern Dentistry’ has been cancelled at the very last minute.
But fear not! The Monday talk this week will be given on Zoom by Amalia and we are very grateful to her for stepping into the breach at such short notice. The talk will be entitled ‘Women Against The Odds’ which she was due to give on 1st July.
Now, on 1st July, we are delighted to welcome back David Farbey who will be giving us his own view of D-Day. A very special, topical talk.
For those who requested more detail about last Monday’s talk on the Oxford University study about attitudes to deprescribing medications, our speaker Rebecca Garnett Nuffield Department of Primary Health CareOxford University) has kindly provided them Our research aims to identify which of the benefits/drawbacks to blood pressure medication people consider to be most important. The survey has two sections: one for the person taking blood pressure medications (‘care recipient’) and one for their chosen family member or friend. It is no problem if you can only complete one section – all responses are valued. Additionally, all questions are optional, the survey is anonymous and no background knowledge or personal medical information is required. Each section takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and can be completed online’
The timetables for the week
This update, The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Common Room and on the corridor noticeboard.
James Gilmour’s classes
are cancelled for one week only:
Tuesday 11th at 12.50 German Intermediate in Room 1.29
Wednesday 12th at 12.50 Italian beginners in Room 1.29
Thursday 13th at 10.30 Latin improvers in in Room 1.26
All these classes will resume the following week. We wish James a well-deserved and great holiday.
The Chat group for 90-year olds
(previously ‘Nonnies’) is now cancelled for the rest of this term amd will start again in September. So postpone your afternoon nap next term and come along, you fellow veterans, to join us and share ideas about places to visit, books to enjoy and lots more! “Have a Zoom on a Tuesday afternoon.
From Wally Howard: Film Classes
in Room 1.22 at 2pm
Monday 10th June
Ryan O’Neil and Tatum O’Neil star in Peter Bogdanovich’s bittersweet comedy
Wednesday 12th June
Jeff Bridges, Ellen Burstyn and Cybill Shepherd star in THE LAST PICTURE SHOW
Released in 1971 to critical acclaim the film garnered eight Academy award nominations. Directed by Peter Bogdanovich.
Thursday 13th June
From France, a film directed by Tran Anh Hung, THE TASTE OF THINGS Starring Juliette Binoche and Benoit Magimel
From Ken Baldry European History
Wednesday June 12th 11.40 – 12.40 in Room 2.21
The next talk is Talk 141, Energy, with 107 slides
The following week’s talk is Talk 142, The Pacific Ocean, with 115 slides
The first full draft of the entire series is now complete at 258 talks & 29,388 slides. The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html.
From Rachel Tyndall: Walks on Wednesdays
12th June – Manor Park Circular walk. ‘This is a 5 mile walk from the Exploring the Elizabeth Line book. It starts and finishes at Manor Park Station. It is a figure-of-eight walk which explores the fringes of Epping Forest, Wanstead Flats and Roding Valley. We will start from Manor Park Station which is on the Sheffield branch of the Elizabeth Line at 2pm. There are trains from central London arriving at 13.48, and 13.56.
Please let me know (email or text) by the evening of Tuesday 11th June if you intend to join me. Walks will be cancelled if the weather is bad: persistent rain or too much heat.
Temple Fortune Bowls Club, 122 Bridge Lane NW11 9JS, is offering a chance to try out bowls on Monday afternoons 2.30 to 4.30, initially from June 10th to 1st July. £5 charge. Coaching and equipment are provided. Car Park on site. Please wear flat shoes.
To make you smile

About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends. US President Herbert Hoover
One of the oddities of Wall Street is that it is the dealer and not the customer who is called broker. —Dallas News October 1929 (the same month as the infamous stock market crash!)
Good wishes from