U3A in London Update – 10 July 2023

This information was published on: July 10, 2023

Next week, the Update will contain the links to the Summer progranmme.  This will be the last regular Update for the time being – but keep an eye on your Inbox.  From time to time, we may be getting in touch with all of you when we want to remind you of something special going on – or if we feel you should be aware of any other news. 

Have a lovely break and enjoy the Summer activities on offer.

The timetables for the week

Copies of the full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.

Monday Morning Talk

We are delighted to welcome Hilary Fraser, Professor Emerita, Fellow of Birkbeck, University of London. The title of Hilary’s talk is, ‘The Critic as Artist.’

From Gilli Vafidis

Following last Monday’s talk on Child Literacy, the Bookmark Charity was interviewed on Breakfast TV and the excerpt can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/838348977 

Membership renewal

The membership fee (including that of coordinators) for 2023-4 is £45 and £10 for those who receive any kind of income support or special allowance. You may pay in person by cheque, debit or credit card in the office.  You may also renew by payment direct to our bank – the details are available from the Office

We have kept the fee as low as possible in view of the difficult financial situation. If you wish to renew by post and would like a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed envelope for us to post it to you. Any new member who would like to join our U3A for 2023/4 may also come free for the rest of this term.

Plans for the Summer Break

Most of our classes in the Town Hall will end on 14th July.  However, arrangements have been made for some of them to continue, as shown below.  The coordinator will be responsible for unlocking and locking their room as the Office will be closed during the Break. The Common Room will also be closed. 

The Summer Programme is attached and all the talks can be enjoyed in Room 2.21 or alternatively at home on Zoom (please note that TH means that the speaker will be present in Room 2.21).  Many regular Zoom classes will probably not take place.  Your coordinator will let you know if there is a plan for any of them to continue.

Visits and ongoing classes during the break

Nigel Hathway’s London visitsAugust 7th,16th and 23rd  U3A office
Paul Plant Politics on zoomMondays 12.00 -13.00Paul Plant
Recorder Group in 2.26Tuesdays 10.00 – 11.30Ken Pullen
Classical Guitar in 2.26Tuesdays at 12.50Rose Andreiser
Country Dancing in 2.21Tuesday July 25, Aug 15 and 29 at 12.30Brenda Greenberg
Social Bridge in 1.29Mondays and Fridays 12.30- 16.00Eric Mentzer
Friday Art Class in 1.29Friday July 28, August 11 and 25 10 -12Brenda Greenberg

From Brenda Greenberg

Art in the Park
Come and sketch with us in a relaxing atmosphere on Monday 7th August Golder’s Hill Park {Gardens near the Cafe}11.30am onwards. No need to book. Just come on the day, weather permitting.

From Susan Kwok

Afternoon Tea at the Summer Programme
This year’s Summer Programme will include two afternoon sessions at the Town Hall, on Wednesday 16th & Wednesday 23rd August, when we shall be offering Afternoon Tea. If you plan to attend either of these sessions could you please email me in order to give us an idea of numbers for the catering. Also if anyone would like to help by offering a plate of sandwiches or a home baked cake please let me know.

A Request

You are probably aware that Richard Sisson is sending out the Update each week and our sincere thanks are due to him and to also to Alan Milward who has taken over as editor of the Update.  Richard would be happy to train someone who could share the task and perhaps be available, for example, when he goes on holiday.  You would need to be used to using a computer and to be available to actually come into the Office on a Friday morning.  If you would like to help, please contact Richard.

Thank you also for sending your contributions for the Update to Alan each week. 

Term Dates 2023/2024

Autumn Term 18th September – 8th December 2023
Spring Term 8th January – 28th March 2024
Summer Term 29th April – 19th July 2024

From Stephen Barry: Hampstead Summer Festival

To promote our u3a we had a stall at last Sunday’s Hampstead Summer Festival which attracted hundreds of people. We had a busy time handing out flyers, talking to visitors about the classes on offer and the benefits of being a member. My thanks to all those who volunteered to help, whether in the preparatory work, spending time on the stall or delivering the display material and collecting it at the end of the day.


From Wally Howard

U3A Film Classes for week Commencing Monday 10th July 2023. All classes take place in Room 1.22. Three masterpieces celebrating the work of the great Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu.

Monday 10th July at 2 pm
A tender meditation on family politics, sacrifice and the status quo. The film poignantly examines the gradual compromise between modernity and tradition.

Wednesday 12th July at 2 pm
This film follows an aging couple on their journey from their rural village to visit their married children in bustling post war Tokyo.  From a simple story unfolds one of the greatest of all Japanese films. The film reprises one of the director’s favourite themes, that of generational conflict in a way that is quintessentially Japanese and yet universal in its appeal.

Thursday 13th July at 2pm
A seemingly simple story, this film is one of Ozu’s most complex works. A nuanced examination of life’s changes across three generations.

From Ken Baldry

EUROPEAN HISTORY Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21) Next week is Talk 110: The Civil War in England part One with 107 slides. The first talk (111) next term picks up the story: The English Civil War part 2. The Second War, the trial & execution of Charles I & the war in Ireland.  
The full programme is on http://www.art-science.com/history-talks.html

From Stephen Barry

This term’s final illustrated talk in my London Miscellany series will be on Waterloo Station, which this year celebrates its 175th birthday…. and it’s not all about trains! Room 2.26 Thursday July 13.

From Nigel Hathway London Visits

The details of the Visits planned for August-September are in the above list of on goimg classes.  As always, numbers are limited on each visit, so places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. If you are interested in going on any of the visits, please respond directly to Nigel

From Amalia

I attended the Zoom “Nonnies” group on Tuesday at 14.00 which is a chat group for those who have reached the age of 90-ish or more.  We had a lovely time talking about theatre, books we have read, technology and more.  Do come and join in!

From Barbara Stevens: THIRD AGE TRUST

Tel.020-8466 6139
Do you have memories of the 1950s & 1960s you’d like to share? A selection of stories & experiences will be published.

Zoom 20 July at 2pm to hear about rarely visited coral atolls in the Indian Ocean. Ring above to free sign up.

Radio podcasts of all the u3a series on YouTube.

Sign up to free monthly online newsletter featuring news and upcoming events from across National u3a.

JULY ZOOMS: All at 10am
Examples: Laughter Yoga 5th July; Virtual tour of Richborough Roman Fort 6th July; Taster session for solving cryptic crossword clues 12th July; Exploring World Faiths 17th July; Van Gogh, part 2 18th July; Meditation 20th July; History of US Military Aviation in East Anglia 25th July; Fun session of maths games 27th July.

From Pieta Ruck Keene

I’ve written a blog post focusing on prostate health. It includes two short videos – one gives a quick outline of prostate anatomy, the other is a five minute exercise video. Empower yourself with these quick exercises and take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthy prostate. https://www.circusbodies.com/single-post/prostate-power-boost-your-prostate-health-with-5-minutes-of-exercise

Best wishes from the team

Gilli Vafidis Monday talks and Zoom Queen
and Amalia